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    • Day 216

      Last Bus Trip In Brazil

      July 1, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We wake this morning and my heart is heavy at leaving this beautiful place. At breakfast we speak with 2 ladies who we met at punta de monta the other day. She explains that she and her wife have just bought a plot of land here and plan to build a house. She must see my colour change from brown to green, im so envious. We finish breakfast and exchange facebook accounts with her inviting us to stay should we visit the island again. Like ive said before im not a great lover of revisiting places but this place is still so untouched maybe its a possibility. We bid our farewells, and head to the room to pack before making our short walk to board the boat back to Camamu. With a tear in my eye we leave the island and arrive in Camamu just 30 minutes later. The reality of being half way through our adventure is dawning with a harsh reality today, and as much as i love and miss my family and friends i know i cant return to life the way it was. We arrive in Camamu and there is a bus here, but it is full so we wait an hour for the next one. This place is a little market town and the traffic moving through the small area is constant. Our bus arrives and no sooner have we boarded the bus we pull up around the corner and the driver has a 30 minute break. We reach Bon Despacho and from here have to get a ferry its very similar to the isle of wight ferry and takes about an hour. By the time we arrive in Salvador its dark and we get of the boat to the worst downpour yet. Maybe this is preparing us for England. Theres no other option but to get a taxi and we bundle ourselves in soaked to the skin. The traffic is bedlem and nearly an hour later we arrive at our hostel. Its literally a case of ordering pizza and getting into bed. The journey home has begun xRead more

    • Day 2

      Peninsula de Marau

      September 28, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Situada no sul da Bahia, a península de Marau reúne uma grande quantidade de paisagens de rara beleza. São imensos coqueirais, praias desertas, rios, lagoas, piscinas naturais de águas claras, mangues, mata atlântica e muita vida selvagem. A vila de Barra Grande é o ponto de partida para se conhecer este paraiso.Read more

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