My Big OE

March - May 2017
A 53-day adventure by Belinda Read more
  • 89footprints
  • 10countries
  • 53days
  • 481photos
  • 0videos
  • 25.6kkilometers
  • 20.8kkilometers
  • Day 14

    Flamenco Night

    April 8, 2017 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    I went on a late afternoon walking tour (I was the only one on it!) and Tatiana, the guide, recommended I go to a Flamenco show at a place called Villa-Rosa that was only a few minutes walk from my room. The show didn't start until 10.30pm as all things are late here! I think that because the guide was with me, they gave me a prime table right on the edge of the stage.

    What a fantastic show it was. I didn't really know what to expect but it exceeded all what I thought it would be. The drama and passion of the performers was just the most incredible thing. They sang songs and played the guitar and although I didn't understand a word of It, you could feel the emotion they were investing. The tension in their bodies and faces as they danced, their clothes whirling around and their feet a blur of movement. No flash was allowed on cameras but I am so glad the one on my phone seems to cope well in low light. Choosing just a few photos to share here was a challenge.
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  • Day 14

    Hostal Bianco

    April 8, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    When I arrived at my hotel in Madrid it was nearly midnight and the taxi drove up this dark narrow alley that looked a bit dodgy! I found my way up the stairs to the reception of the hostal (the name for small cheap hotels). After resorting to using Google translate, as the night staff spoke no English, I checked into my room.

    It was pleasantly large and the bathroom was new and very clean. The shower turned out to be one of the best so far. I was a little disappointed that my window opened onto an internal courtyard but as I later found out, this was a really good thing. The alley that looked empty and dodgy on a Wednesday night became a hive of people, lights and small tapas bars on Thursdays to Sundays.

    I chose the hotel because it was cheap with good reviews and close to the Puerto del Sol, the Times Square of Madrid. The location was perfect for me, walk five minutes one way to the square and all the tourist attractions, walk the other way and I was in the middle of alleys and little local squares filled with restaurants, bars, and flamenco theatres. All for only 60€ a night ($90 NZD) and given I was only in it for a max of 7 hours to sleep it was just right.
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  • Day 15

    Madrid to Barcelona

    April 9, 2017 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    It was up early to catch an 8.30 fast train from Madrid to Barcelona with a travel time of only three hours. The walk to the train was only 20 minutes and the sun was just starting to rise as I walked. Many people were just heading home from enjoying tapas and the coffee shops were just starting to open.

    The train was very comfortable and smooth and as I watched the fastest speed I saw register was 298km/hr. The trip was soon over and I arrived in Barcelona. A short taxi to my hotel and I was in a nice modern and surprisingly roomy single room. I headed out to get my bearings and found I was only 5 minutes walk from one of the main tourist squares. I have been pleased with the location of all the hotels I have booked so far.
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  • Day 15

    Museum with Roman ruins below

    April 9, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    The walking tour guide recommended a visit to a nearby museum that has excavated Roman ruins down under the square we were standing in. It was also free entry from 6pm to 8pm so off I went. I went down the stairs to see a pretty special area of an excavated ancient fish processing plant. The remains of big round pottery urns were used to store fish. There were pillars from where the rooms stood and remnants of tile floors. Up above in an old church there was displays recreating the buildings below.Read more

  • Day 16

    Casa Balto Gaudi

    April 10, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    This Gaudi designed house has to be one of the most amazing things I have seen. Only six photos do not show its genius. Gaudi built the house to be very beautiful and unusual but also functional. There are ventilation shafts and air vents on all windows and doors to allow air flow. A beautiful glass lift is in the centre of the two ventilation shafts that are painted to look like the ocean rippling when you look through the glass panels. I know this because of the very sophisticated audiovisial guide you are given. The roof was amazing with all the Chimneys and ventilation covers turned into works of art. A lovely terrace allowed us to see the curved windows and balconies of the upper rooms.

    There are no straight lines inside to be seen, every door and window frame is curved, there are no corners in rooms just gentle arches and rounded corners. I spent over two hours with my mouth open as each new room revealed something I had never seen before or imagined in a room design. Mind blown!
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  • Day 17

    Montserrat Monastery

    April 11, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    On my last day in Barcelona I decided to escape the city and head for the hills. A short one hour in a small minibus saw our group of 15 English speaking tourists to the Montserrat Monastery. It was built in the 10th century after an image of the Virgin Mary was found in a cave in the hills. The Monastery and surrounding buildings are beautiful, nestled under the dramatic peaks of the "serrated mountain".

