United States
Major General John A Logan Statue

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  • Day 113

    Washington DC

    March 4 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Seit gestern in der Hauptstadt - und sie gefällt mir wirklich gut bisher. Keine crazy Hochhäuser, alles ist recht sauber und es gibt viele Parks und Grünflächen. Dafür gibt es viele Memorials:)
    War noch im Museum of African american history und am Mittwoch in der Library of Congress, im Museum of Natural History und in der Art Gallery.
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  • Day 148

    Shift Yoga: Maryland

    November 25, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    We made a long haul on the 24-25 of November, arriving after midnight to the Shift Yoga studio parking lot.

    I read the philosophy online and saw that *finally*! after always searching and hoping, I found a yin class that fit to our whereabouts and spontaneous schedule.

    The teacher and students made me feel very welcome, and the class itself was incredibly restorative and relaxing. It was just what I needed.

    After a luxurious rooftop breakfast we were on the road again, and we are now only a few hours from Gramma and Grampa‘s and are getting excited for a big bed and a day tomorrow with absolutely no driving 😆
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  • Day 123

    Day 121 - Washington, tourist things

    November 1, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Outside of the dramas, this was part of our day in Washington. We took a casual walk through the city, hitting all the big tourist items.

    First up was the United States Capital building. The guy on the horse is Ulysses S Grant, he is known for doing important enough things to have a statue of him built in a prominent place in Washington.

    Then the Washington Monument. It is extremely impressive both far away and up close. The way the shadows and light change on it during the day is also very interesting.

    The last picture in the city is the White House. You can just see a tiny bit of it between the trees and the other building. We were not able to approach it unfortunately, the area was closed just prior to us arriving.

    We had lunch. The desert was impressively large.

    Joggers everywhere. Later in the day I mentioned that if I had a dollar for every jogger I'd seen recently, I would have, like, dozens of dollars.

    Stayed at the Yotel. Ultra modern, almost SciFi theme, to the room. Electric futon that used a proper mattress. Water pressure/temperature only ok-ish.
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  • Day 123

    Day 121 - Drama Summary

    November 1, 2024 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    Bullets points of the bag drama:

    - Brian arrived in Dallas but missed his connecting flight by 10 minutes because of a wrong turn at the airport.
    - His checked bag went on plane without him.
    - Booked another flight, arrived in Washington but not sure what happened to his bag. Where is it? Which airport? Calling them is useless, automated answering.
    - I'm travelling to meet Brian in Charlottesville but get off at Washington instead to join him.
    - Book hotel for the night.
    - Airport finds his bag. Brian gives address of hotel we are staying at but they send to other hotel he stayed at the previous night.
    - Next morning we go to the previous hotel to collect it. The bag is not there. He shows them a picture the airport sent us of the bag literally in front of their check-in desk. Still they deny having it.
    - What to do? We sit around the lobby for half an hour considering options. We discuss buying all new gear in town and claiming insurance for lost luggage.
    - Eventually the hotel clerk slithers up to us and lets us know the bag was sent back to the airport (I assume because Brian was no longer a guest when they received it).
    - Brian calls the airport, yes they have the bag (why didn't they inform him???). Where shall we send it? No, DO NOT SEND IT ANYWHERE, he is coming to get it.
    - Brian travels to airport an hour away to collect it.

    Other problems that occurred during the same time period:

    - Went to see the space shuttle at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. It's not there. Instead it's at a "sister building" outside of the city.
    - Train to Charlottesville was two hours late.
    - Hotel in Charlottesville only had one room instead of the two we booked.
    - I whimsically ordered a desert when I wasn't very hungry and it turned out to be a huge serving. Big effort to stuff it all in.
    - Brian can't buy Sudafed over here. It's restricted because it can be used to make meth (source: Breaking Bad)
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  • Day 20

