Post-ATW, Traveling U.S.

heinäkuuta - elokuuta 2023
July 19 - August 15 4 weeks of visiting friends and family around the U.S. Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 6

    World Trade Center - Ground Zero, NYC

    24. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    Our day began with a double header tour of the 9/11 Memorial and the 9/11 Museum led by Expert Tour Guide Extraordinaire, Lee Winters. The memorial, a beautiful tribute and memory honoring the 2,983 people killed in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 at the WTC, in Shanksvillle, the Pentagon as well as those in the 1993 bombing of the WTC.

    Lee’s tour taught the 25 of us on today’s tour, new terms that we will never forget. His tours are designed to help those with “memory” of that day to continue to process feelings as well as to provide an accurate “history” in a way that provides the important facts and concepts for those that did not know of those infamous events (i.e., those too young to remember).

    When the WTC was first built to be the financial center of the World (1966-71), people commented on what they looked like ... a box a staples? One quote called it "the boxes that the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building came in." Over the next 30 years we grew to love an admire these beautiful structures that represented globalization and America, our prosperity as we soared to the sky.

    Today, we learned about the “Reflecting Absence”, the design and execution built into the memorial to evoke deep thought and emotion. We also learned about the incredible thoughtfulness of listing the names in “Meaningful Adjacencies” to ensure closeness of names that mattered most to those that perished (with so many interesting examples given). Next was the “Survivor Tree” and the “Memorial Glade”. We learned about those “Lingering Effects” that have killed more people post 9/11 than on 9/11 from the related diseases. We learned about the availability of the “World Trade Compensation Fund” and “World Trade Center Health Program”, of which many victims still are unaware. We learned the story of the “Survivors’ Stairs” displayed and its meaning, “Foundation Hall” and the slurry walls, “Memorial Hall” & “In Memoriam Photos & Bios”, the permanent and temporary “Exhibition Space”, “The Collection”, and the “Special Gallery”. Lastly, we learned about “Authenticity of the Place”, which is key to ensure that over time memories do not cloud the facts of this tragedy in our minds. THANK YOU LEE.
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  • Päivä 7

    Visiting with New Rabbi & "The Doctor"

    25. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    Karen, Lee and I met with Rabbi Kaplan Mandel to celebrate his ordination and to catchup after being away for 6 months. It was wonderful to meetup and discuss our lives and big changes.

    Then we went to the critically acclaimed show, The Doctor, at the Park Avenue Armory. This type of theater is what they mean when they describe it as "intense" and "riveting". Important story that generates a lot of post-show discussion, excellent acting and powerful music. Worth seeing.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 8


    26. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

    After a long day yesterday, we got up early and went to the taping of the show Live With Kellie & Mark (who knew she is now hosting with her husband … last time I watched this program, Regis was there … he did this for 28 years).

    Walking back to Herald Square, we visited some old friends including Lincoln Center, watched Jazz, the Soup Nxxi, the buildings where we used to work and watched the Times Square Summer Craziness until we went to 34th Street (a miracle happened here) to catch a train.

    Then we took the infamous LIRR train (many years of commuting on this train) to Bruce’s sister Sheryl and brother-in-law Bills house.

    We completed the evening with a visit to BEN’S, a great old time NY Deli and we had to have every delicacy including: corned beef, brisket, cabbage, chicken soup, chopped liver, pickles, coleslaw, rye bread with seeds, and DR BROWNS!
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  • Päivä 9

    SHIRLEY / Tisha B'av

    27. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 90 °F

    Today is "Tisha B'Av" which is the the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11 (and the letters add up to 911) ominous day. It is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and "a day which is destined for tragedy". It commemorates the destruction of the 1st (422 BCE) and 2nd (70CE) Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also memorializes “other tragedies” which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE, the expulsion of Jews from England in 1290 and from Spain in 1492, the beginning of the Holocaust with deportation from the Warsaw Ghetto to Treblinka and the day we lost my mother, Shirley Winters in 1983. What did all these sad events have in common? They taught us how to live on and make the world a better place, to remember, to care about people ... all people, and to have faith to persevere.

    We spent the day at the cemetery ... "visiting the family", with the most time spent at my mothers gravesite (no photos posted here). Yes, the bulk of the day was visiting with 19 people we love and think of often ...their memories are always for a blessing.

