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  • Day 2


    January 3 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 -1 °C

    After our morning hike we headed to Braunlage to spy on their winter market and…it was smaller than Bad Harzburg! And the town was so so busy with people everywhere and I was not ready for all that so we didn’t stay long.

    Instead we headed out to another trail in town and found a fun little chair, another stamp!, and another small lake! We had a sits by the lake until the wind started to pick up and it started getting darker and we figured we should head back to our place. We were in that town maybe 2 hours, but by the time we were headed home all the roads, even the main road, were covered in snow! It was slow going, but not an issue (I had thought we should be back at our place before sunset as I didn’t want the roads to freeze on us).

    When we got back to our places it was snowing like crazy and there was snow here!! I took the first photo from the window when we got in, then 10 min later there was so much more snow (the second photo of the same spot)! We sat drinking tea and enjoying the snow!! It has now stopped snowing, but everything is still covered! Such a fun, snow filled day!
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  • Day 150


    August 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Efter togturen gik vi lidt rundt i den smukke Wernigerode. Den gamle bydel er fyldt med bindingsværks bygninger med masser af detaljer. Den er virkelig flot! ☺️ Vi vælger at spise på et gammelt Brennerei som specialiserer sig i schnitzler. Hmmm... Vi glæder os. Øv... En lidt flad og kedelig omgang. 🥴 Nå men vejret er dejligt og temperaturen er omkring de 30 grader. Helt naturligt tørrer vi os om munden med servietten efter vi har spist 😂😂😂 Vi er kulsorte i hovedet og nu med striber fra servietten. 😂😂😂 Godt den ikke måtte ryges om bord på toget. 😂😂😂
    På gågaden mødte Søren sin drømmeheks! Hun sagde nemlig ikke noget og sad helt stille! ☺️
    Men alt i alt har det været en dejlig dag. Helt sikkert et besøg værd.
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  • Day 150

    Brocken eller Bloksbjerg

    August 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    På toppen af Bloksbjerg havde vi en times tid inden toget gik retur igen. Bjerget er 1142 meter over havets overflade. Udsigten er skøn men disen tager lidt af horisonten. Hvis man kigger godt efter kan man se toget på vej op af bjerget. Der er skønt heroppe på toppen. ☺️
    Nå men en time går jo hurtigt og vi bevæger os ned mod perronen. 😳😳 Der er endnu flere der skal ned nu, bare vi dog får en plads. Vi kunne også tage det næste tog, men det går først om 3 timer. Det er lidt længe at vente..... Ja ja vi kan jo også bare gå ned. Vi fik en ståplads igen. ☺️
    Turen ned er lige så dejlig som turen op. Denne gang står vi på den bagerste vogn og det kan mærkes på røgen fra toget. Host host... Røgen slår lige ned i hovedet på os. Godt at der er rygeforbud på toget 😂😂😂. På vejen ned holder vi stille for at et andet tog kan passere.
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  • Day 149

    Baumwipfelpfad Harz

    August 27, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Gangstien er 1000 meter lang og er op til 26 meter over jorden. Så vi går oppe over og mellem trækronerne. Der er 52 naturbeskrivelser og børnevenlige oplevelser på turen. Og den gynger lidt når man går almindeligt. Men nu følges jeg jo med Søren..... Så jeg var jo nærmest søsyg 😂😂.
    Hængebroen måtte vi da også gå over, den var vidst mest beregnet til børn.... 🥴
    Gangstien ender i et stort kuppelformet tårn med en udsigtsplatform med glasbund. Det er jo snart en klassiker i alle tårne. Men der var vi også ude. ☺️
    Det var en rigtig dejlig tur, i et fantastisk vejr.
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  • Day 13

    Altenbrak in Harz Mtns, Saxony, Germany

    July 24, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    We stopped in a little village called Altenbrak in the Harz Mountains for 2 nights. This place was really quaint and reminded us a lot of alpine skiing villages in its charm. A lot of the houses had witch statues/ornaments associated with them as this area was heavily involved in the witch hunts of the 1500-1600s. We also did an 18km through the mountains which were very reminiscent of the Magoebaskloof mountains near Tzaneen.Read more

  • Day 4

    Titan RT

    June 26, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We gaan naar de Titan RT!!
    Ik vond het best spannend, het is 1 van de langste zoniet de langste hangbrug van Duitsland, zo'n 450 m lang op een hoogte van ca. 85 m. Het uitzicht vanuit de toren was heel gaaf (over het Harz gebergte) en de wandeling zelf was ook heel brug schommelde best aardig en er stond ook flink wat wind (leek wel of je op een schip stond!). Maar wat is het hier mooi!!!Read more

  • Day 4

    Teufelemauer Hike

    January 5 in Germany ⋅ ❄️ -1 °C

    Today we woke up to it snowing in Bad Harzburg! My friend also sent me a message saying that we were supposed to get freezing rain in Berlin this evening so we wanted to make sure we got home before that. I had wanted one last snow day before heading home so we headed up to the pass again and there was so much snow on the road! It was supposed to get warmer there in the afternoon so I was hoping it would be okay when we left and we parked in the big parking lot so we would hopefully not get stuck. Well we bundled up and headed off only to turn back a few minutes later as it was so stormy and miserable up there! So much wind blowing the snow in our faces which is not very fun to walk around in and we looked at where we were going to walk and it would be blowing us on one side the entire way…plus it was so stormy you couldn’t see anything (and we were going to hike to the top of a small mt top so would be nice to be able to see the views!) so we decided to do something else.

