
So just loaded up the furniture for Kim and Nathan, the motorcycle will stay home. I will be back on the road on the 25th. See you then.
So just loaded up the furniture for Kim and Nathan, the motorcycle will stay home. I will be back on the road on the 25th. See you then.
So stopped in San Marcos to pick up an espresso machine hand me down for Kim and Nathan. plus made a valuable addition to the trailer.
Saying goodbye to Amanda.
Found the sun and a lake. Off to paddle
Good paddle but very windy and 1ft waves. Hot shower and then dinner. Tomorrow I will paddle another area after breakfast.
So paddled for an hour on glass water and just enough fog to make it eerie. Wonderful. hot shower after and on the road to Palo Duro
So Tuesday was interesting. The wind blew all day and it was overcast. So decided a good day to hike. Did a five mile hike to The Lighthouse and then added another 2. For some reason every thing hurtRead more
First of March and the temperature dropped during the night below freezing, froze the water lines, but once again I had my electric blanket and then this morning plugged in my electric heater. IRead more
I remember learning that geological term in Utah. Well here I get to use it again
Plus a sunny View of the whole canyon
So neat to see a hot air balloon first thing in the morning now to do some hiking.
The petroglyphs are spectacular, I don't even have to guess
So the hillside is peppered with them, you just have toRead more