    Then we went to our mothers' favorite restaurant for celebrating birthdays ... Benihana. Why? They celebrate with sparklers and hats and yell "bonzai" as they cheer with your arms up in the air. One time that was memorable, my mothers "wig" went flying across the restaurant and barely missed the hibachi table. Although the restaurant and patrons were mortified by this happening to her ... our mother's wonderful attitude had her (and us) hysterically laughing ... and we still laugh when we recount that day and her wonderful attitude about everything in life! What a memory.
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  • Päivä 10

    Bagels & Old Area Tour (childhood)

    28. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

    We began the day with REAL Long Island NY bagels… and varieties we had never seen. Then as part of the Week of Mom, we did a tour of Wantagh/Seaford (where Bruce lived from 1980-1990) and the growing up years with Sheryl from 1967-1980 in Merrick, LI, NY.

    We stopped/passed by many of the places where we had memories of being with Shirley in those teenage years. Some of them included (see photos): Cammans Pond (the “other side” of Merrick) where we sometimes visited with mom in later years, Dairy Barn where she would never drive into because she was afraid she would knock it down with the car but we managed to get milk and ice cream weekly, Burger King where Bruce worked in HS when it first opened in 1973 ($1.38/hour as the Crew Leader) we often had BK for dinner at home, Jim Dandy when Bruce first began to work and needed a pressed look every day, Carvel Corner one of moms favorite is still there, BellCrest Deli for a good corned beef sandwich, Sheppys deli, The Dog House - oh that infamous day in 1967, East Bay Diner - so many memories, Anchor Down where Bruce delivered newspapers and got great tips on late Friday afternoons, Long John Silver and Roy Rogers Double R Bars on special days, Skalky Real Estate where mom worked and loved to help people find their first homes even though she often talked them out of houses more often than into them, Bagel Boss used to be Engs Kitchen- many memories, JFK High School and Merrick Jewish Center our religious home for some many years 1967- 1990. Great walk down memory lane (if you are confused by any/all of the above references, please ask, we have lots of stories).
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  • Päivä 10

    Central Synagogue & Game of 1000 Boxes

    28. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

    The evening began with Services at Central Synagogue, our Synagogue. If you have never been there, you should visit when you are in NYC. We arrived at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm Service. It is the Summer and hot and many people are away BUT there were still people waiting outside all the entrances on a line to get in and get a good seat. Where else do you see that?

    The Sanctuary is beautiful and uplifts the spirit just to be there …even before Services begin. We became roving reporters as we were dialed into the Central Neighborhood Members that chat on Friday night before and after Services. I showed them around the Sanctuary with my phone on LIVE zoom and even “interviewed” the Cantor, who got on my phone and wished everyone a Shabbat Shalom. Shabbat Services were inspiring as always with the Rabbi and Cantor supported by an 8 piece band and wonderful acoustics. We began with "Peace Will Come" and the Sermon and songs chosen were so fitting for this week as we heard so much about Israel and their future. The cantor also sang a tribute to Tony Bennett, who passed this week, with "Because Of You" first heard on Ed Sullivan Show in 1951. Beautiful evening and so meaningful.

    We then met Lee for dinner and went to a surprise show he arranged at "The Game of 1000 Boxes”. Our team of four had a great time and started of the first few rounds ahead of the pack being in First Place after many games but then were challenged by some of the “challenges” and finished in third place …. A great showing and an incredibly (surprisingly) fun night.
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  • Päivä 11

    Central, Broadway & Statues

    29. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    We began the day early with Saturday Morning Services at Central Synagogue. It was an intimate Service in-person, but the online Community zoomed in and made it feel like home (I’m usually zoomed in with them from somewhere in the World). It was such a special day for many reasons, one being, “we were in the room”, and then getting to come up to the Torah and recite with the others, the full Shema (our central Jewish prayer and declaration of faith) from its source, not the prayer book but read from the Torah scrolls). Then 6 of us had a private tour of the Sanctuary and a history lesson from Rabbi Salth (see photos of an empty Sanctuary, so rare). We followed that experience with time at the exhibition in the Pavilion. Current exhibit is “Solitude to Solidarity” of Ukrainians finding refuge in Poland (note: I’ve only included the summary here but I do have photos of all 18 pictures and their descriptions). It felt so comforting to be at Central, like being “home”. That says something from two people that have no home right now. See

    We had a relaxing afternoon with Lee, catching up on “stuff” and then enjoyed a fun dinner at an old favorite of all of ours, Ollies. Had a fun evening of Broadway theater at the Hudson, with “Alex Edelman”. On the stroll back to our hotel (our third one this week in NY) we visited with the “Top Cats” at the NYC Public Library (5th and 42nd). “Patience” (on the South) and “Fortitude” (on the North) have lived here since 1911. They are named for the qualities of NYers before and more specifically during the depression.
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  • Päivä 12

    Lee "Theater"

    30. heinäkuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    Today was a quiet day as we knew it was going to be a busy exciting evening. We took a long walk up 5th Avenue and then around the Times Square area where it is much different on a Sunday morning than during the past few evenings. The “sights” and “smells” are more tolerable.

