Washington DC

Seit gestern in der Hauptstadt - und sie gefällt mir wirklich gut bisher. Keine crazy Hochhäuser, alles ist recht sauber und es gibt viele Parks und Grünflächen. Dafür gibt es viele Memorials:)Read more
Seit gestern in der Hauptstadt - und sie gefällt mir wirklich gut bisher. Keine crazy Hochhäuser, alles ist recht sauber und es gibt viele Parks und Grünflächen. Dafür gibt es viele Memorials:)Read more
We made a long haul on the 24-25 of November, arriving after midnight to the Shift Yoga studio parking lot.
I read the philosophy online and saw that *finally*! after always searching and hoping, IRead more
Outside of the dramas, this was part of our day in Washington. We took a casual walk through the city, hitting all the big tourist items.
First up was the United States Capital building. The guy onRead more
Bullets points of the bag drama:
- Brian arrived in Dallas but missed his connecting flight by 10 minutes because of a wrong turn at the airport.
- His checked bag went on plane without him.
- BookedRead more
Heute sind wir morgens ins Capitol gegangen und haben eine kostenlose Führung ohne Anmeldung gemacht. Als wir raus kamen, standen bestimmt 300 Leute in der Schlange 😜
Dann haben wir uns CityRead more
After clocking up 108,000 steps and around 2.5 hours of bike time in my 3.5 days in DC it is time to leave! I knew I'd love Washington DC but wow it blew me away even more than I ever expected, theRead more
My final touristy spot of my time in Washington was to the National Air & Space Museum. No walk up tickets are available so I had to be ready at 8:30am this morning to book a free time slotRead more
For my final evening in Washington I treated myself to a Nando's, making sure to make this as cost effective as possible by filling up my water bottle in the fountain of the gallery across the roadRead more
This place was a nightmare to get to as I never realised that it only has a single entrance which is totally inaccessible by foot. After walking in completely the wrong direction I had to ask theRead more
The Pentagon is the highly protected (and believe me difficult to get to and away from) headquarters of the US Department of Defense.
The west side of the Pentagon (in the 6th picture here) was hitRead more