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  • Day 206

    10.04 Day 206 . . . Packing Up Early

    April 10, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    So, I don’t want to make it sound like Tre sleeps for England - but yep she is sleeping for England. In all the time I’ve known her I’ve never known her get up later than 7am . . . But when in France 😂
    By mid to late morning we were actually downstairs having breakfast.
    The weather was still ok and so Tre took advantage of the patio while I decided to try and do some catch up work on Penguins. I’ve got notes for all the days I’ve not written up but I haven’t kept up with actually writing the notes up. Today was that day. So I stuck my head into the laptop and cracked on.
    Tre then got some domestic stuff sorted and also disappeared upstairs. She then shouted down to me that she was packed - ready for the house move. Tre had left just enough clothes out to re-circulate to see her through the next couple weeks. I think she is getting excited - I’m still sort of holding a lid on it, almost scared to believe it’s gonna happen.
    For late lunch/afternoon snacks we had some cheese and chorizo sausage and watched some really really rubbish TV.
    Some messaging with Craig and phone calls saw the late afternoon drift away.
    We decided to finish off the lamb from yesterday and so effectively had a second day of roast dinner.
    Both of us were stuffed after dinner and flopped on the sofa. I kept sight of the two items we had bid for on the Arc charity auction. One I really wanted which was a book on butterflies, insects and all manner of other little creepy crawly’s and fliers! We won both.
    Bit of a waste of a day, but we both feel we are treading water waiting for the house move . . . We also don’t want to get too involved in anything as we will be so busy once we get the house.
    Bed wasn’t long in coming, with an intent to crack on tomorrow and visit Arc to collect the charity winnings!
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