• Day 67

    Rusk KOA and an oops

    October 28, 2015 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 66 °F

    Atop the highest hill in the county lies a new KOA. The sunset was a beautiful rose. I went and got the camera to catch the last deep colors. But the Heather said I wasn't getting the trailer in the picture. By the time I got to her the colors had faded to mere shadow of their former glory, but she took the picture anyway.

    And oops... While flossing I had a filling fall out of a tooth that had lost a corner a couple of days ago. I hope the tooth lasts until we get home or I'll have to get a temporary crown, or what ever dentist do in cases like this. Or perhaps I will just keep a sharp fang in preparation for Halloween.
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