• Day 1

    Where the heart is

    October 28, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

    Where the Heart Is

    Many of you know the story already. Our house sold so quickly we don't have a place to move to. We're psyched!!

    Forty years in the same place ... the same HOUSE!! We raised our wonderful son. We had about 5 careers between us. We started and ran a business for over 25 years. We helped Gordon's parents through their last years. We retired.

    We decided we are ready for a change. NOW. While we are still able. No home? No problem. Because we know: home is where the heart is.

    Movers are cleaning out the house on Thursday, November 3, at which point we take off in our beloved geezer-mobile. First, we head south for some sun and winter heat. And this time really, truly we're SURE we can SLOW THE HECK DOWN!!

    We'll keep you posted. Thanks for visiting. We love it that we can take you along with us in this way.
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