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  • Day 12

    Somewhere in between…

    June 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    According to the stages that we have completed on the Camino, solely walking, we have walked 46.4 miles so far, plus a bit more for partial stages.

    According to my FitBit we have walked 81.93 miles so far.

    The truth lies somewhere in between.

    I have realized that the FitBit doesn’t really count distance—it counts steps and converts every 2,000 steps into 1 mile. The “miscalculation” becomes the much smaller steps that I am often taking: uphill, downhill on unsure footing, and even flat terrain when I am tired.

    It will be interesting to see what difference these upcoming dialysis sessions will make and how much further we will be able to go.
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