• Day 12 - Windmills, Watermills & Dogs

    September 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

    Our morning outing was in the vicinity of the small village of Pakenham, which was nearby not only a windmill, but a water mill that began in 1089. After a quick photo stop by the windmill, we toured the working water mill that was actually in operation on our visit. It was fascinating and really one of the highlights of our trip so far. When constructing an itinerary, I like to include big name places, like Oxford, as well as great little sites that are off the beaten path. Of course, after the tour we stopped at the little outdoor cafe for tea. The cakes and scones were made by a group of women who were simply accepting donations for charity.

    Afterwards, we took in another walk. Instead of a walk through the countryside, it was in a park that has been around for over 200 years. Many of the trees were from all over the world and were huge due to their age. There were even a few enormous redwood trees.

    There are a couple of things we observe while on our walks. Walking in nature and the countryside is a big fabric of English life and we think it affects their tranquility and attachment to nature. Also, their dogs are a part of that walking as well as part of the rest of their lives. Dogs are everywhere, from footpaths to inside restaurants. Jim has noticed how well mannered the dogs are, like their English human owners.
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