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  • Day 10


    September 16, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We were off the boat and on the bus to Preston by 10 am. The bus dropped us off at the bus station in Preston, and it was a ten minute walk to the train station. We were able to get tickets on the fast train to Edinburgh. I used my navionics app on my phone to figure out we were traveling 98 miles an hour. The scenery, especially in the southern Lakes District, was very dramatic. The train was moving so quickly we couldn't get any good pictures. It took around two and a half hours to get to Haymarket Station in Edinburgh. Our hotel was a 20-minute bus ride from the train station. Public transportation is very accessible here, which is a good thing since the hotel I booked is a lot further from the city center than I thought. After we checked in, we took a bus to Princess Street to start exploring. Edinburgh is such a beautiful city, and there are so many sites to take in. Earlier this year, I met a family from Edinburgh while I was in Barbados. One of the sons told me I should check out the pub he worked at, the Pipers Rest, so that was our first destination. We loved the pub and ended up spending a few hours there. Laughlin was very surprised to see me. Everyone was so friendly and they had great live music. We booked a walking tour on Sunday, and we had a wonderful tour guide. For 2 and a half hours, we wandered around Old Town while she shared history, stories, and fun facts. After that, we wandered around on our own until the rain and sore feet had us looking for a spot for dinner. Loved this city, and our pictures don't do it justice, but two days in a city is more than enough for us. We pick up the camper van on Monday and start on our Highland adventures.Read more

  • Day 8

    Beautiful Day for a Hike

    September 14, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We had crazy rain and wild winds overnight. There was so much rainwater running off the top of the boat that it actually sounded like a boat was passing us in the canal. If we had been on the Tug, even tied to the dock, we would have been rocking and rolling. Our little narrowboat hardly moved at all. In fact, it was easy to forget we were floating. We were pleasantly surprised to wake up to sunny skies and warmer temperatures. We traveled a short distance to a water point to fill the tanks. We have been really enjoying the big onboard shower. Then, a little further to the Glasson Cut. The Glasson Cut is a small canal with six locks that leads to the coast. It isn't an option for us to travel by boat, so we decided to hike the tow path. We met up with Tony and Sue, who are traveling on another Crabtree boat, and they joined us on the hike. We saw our first lock up close, and Tony and Sue walked us through the process. They are past owners and now hire narrow boats to experience this very cool lifestyle. The walk was beautiful with bridges, locks, and farmlands. It was a little longer than anticipated, so we were quite happy to stop in at the Dalton Arms for a pint. The Glasson dock was very industrial, and it was interesting to watch all the activities. There were a few shops, restaurants and of course a couple of pubs. We enjoyed our beer outside by the water. A very friendly springer spaniel had us playing fetch with any small twigs we could find. Randy looked around and found a proper stick, but the pup wouldn't have it. He chewed the stick into small pieces and presented them for us to throw. When we were ready to leave, we were worried the dog might follow us, so I checked in the pub for the owner. Turns out it was the bartenders dog, and he comes to work every day. I love how dog friendly everything is. We made our way back to the boats and continued to Garstang. It was a little busy there, and Randy managed to put our 44-foot narrowboat into 45 feet of open canal bank. Very impressive. We walked over to the Owd Tithe Barn for dinner with Tony and Sue. It was a very nice way to end a wonderful day on the canal.Read more

  • Day 4

    Rainy Days and Sundays

    September 10, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    We had a late start today after a pretty productive morning. We tried the galley out and had a nice breakfast on board. The galley is well laid out, the gas stove works very well and has a broiler to make toast. We walked a few blocks and picked up groceries at a well stocked Aldis. Even after including the exchange, prices were lower than home. Once the groceries were put away we started the engine and headed out. It was warm but the skies were threatening. After a couple of hours the rain started. Rain jackets and umbrellas kept us mostly dry. There is no outside shelter, so when the rain started, I put my phone away. We pulled over to wait it out and had lunch on board. When the skies cleared, we were off again. We stopped for the night at Galgate and had a proper Sunday roast at the Plowman pub.Read more

  • Day 3

    First Day on the Lovely Linden.

    September 9, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    We had a lovely morning at Guys. After a good breakfast in the pub we found a table outside to people watch. There were some serious cyclists stopping in for refreshments, and the outside patio was the finish line for a 5k, half, and full marathon run. The run was along the canal on the tow path, and many of the runners commented on how difficult the path was. Fortunately, after rehydrating with water, there was plenty of beer for them to enjoy. There was a brief rain shower, and as we had a beautiful dry spot, some people joined us. One family was there celebrating their 30 year old daughter who was completing her 100th marathon. Can't get over how friendly everyone is. There was also a car boot sale happening down the road, and we met a couple who enjoy participating in these sales. We learned so much about this activity. Eventually, we found a cab driver to take us to pick the boat up. It wasn't far, about 3 miles, but we didn't want to drag our rolling duffle bag that far. We had to wait a bit for Robert to give us an orientation to our boat, so we checked out Barton Grange Garden Center, picked up a few supplies, and had a nice lunch. Robert and Mandy of Crabtree Narrow Boats were very welcoming and provided a really thorough introduction to Linden. Robert brought the boat out of the marina and then turned the tiller over to Randy. He stayed on board with us for about half an hour and then stepped off at one of the bridges. We didn't even have to stop the boat. He was walking to a pub where Mandy would pick him up. I took a turn at the tiller and even took it under a bridge and around a few bends. The canal is really narrow and at places resembles a drainage ditch, but the scenery is beautiful. We found a place to pull over for the night at Garstang. We found a nearby pub, and Randy had some mushy peas. We watched a bit of rugby. It's the World Cup and England was playing Argentina. When we left the pub it was tied and England was the underdog. We have TV on board, and we turned the game on, England had a huge lead and won the game. What a day we've had.Read more