    Since I had not planned anything else I thought let’s go back to those rocks we walked around on in Sept 2023 as that was fun. I was glad we did that as the traffic going down the mountain was already backing up, but by the time we got down it was still snowing, but not windy and roads were clear. So off we went to visit the Teufelsmauer rocks!

    I was surprised that there was still a bit of snow there as it was down in the flat farmlands! So we still got our snow day! We walked all around the rocks and it was so fun!! It was interesting because if you looked to one side of the rocks it was all white, the other was mostly green! The rocks were almost the snow division line! We were also glad that the rocks were sandstone so they were gritty and not slippery or else we would not have been able to do it. It was also way less popular - we saw 4 people the whole time we were there! So it was lovely wandering the rocks and enjoying the snow! As soon as we finished eating lunch it started to snow and the walk back through the forest had no views! The storm has caught up the us!

    The drive home was a lot slower going than I expected! The freeway was covered in snow! For most of the way home which was a bit crazy. We were behind a snowplow for a while until it turned off so that was really slow, but not as much snow. The road kept clearing up for a few min and then back to snow so it took a lot longer to get home than normal, but wasn’t actually too bad. Luckily. I was really glad we weren’t out later when it was getting colder and potentially freezing!

    When we got to Berlin it was snowing, but the roads were clear so we unpacked and dropped off the car and relaxed a bit. I just looked out the window and there is so much snow here now! When we got here you could see the ground and now it is covered! A fitting end to a very snowy weekend! Too bad it is supposed to warm up and rain tomorrow.

    This was a really great weekend and it is now on the list of things to do next winter as well! We might actually go back for another long weekend this winter as I love the snow so much!
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  • Day 3

    Grenzdenkmal Stapelburg

    July 1, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    For snart halvtreds år siden stod jeg her på den Vesttyske side af grænsen og kiggede over ingenmandslandet til den østtyske side hvor vi kunne se vagttårn og soldater. Det var en dyster oplevelse som jeg aldrig har glemt.
    I dag er her stille og fredeligt, en landevej går igennem området der dengang var umuligt at krydse.
    Resten af dagen har vi kørt rundt i Harzen og sluttede af med spa bad på et fint lille kurhotel.
    Majdnem ötven évvel ezelőtt itt állt Lars a határ nyugatnémet oldalán, és átnézett a senki földjén a keletnémet oldalra, ahol őrtornyokat és katonákat láthatott. Olyan komor élmény volt, amelyet soha nem felejtett el.
    Ma csendes és békés, egy út vezet át a területen, amelyen akkoriban lehetetlen volt átkelni.
    A nap hátralévő részét a Harz-hegységben autózással töltöttük, és egy fürdőzéssel fejeztük be egy szép kis gyógyfürdőkben..
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  • Day 156

    Wernigerode, ST, Germany

    December 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    # Deutsch
    Wernigerode ist vorallem für sein Schloss und die Dampflokomotivenfahrten auf den Brocken bekannt. Und eines davon war mir dann auch vergönnt - allerdings war es nicht die Fahrt auf den Brocken.
    Ich hatte in einer Nachbargemeinde von Wernigerode übernachtet, und meine Tagesplanung sollten mit einer zehnminütige Zugfahrt zum Startpunkt der Brockenbahn, Fahrt aufnehmen. In weiser Voraussicht und Bewusstsein, dass es sich dabei um die DB handelt, hatte ich mich für einen Zug entschieden, welcher mir eine Stunde Reservezeit gelassen hätte. Diese Weichenstellung sollte verhindern, dass ich auf dem Abstellgleis landen würde. Leider löste sich diese Reserve mit der Stornierung des Zuges in Luft auf. Selbiges passierte auch mit der Verbindung eine Stunde später. Das Ende vom Lied war, dass ich so stark ausgebremst wurde, dass ich mit mehr als zwei Stunden Verspätung in Wernigerode ankam. Deshalb kam mein Ticket zum Brocken schlussendlich doch nicht zum Zug. Aus Bedenken, das Harzgebirge irgendwann aufgrund des Schneefalls nichtmehr verlassen zu können, sprang ich auf den Zug von Menschen auf, die die nächste Bahn in Richtung Berlin erwischen wollten. Durch die vielen Ausfälle, konnte ich die Rückreise nach Berlin in vollen Zügen geniessen. Aber das wirft einem ja nicht so schnell aus der Bahn...

    # English
    Wernigerode is best known for its castle and the steam locomotive rides up the Brocken. And one of them was granted to me - but it wasn't the trip up the Brocken.
    I had spent the night in a neighbouring village to Wernigerode, and my plans for the day were to include a ten-minute train ride to the starting point of the Brockenbahn. With wise foresight and knowing that it was DB, I had decided in favour of a train that would have left me an hour's reserve time. Unfortunately, this reserve vanished into thin air when the train was cancelled. The same thing happened with the connection an hour later. The end of the story was that I arrived in Wernigerode more than two hours late. As a result, my ticket to the Brocken didn't materialise in the end. Worried that I wouldn't be able to leave the Harz Mountains at some point due to the snowfall, I jumped on the train of people who wanted to catch the next train to Berlin. Due to the many cancellations, I was able to enjoy the return journey to Berlin to the full. But that doesn't throw you off track so quickly...
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  • Day 1

    Mittagspause mit Blick auf den Harz

    July 7, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Unsere Mittagspause verbrachten wir in einem schattigen Wäldchen mit Blick auf den Harz und den Brocken. Linus hatte lecker Putenschnitzel mit seinem legendären Mozzarella-Tomaten-Salat gemacht und Timon versorgte uns alle mit kühlen Getränken.Read more

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