The Electric City

Schenectady is a much smaller city than I was imagining, but it made up for size in it's delectable snack options. I finally got a slice of NY pizza, and we wandered into some tattoo shops to see ifRead more
Schenectady is a much smaller city than I was imagining, but it made up for size in it's delectable snack options. I finally got a slice of NY pizza, and we wandered into some tattoo shops to see ifRead more
Our last day was so easy it felt anti-climatic. 42 flat, paved miles on the Erie Canal/Mohawk River Trail. It almost felt like we were going downhill the whole time but I think my legs are just unusedRead more
We had a merciful, gentle descent out of the Adirondacks: pavement so fresh it was streaming, enough hills to keep things interesting but an overall loss of elevation all the way back to regular oldRead more
Traveling by bike really distorts and stretches your sense of time. Days feel like weeks, weeks feel like years. So sometimes when you have a rough day, in the end, it can also be a pretty great one.Read more
Today is one of the hardest days of riding we've had so far. The climbing is average, the weather is fine, we had a great morning in Schroon Lake checking out the foggy sunrise and munched on someRead more
If you go long enough, you do *eventually* end up with good riding conditions. It took us 600 miles, but here we are.
Today: 45 miles. The perfect distance. No rain, no dirt road or single-trackRead more
After a beautiful day of climbing several thousand feet up to and past Lake Placid, we spent a day off considering hiking up a mountain, noping out after a mile, and literally standing in the sun allRead more
It's been a bit chilly for ice cream, so Andrew and I have been collecting coffee and donut samples across the Adirondacks. For science! After much research and despite claims to the contrary and moreRead more
Lake Eaton stayed rainy as we left so we made and ate breakfast in the recycling center, like a couple hi-vis raccoons. It was literally the only shelter in the whole park besides the bathrooms.
TheRead more