    We then made our way down to 34th Street. Not only is that the sight of “The Miracle on 34th Street” but also the location for “Monarium, featuring the presentation of 52 moments of loneliness”, Lees One-Man Show. It was billed as: Theatre is a lonely art. Being in the audience is even lonelier. To sit facing the same direction in silence for a couple hours is not only isolating but impersonal. It's a missed opportunity... but it doesn't have to be."Monarium" is a collage of communal storytelling, listening room, multimedia presentation, therapy, and relational performance. Join a lone Lee Winters in this highly interactive and experimental evening as he explores what loneliness really is and how to fix it. Expect to laugh a lot, cry a bit, definitely NOT sit in the same direction, and maybe even make a friend.

    The reviews are in. Everyone (it was sold out) had an incredibly engaging, very emotional, educational, invigorating, and thought-provoking evening that began at 6:30pm and didn’t end until after 11pm (the last hour being celebration at a local drinking establishment). When you walked out, you understood that although we are alone in life, we are also so interconnected.
    The night ended with a midnight light show in Times Square!

    Midnight Moment is the world's largest, longest-running video art program, synchronized nightly from 11:57 pm to 12am on over 90 electronic billboards in Times Square.
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  • Päivä 14

    Serenity in Wellesley Mass.

    1. elokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

    We arrived in Wellesley, MA yesterday after having a relaxing morning catching up with Aunt Jane who lives in the The Village, where we had brunch. Jane has lived in Greenwich Village for 25+ years (not to be confused with the East Village, both are the area between 14th and Houston in NYC but roughly divided by Broadway). The Village has not changed much from the days when I grew up in NY except that it used to be inexpensive to live here and not “the most desirable area” and now its unreachable by most with 1bedroom apartments starting at $2M. In the 50’s, rents for a 1 bedroom were about $50/month and now they start at $4,000 /month. That’s painful to write. We sat at a coffee shop on busy 6th avenue and enjoyed the City and talking about our trips.

    Then we began the saga of renting a car in NYC (that took 2 hours) and then we (Karen) began driving to Wellesley (200 miles but over 5 hours). BUT we soon arrived at Serenity, Neal and Tina Moskow’s Lake (well, maybe it’s not “their” lake but they have a beautiful house we love to visit, on the lake). These photos are from the evening we arrived and the next day where we talked and laughed and enjoyed each other’s company as we hung out at the lake, went for a long walk, ate and drank a lot. Most people think of the Serenity prayer as the definition of serenity:

    “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”

    Knowing how to maintain this state of mind is the goal. Serenity, tranquility, quietness, calmness, harmony, and peace comes from the absence of stress or anxiety. This lake always takes us to a place of peacefulness and showers us with a blanket of serenity.

    Serenity & Peace are synonyms in Hebrew
    Most people know the Hebrew word for peace – שָׁלוֹם (shalom). The word for tranquility or serenity is: שַׁלְוָה (shavah). Two of the three letters in each of the two roots are identical: ש and ל. And the third letters are pretty close.
    May there be peace within your walls and tranquility within your palaces (Psalms 122:7).

    THEN, we went to dinner at Lockheart in Wellesley. Fun time and we competed in a very challenging 5 rounds of trivia against 12 other teams of "cut-throat" players. In the end, WE WON!!!! The prize was not quite enough to buy a home for us ..but maybe a snack.
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  • Päivä 15

    Visiting the Lake and Moskows

    2. elokuuta 2023, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    We had a beautifully relaxing day at the lake with Neal and Tina. We relaxed in the sun as I caught up on calls with friends. Later that day we went out on their pontoon boat on the lake where there was totally silence, no one around, even on the beach, just us and the ducks and geese. After finishing the all-important puzzle that Karen was working on, we had a great evening with Zach and Abby (2 of their 4 children). A great dinner and super sunset was followed by talking about our trip around the world. Who knew that Zach was a geography expert since his 7th grade geography competition? It tested our knowledge of all the places we traveled and things we saw and did.Lue lisää