  • 日18

    Mt of Olives again

    2023年6月18日, パレスチナ ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Getting up today at 6.00am was hard, but had to go for service and I had told the priest at St Anne's I would come there for 7.00am mass, even though the mass was going to be in French.

    Because there was only a handful of people and about 4 other concelebrant priests we were invited to come and sit by the alter sides. Didn't understand a word, I followed it in English on my phone.

    Then took off to see the place that Mary was assumed into heaven and the dominus Flavit church. The first church was a Greek aothodox church. They have so many lamps in their churches.

    The second church is where Jesus wept over Jerusalem looking from the otherside of the Kidron Valley. I was the only one there at 8.15am. So it was just so beautiful. Communing with God on my own, my happy place.

    After that I came home had a snack for breakfast and went to sleep/ rest. Got up when the Muslim prayers started, went looking to eat lunch. I have not had lunch for a long time now. Today I paid NZ 50.00 for some lamb kebabs and a fresh lemon juice. 🍋. It is very expensive.

    Walked round the block and got back. On the way stopped to see the prison of Jesus.( orthodox). Tomorrow I have to cover the rest of Jerusalem on my list of sites to visit. I leave Jerusalem on the day after tomorrow. But come back. I can then just be a tourist and rest.