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  • Day 63

    18.11 Day 63 . . . Bon Voyage

    November 18, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Early starts are never easy and meeting Mr & Mrs H downstairs at reception at 4.15am was like torture.
    We trundled out to Roxvanne and the hire car and loaded up. Again Mr H came with me whilst Mary B went with Tre for the four minute drive to the airport. It took longer to de-mist the cars before leaving than it did to drive there.
    Both cars into the short term parking we went with Mr & Mrs H to ensure they were ok and all checked in - I actually just wanted to check Mr H was leaving the country 😂
    Within what seemed only minutes, they were into security, belts and bags everywhere whilst navigating the search process . . . and then they were gone 🙁
    Tre and I then undertook the car park tango, firstly getting one parking ticket paid, out to the Hire car, out of the short term car park, drive to the hire car compound, lock it up, drop the keys in the security box (when we eventually found it), back into the terminal building, pay for the next ticket, out to Roxvanne and then eventually leave the car park and start the drive home.
    We were then back on the N10 heading home, stopping only briefly to grab a coffee for the journey.
    As we drive the couple of hours the sun came up and we were treated to low lying mist across the fields and around the trees. It was a lovely drive we seemed to fly by.
    We had decided we had some jobs to do when we got home, but when we got home ours plans changed . . . Both hopped into bed for a couple of hours sleep 💤
    When we eventually were awoken by a phone call, we talked ourselves into getting up. Tre sorted some bits and I did some home and work admin . . . and bill paying!
    The afternoon drifted into the evening, with just a confirmation that our travelling friends had arrived back at home in the UK . . . and that was it - day finished.
    Telly and bed.
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