    Washington Tag 2

    October 24, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Heute sind wir morgens ins Capitol gegangen und haben eine kostenlose Führung ohne Anmeldung gemacht. Als wir raus kamen, standen bestimmt 300 Leute in der Schlange 😜
    Dann haben wir uns City Bikes geholt und sind die Mall entlang gefahren. Hier gibt es sehr viel zu sehen. Den Obelisk (Washington Monument), das Weiße Haus, das Lincoln Memorial, von wo aus Martin Luther King Jr. seine berühmte Rede "I have a dream" gehalten hat. Es gibt riesige interessante Museen, die wir alle ausgelassen haben. Aber das Vietnam War und Korea War Memorial haben wir uns angesehen, sowie das Martin Luther King Jr. Denkmal, das erst 2011 errichtet wurde. Und es war ein weiterer wolkenloser Tag. Diesmal aber "nur" 20°C😬Read more

  • Day 5

    DC > Baltimore

    July 22, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    After clocking up 108,000 steps and around 2.5 hours of bike time in my 3.5 days in DC it is time to leave! I knew I'd love Washington DC but wow it blew me away even more than I ever expected, the history of the place is incredible.

    Nevertheless my next stop was 40 minutes on the train away in Baltimore. By the time I headed for the train DC had cleared up and the sun was suddenly shining which made for a nice final walk down to the metro.

    I arrived into Baltimore with no problems and made it to my accomodation to have some dinner. Let's see what this next stop has to offer!
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  • Day 5

    National Air & Space Museum

    July 22, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    My final touristy spot of my time in Washington was to the National Air & Space Museum. No walk up tickets are available so I had to be ready at 8:30am this morning to book a free time slot online.

    The museum has huge exhibitions on all things aviation, space, communications and speed. Two of the best artefacts in my opinion being Neil Armstrong's space suit and also the pair of shoes that were the last to touch the surface of the moon.
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  • Day 4

    Final Evening in Washington

    July 21, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    For my final evening in Washington I treated myself to a Nando's, making sure to make this as cost effective as possible by filling up my water bottle in the fountain of the gallery across the road first. Turns out Nando's give out free water anyway so this side quest was a waste of time.

    On my exploits I saw a Tesla Cybertruck and a Ryder branded truck which I was very excited about as they were by far the client I spent the most time on at PwC and had done the audit since 2019!
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  • Day 4

    Arlington National Cemetary

    July 21, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    This place was a nightmare to get to as I never realised that it only has a single entrance which is totally inaccessible by foot. After walking in completely the wrong direction I had to ask the guard at the Marine Base where to go. He told me to get an Uber so I begrudgingly spent almost £7 in having to do so.

    Anyway, the cemetary was great. When I arrived at the visitors centre the news broke that Joe Biden wouldn't be running for President later this year. What a time to be in DC and America!

    In the cemetary lay approximately 400,000 people, mainly with the iconic white headstones which stretch as far as the eye can see.

    Some of the most famous graves here are those of former Presidents John F Kennedy and William Taft, the first ever black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was hoping to step down as a Supreme Court justice following the election of Hillary Clinton that never came. She tried to cling on to see Trump leave office but died just a few months beforehand meaning Trump got to nominate a new justice rather than a Democratic President as she would have desired.

    I also headed up to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to see tha changing of the guard!
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  • Day 4

    The Pentagon and Memorial

    July 21, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    The Pentagon is the highly protected (and believe me difficult to get to and away from) headquarters of the US Department of Defense.

    The west side of the Pentagon (in the 6th picture here) was hit by one of the four hijacked planes on September 11th 2001, killing all 64 passengers and 125 people in the Pentagon.

    The memorial site here contains one platform for each person killed, with the platforms all facing either in or away from the direction of travel of the plane when it hit, depending on if the person was a passenger or Pentagon worker.

    The platforms are arranged in order of age, those being born in the same year being in the same line. The oldest was born in 1930 with the youngest being born in 1998, passing at age 3 with her 11 year old sister and parents on board. People with family onboard have their family members names at the foot of their platform.

    There were also 3 other 11 year olds killed who were all on a school trip with their teachers.

    It was a sad place to be but a very thoughtfully designed memorial!
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