    The statue if the Virgin was placed in a stunning gold arch inside the church above the alter. People queue for hours to get a few seconds with her to touch and pray. The guide gave us the history of the Monastery and also some tips for what to do in the four hours we had there. There was many choices and some people stay overnight here at the hotel or camp in the small campground on the side of the mountain.

    I chose to take the funicular up to the top of the mountain ridge. From here you got stunning views of the Monastery below. Many walks and treks started from here but I chose to ride back down and walk to another lookout point called the cross. This was about 30minutes uphill in the heat of the day but the views were definitely worth the pain!.

    A twenty minute walk downhill saw me reach the church in time for a special small ceremony in which a boys choir sings two songs. It was very moving and the acoustics in the church very good.

    So far the day trips I've done have been worth every penny.
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  • Day 17

    Codorniu Cava Vineyard

    April 11, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    The afternoon of the day trip saw us ride a short 45 minutes by bus to one of the oldest Cava (Spanish Champagne) producing vineyards in the region. We were met by a very animated Spanish guide who was obviously passionate about the winery and it's products. She drove us around the lovely buildings on this little train while explaining what we were seeing.

    We then went inside the arches of what used to be the pressing rooms, where they had the original wine press and other machinery for us to see. We were then asked if we were claustrophobic before climbing down a narrow small staircase tunnel going down about 25 meters into the cellars below. The air was cool and musty and the stacks of bottles in this area were covered in dust. The maze of tunnels filled with wine stretch for 30kms! We hopped back on their little train and our guide whizzed us around through the tunnels for about 5 minutes until we reached a lift to the tasting room. After a long hot day with lots of walking and climbing I was grateful for both the lift and the two glasses of different cava that waited above for us.
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  • Day 18

    Gothic Walking Tour

    April 12, 2017 in France ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    The day I arrived in Barcelona I went on an afternoon walking tour of the Gothic region of the city. I have found these walking tours a great way to get orientated and you can ask the guides for tips for the rest of your visit. Alex our guide was an immigrant (as all my guides have been so far) from Ireland and was both amusing and interesting.

    There is much of the ancient Roman walls and building still left in this area but many of them have been added to over the centuries as wars and revolutions changed their purpose. Attitudes to different religious buildings changed as well with many destroyed.

    The guides take you to hidden places sometimes and one we went to was the secluded Cloisters of the Barcelona Cathedral. They were completed in the 14th century and in the middle is the "Fountain of the Geese', the fountain and pond that provide a home to 13 white geese. The sound of the loud cackling of the geese can be heard throughout and they warned of intruders and thieves. The number is symbolic of the story that Saint Eulàlia was 13 when she was martyred and she suffered 13 tortures.
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  • Day 18

    Gourmet Walking tour

    April 12, 2017 in France ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    As a change from walking tours of buildings and history, today I chose one that would take me to see and taste some wonderful food from the local area. I had my first Spanish born guide, and after fitting us with earpieces for the commentary, she took us on a gastronomical journey! A selection of the photos that tell their own story are below. We got a few tastes along the way and learned the history and customs associated with many of the local foods. Because it is Easter we saw the fancy trays of chocolate made into castles, cars and even Disney scenes that grandparents buy for their grandchildren.

    Another interesting place we went was to a market that had originally been a Monastery but it had been repurposed and had a modern colourful roof installed. The market had distinct areas that kept fish separate from meat and cheese. I saw my first vegetable display that I've seen since I left London! Other than the occasional salad on a menu, it is hard to buy green vegetables here in the cities.
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  • Day 18

    Paris and a room with a view!

    April 12, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    I arrived in Paris after a 90 minute flight from Barcelona. I decided to catch the train since it was a fine day and to save some money! I managed it ok catching a shuttle, then a train and signs were surprisingly self explanatory. My schoolgirl French is coming back to me!

    I had booked a lovely old hotel just by Notre Dame Cathedral but could only afford their cheapest single room (I am hardly in it anyway). I got to the hotel admiring the view by the river as I walked from the underground train and got offered an upgrade for two of the six nights I am here. It is one of their best rooms and the very friendly owner said I deserved it since it was my first time in Paris! (they had a cancellation).. it is a lovely big double room with a view of a park and the cathedral itself. Pinching myself!!
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