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  • Day 29

    No Festival of Speed Today

    July 15, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    Our plan for today was to attend the Festival of Speed for the third day, but in an unprecedented move, the organisers have cancelled today’s event due to extreme weather. It’s not the rain that has caused the cancellation, but the high winds. What so many temporary structures on site, the organisers felt they couldn’t take the risk of some huge structure being blown over onto people. So they cancelled the event.

    It is a shame, as the weather was much better today, with no rain and some sunshine. So, we went and had a closer look at Chichester. Chichester is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The Chichester Cathedral is one of the main landmarks, and is a stunning example of medieval architecture and is known for its beautiful stained glass windows and intricate stonework. It was built in the 11th century and has been a place of worship for over 900 years.

    We did a walk along the Chichester City Walls. The walls date from the 3rd century, built to defend the prosperous town against coastal raiders, and to protect its trade and status. Building the 7-metre high walls, with their tall bastions and gates, was a major task, involving some 5000 cubic metres of facing stones and 20,000 cubic metres of chalk and flint fill. For 200 years the walls successfully protected Roman Chichester.

    There is no news yet on whether the Festival of Speed will resume tomorrow, but we have our fingers crossed and hope we will get there.
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