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  • Giorno 12

    Petra in more detail

    12 giugno 2023, Israele ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    As the taxi driver had mentioned to me last night on the way back from the hotel after visiting the others the unanimous decision was to take a taxi with the travel agent to little Petea and then take jeep ride to the other end of the Petea trail. This would mean we would cut down our trip time and walk far less and also it was going to be a lot easier.

    So this is what we ended up doing. We managed to haggle with the manager at the hotel as 2 others from Coster Rico were joining us as well . So off we went in two taxes to little Petra, It didn't have all the decorated buildings, but it was worth a visit while we were there. Then we got into a vehicle that had bench seats, and off we went to the drop-off point. On the way, we saw some Bedouin camps that were built on to the rocks surrounding the landscape.

    Then we were off and upwards we marched. It was supposed to be a 30-minute walk, but it was a 60-minute walk for our group of 8. Was very hard going at times, wandered where my bag boy was, and then realized he was sleeping in NZ.

    But some of the views were breathtaking, and the walk was nice even though we climbed so many steps up and down, walked on rock, took short cuts over a mountain, it was lovely. And I am glad to say that I am blessed to be able to do this. Saw a fociled stone.

    Once we got to the end of the Petra trail, it was supposed to be a monestry facade. It was well worth the hard walk. When we asked a guy who had walked from the start of the trail from the place where we had gone on our trail 5.45pm said it had taken him approximately 3 hours. Now the time was 12.10pm. We were going to have to walk the way this guy had come. Which meant we better start sooner rather than later, as we had to have lunch and get to the travel agents office by 4.15pm for us to get to the Aqaba border.

    People who know me know I like adventure but I am also a big chicken licken. So there was a board saying water fall, so I took off their, but no one else wanted to there from the group of 5 that were together at that moment. The 3 Germans were trying to rescue a hat that blown off. Anyhow I got about 500 meters up and down and there was a shop owner of a way side stall at the top and just me. I thought what happens if he tries to be funny, so turned tail and started to come back, but the 2 of the Germans were coming up, so I was brave again and we walked together. But the water fall was dry and we could only see the dry river bed.

    As we started walking, we were glad we had come from the back end, as the climb was a steep down hill of mainly rocky steps. With desert sand on the rock, some of them were quite slippery. It was hard work coming down I don't think I could have gone up. And this was not just me 7 others said the same thing. People can take donkeys to walk up abs down, but it's sad to see the state of these donkeys.

    There was a little bit of desert wind, so the sand was getting into your face and body. But as the photos will showcase it was well worth the walk.

    When we got to the point where we had walked to yesterday the wind was worse. So luckily we had done our photos yesterday. From there we walked back to the start point, and by then we were buggered. We sat for a while on the steps. We were tired, dirty as anything but glad and very proud of what we had accomplished. 😊. To boot it all we had done the entire walk in a much shorter time than what it should have taken us.

    Then we went up the main street looking for a place to eat. We didn't want to go to the same place that we had lunch yesterday.
    Had a leisurely lunch, with my now favourite drink of fresh lemon juice and fresh mint all juiced together.

    As we had plenty of time we went to the movernpick hotel and got movernpick ice creams for desert.

    Then we went to the travel agents shop and that was hard going as Petra is a very hilly place. Our legs were now protesting at having to walk even one more step.

    Then after a nice ride to the Aqaba boarder in a coach, now seated in the very back seat of a large bus with a American st one end and Mr at the right end all sprawled writing this. The bus lights are dimmed, the bus is just about full, people are snoring, sneezing, phones ringing and carrying on. We left the Israeli border of Aqaba at 8.10pm and it's going to take 4 hours to go to Telaviv. The bus is also going to stop for a 20 minute break. JOY.

    At the boarder when my luggage went through the screening the woman on the x ray machine says to me did someone give you something to carry and when I said no she says are you carrying a gun. So I had to put my luggage on another machine. Stupid B....😊

    Got into the hotel just before 2.00am. But I have got a room on the 14th floor and as usual a glass of bubble as a welcome drink. So shower, and bed now.

    Done more than 20 kms today according to my step count. This is supposed to be a holiday. Haha
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