
In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg and sparked one of the greatest revolutions in human history - the Reformation. A Roman Catholic priest andRead more
In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg and sparked one of the greatest revolutions in human history - the Reformation. A Roman Catholic priest andRead more
Sofatour Flashback #11
Etappe 10
Bernburg ist ein Ort, zu dem ich bisher noch keinen großen Bezug hatte. Jedoch traf ich hier auf viele freundliche Menschen und war vom Stadtbild, allen voran demRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Calbe, كالبة, Кальбе, کالبه, Калбе, Calva, DECAB
Jim Dodds Rode by your house yesterday. All is watered and well.
Traveler Thanks Jim. We appreciate your ride bys.
Traveler Bauhaus was the beginning of modernism. I