  • Day 2

    We Made It To Guys Thatched Village

    September 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    We had an overnight flight from Toronto to Manchester. The airport was crazy busy and for the first time in ages we decided to check a bag. We arrived at the airport a little early and had to wait an hour to get our bag checked. The flight was full but uneventful. It took almost an hour to get our bag back when we landed; we really do prefer traveling with only carry-on. The Manchester Airport was really easy to navigate, and the train station was right on site. While we were trying to figure out where to get our tickets , someone asked us about our accents. As a result, we met some lovely Scottish ladies who were returning from a girl's vacation in Greece. They were heading back to Glasgow, and we were on the same train. They were so much fun to chat with and very helpful. Once we arrived in Preston we decided to find some lunch. We stopped in at the Old Vic pub. No food but very good beer and very friendly people. More new friends. We arranged for an Uber to take us to Guys Thatched Village where we are spending the night. Our Uber driver was really friendly too. It was a long ride, but he shared so many interesting stories that it went by quickly. Guy's is a very quaint place and quite close to where we pick up the narrowboat tomorrow afternoon. We finally had something to eat and went for a nice long walk. Early night tonight to try and get back on a regular schedule.Read more

  • Day 150–169


    November 11, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    📌 A second stint at Bamber Bridge vets between travelling. It was nice to go back to a clinic that I was familiar with, where I knew everyone. This Airbnb was a little closer, it was okay, but it was nice to stay and suss out Preston also.

    📌 We had a busy few weeks planned, we visited Manchester to see London Grammar, starting with some incredible Pho and then heading to the AO arena. The show was great, it was a combination of powerful vocals and electronic synths accompanied by mesmerising visuals. It was well worth seeing them, the highlight of the night was Baby it's You ofcourse!

    📌 I did some big stints of work, 5-6 day weeks which was good to boost the savings. We managed to fit in a visit to Bradford for the Book of Mormon show. It was hilarious and it was another bucket list show we had been hoping to see for a long time. Chloe didn't get any good shifts sent her way so she's still the stay at home woman, which is great as she's been cooking up some great dinners when I get home in the cold! The weather has started to turn, some mornings on the way to the gym have been -4, the sun has been rising around 8 and setting just before 4pm. The nights now feel much longer when I finish at 7.

    📌 Preston was a nice place, it was, again, a little rough around the edges, but we enjoyed it overall, the park nearby was beautiful, the doughnut and coffee shop was great on the weekend, and the clinic was one of my favourites so far. I will likely go back for some shifts next year!
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  • Day 5

    Von Liverpool nach Süd Schottland

    May 17, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Heute haben wir Freunde von Papa besucht, zuerst David und Paul in ihrer Firma, danach John und Maureen in ihrem neuen Zuhause.
    Alle haben sich sehr über unseren Besuch gefreut und es wurde gleich über die schönen Erlebnisse vergangener Zeiten geredet.
    John hat uns zum lunch in ein schönes altes Gemäuer eingeladen.
    Nach lecker Fisch konnten wir gestärkt weiter fahren.
    Allerdings sind wir weit hinten dran, wir streichen die Challenges für heute und setzten einen Autobahn Joker um unser Tagesziel im Norden von Glasgow zu erreichen.
    Das Suchen eines Platzes zum übernachten gestaltete sich noch etwas schwierig, wir fuhren immer noch weiter, bis wir einen Campingplatz gefunden haben, der uns um 21.30 Uhr noch aufgenommen hatte.
    Wunderschön, direkt am Loch.
    Das Pub ist noch offen und wir lassen den Abend mit ein paar Pints of Lager und einer Runde Pool Billard ausklingen.
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  • Day 6

    De joker

    May 11, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    We hebben vanmorgen de joker voor de snelweg gebruikt.
    Iedereen mag hem een keer inzetten om tijd te winnen. Omdat we helemaal naar Glasgow moeten en de natuurpark route niet willen missen pikken we ff een stuk snelweg mee.
    En in Schotland zijn toch geen snelwegen meer. Lol!
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  • Day 4

    Overnachting #4

    May 14, 2019 in England ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Vandaag een stukje snelweg kunnen doen en de highlights over geslagen zodat we vandaag lekker vroeg bij onze overnachting zijn en nog even van de zon kunnen genieten. Ook zijn we al aardig in de buurt van Blackpool, dus dat scheelt alweer een stuk voor morgenRead more

  • Day 15

    LEJOG Day 15 - Rest Day - Garstang

    September 14, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Rest Day- yippee!

    Once the domestics were done & dusted (laundry, bike washing & maintenance) I had a lovely walk into Garstang along the Golf Course (where we are staying) and via the canal.

    Garstang appears to be a prosperous little town and popular for day visiting, notable for the 1797 Wyre Aquaduct - a single span aqueduct 110ft long, carrying the Lancaster to Kendal canal 34ft above the River Wyre.

    Distance: 0km. 0m Ascent
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