Waves after the rainy day

Yesterday was a rainy day, real April weather. Rain, sun, clouds and wind, everything always changing.
This morning the sea was very loud when I came out onto the terrace. Of course this is due toRead more
Yesterday was a rainy day, real April weather. Rain, sun, clouds and wind, everything always changing.
This morning the sea was very loud when I came out onto the terrace. Of course this is due toRead more
I'm back from Agrigento and back to work. Since it's supposed to rain a bit this afternoon, I'm doing my first work shift on the beach, the data network here is great. If it feels warm enough, I'llRead more
This is a real highlight here, to easily go to the beach within 5 minutes. I do that several times a working day. I just walk to the beach, have a look at the ocean and walk back. Just as a smallRead more
I've probably already mentioned that I live in a permaculture villa.
This means that there are a lot of plants mixed up in the garden. Of course not really mixed up, because they are of courseRead more
After my odyssey yesterday I had a good night's sleep 🌛 and unpacked 🧳 this morning, I went to the beach ⛱️ to explore the area.
There aren't many houses 🏡 here, a few holiday homesRead more
Today was really a wonderful day. It was 19 degrees and little wind. I went swimming in the sea twice and when I was lying in the sun on the beach it was almost too hot.
I get an idea of howRead more
The white gorse blooms and exudes an intoxicating scent. Now the path is even more pleasant!
White gorse or Retama raetam is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, native toRead more
First things first... A "ballo di gruppo" is a type of collective choreography where some individuals move their body parts in unison following the rhythm of the music. There are two types of groupRead more
Traveler Ich bin Neiddisch … ja ja ☕️
Traveler als es geregnet hat und windig war wärst du gar nicht neidisch gewesen, das hatte weltuntergangsqualitäten und die feuchte kalte luft ist dir tief in die klamotten gekrochen.
Traveler Brrr 🥶 aber .. nach Regen folgt Sonnenschein 😀 ich freu mich hier nun auch über kleinen Blüten 😐
Traveler jaaaaaa! in hamburg gibts morgen sogar 11h sonnenschein! ☀️ ab richtung norden… ich freu mich auf hamburg!
Traveler 🩷🩷🩷🩷