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    • Giorno 21

      Staying with my 3rd cousins

      26 agosto 2017, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I had a super awesome time with my cousins in Canada! We parked the RV at the back of mums cousins house where there was an awesome lake with lots of fun things to do like a rope swing into the lake, diving board, jetty, zip line, inflatables to jump on , boats and a beach area with super soft sand. I spent hours playing with my third cousin Kyler building a sand city. It was great fun. I went swimming in the lake too....I even swam to the other side! We had a family gathering of all the Canadian cousins and a BBQ dinner. The next day we had to go visiting which was pretty boring but I did see pigs, horses and a calf being born! Then had lunch and saw a humming bird which I took a photo of... mum said it's an awesome photo. I got to go back to the lake to play and mum and dad visited more family. That night we fished in the lake and my casting was the best and I caught a big fish! Now we had to say goodbye and we are going to Niagara Falls but I wish I could stay at my cousins lake!Leggi altro

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