• Day 29

    Good Morning from Olomouc!

    July 21, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Well we're all up, if not quite button bright and wide awake in every case!

    Feedback on beds and pillows seems to be very positive (who would have thought that teenagers would be so particular with their sleeping requirements?!) and on the whole everyone seems to have had a good night's sleep, and certainly happy to have been able to sleep lying down!

    We checked to make sure that we saw everyone at breakfast, so if you don't see your little cherub on the accompanying shots please rest assured that they made it down. Breakfast itself was fantastic. Loads of choice whether hot or cold: yoghurts, cereals, bread, pastries, bacon, eggs, sausages, sweetcorn & brussel sprouts (I kid you not!), cheese, cold meats...there really was something for everyone.

    Rehearsals now until 11.00 (must post photos of the rehearsal space!) and we'll get going to Kromeriz hopefully around 11.45.
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