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  • Day 197

    01.04. Day 197 . . . Barely Out Of Bed

    April 1, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    We were so tired from our four days away that we felt we needed a rest. Tre didn’t wake til nearly 10am anyway and when she did apart from a few cups of tea in bed, some social media browsing some general catching up with news and another small nap - we did nothing. We finally hauled ourselves out of bed at 3pm . . . That is a new record for France!!
    Whilst in our bed we watched torrential downpours outside. One would stop then half hour later another would start - it was non-stop.
    Once up and about, I tapped up some penguin notes while Tre pottered about doing some little jobs around the place.
    As the afternoon turned into early evening the rain showers continued.
    We knocked up a very unhealthy dinner of kebab meat in a baguette with salad and sat watching TV whilst eating.
    At the point that’s film came on Tre had seen enough TV and retired to bed. I watched 10 minutes and decided to join her - probably the shortest amount of time I have spent between getting up and going to bed in many years.
    Anyhow we blamed it on the rain!!

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