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- Mar 20, 2020, 7:06 PM
- ⛅ 18 °C
- Altitude: 36 m
BelgiumFlandersSteenokkerzeelMelsbroekBrussels Airport50°54’6” N 4°29’12” E
Sudden death.

As i write this, we are in the clouds.
Although I never thought this would be possible, nor that this ever could happen.
It's a fact.
Roadtrip2020 came to a sudden end.
We left Lieske.
And i am still crying.
Hope she will be safe, as we for sure will return.
Maybe we can find somebody who will take care of her.
But in the end.. she is, just a car. But a special one.
Today the message came to our ears that there would be a "rescue flight" from the Belgium government to Brussels.
So we decided to go for it.
Not because we wanted, but because of everybody we spoke, to grab this possible escape.
It feels a bit like going from a safe place to a more danger place. But, maybe, as this gets out of hand in the whole world, and specially in Africa. We might regret not have taken this last chance.
The main worry was the car on my passport.
In the hours of queuing we often changed our mind.
Leaving Lieske,
All will be fine,
It's part of the roadtrip...in the end,
we decided to let customs have the last say.
They asked how we entered the country, and we answered with the truth.
The customs officer went away, asked some advice, and returned.
No problem.
And stamped our passport and flight ticket.
Now, above France, we hope to return quickly to Tunisia and pick up what we left.
We hope it won't last too long, and I hope we find some one taking care of her.
Anyway. In this hour of world crisses, it might be better to be with our loved ones at home, than hiding away in a AirB&B in a strange city in a far away country....
How strange this is. This weakness to run for a virus.
Imagine it would be a real war. With real bullets and real horror...
Almost at Brussels Airport.
But not at home.
The last miles before The End.
Wisdom was never my strongest point.
I hope this will turn out right.
Things happen for a reason?
Thanks everybody for joining us.Read more
Traveler Echt heel jammer dat het voorlopig op deze manier eindigt, wel heel fijn dat jullie nu bijna veilig thuis zijn! Wel thuis!
Traveler Triest dat jullie reis zo moet verlopen. Dit was niet te voorzien. Blij dat jullie veilig opweg zijn naar huis. Hopelijk komt het met Lieske ook goed! Een goede thuisreis gewenst!
Dappere beslissing wat jullie allebei heel erg aan het hart gaat. Ik denk wel een goede beslissing maar dat weet je uiteraard pas achteraf. In ieder geval zal het thuisfront opgelucht zijn dat jullie weer live te zien en te spreken zijn. Voorlopig kunnen jullie veel tijd vullen met de verhalen van jullie ongelooflijke avontuur. Jullie hebben Lieske pas op het aller allerlaatste moment achter moeten laten. Dat doet zeer en daarom extra dapper van jullie. Ik hoop dat jullie Lieske uiteindelijk weer in goede conditie aan treffen zodra jullie er weer in mogen. Wij hebben genoten van jullie verhalen en avonturen. Welkom thuis in Nederland. Rust eerst maar eens lekker uit.