Bonnie Rock

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    Kwolyn Campsite and Kockerbin Rock

    21 de mayo de 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    It seems like the best way to start a road trip is to have breakfast with our dear daughter Kai. We were supposed to leave yesterday, but due to all sorts of commitments we left a day later, and being Saturday today, breakfast with Kai was possible.
    It was a quick stop at York, which is now marked for a longer stay in the future. Then just over an hour's drive from there to Kwolyn campsite.
    Kwolyn was once a thriving town but now a ghost town. Only farmlands and this campsite is all that is left of of the town, with ruins left from a bygone era.
    As usual, we hit the ground running. No sooner had we set the tent up, before we were off on a hike to the nearest rock called Coarin Rock on the railway loop trail. This town even had rail once upon a time. There were also so many sticky flies, so much so that fly nets had to be deployed to put up the tent and stayed on for the duration of the hike too.
    As we still had an hour and the half of daylight left. Not to waste the good weather and the beautiful day, we quickly set off to check out another monolith called Kockerbin Rock. It is the third largest monolith in Australia.This time we did the circuit taking us to the summit and back. Beautiful views from the top but what was most fascinating was the gradual colour change of the rock to a pink hue as the sun was setting. The historic well was surprisingly large. Many concrete wells were built by large granite outcrops to catch the water runoffs.
    We were glad for pre cooked frozen meals as it was dark by the time we got back to our tent. It was chicken cacciatore, polenta and fresh lettuce from our garden before a spot of stargazing. This free campsite has flushing toilets, although we did not use their kitchen.
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