Pit stop at Herbert's home

The last section of our trip East mainly led us through an area of moors, swamps and lakes. We saw a lot of birds of all sizes and enjoyed the relatively easy ride on flat land. Even the EasternRead more
The last section of our trip East mainly led us through an area of moors, swamps and lakes. We saw a lot of birds of all sizes and enjoyed the relatively easy ride on flat land. Even the EasternRead more
Stage 0: We drove to Herbert's parents in Niesky where we want to start our bike trip through Poland. While I set up my mobile workplace in the garden, Herbert spent most of the day packing the bikes.Read more
Today was the last day of our trip around Poland. We took the train back to near the German border which was a bit of an adventure. The first train started on time, but stopped after only 5 minutesRead more
Haben erst um 2 Uhr morgens unser Zelt hier aufgeschlagen. Konnten hier völlig ungestört bis 9 Uhr schlafen.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Horka, Хорка, Horka vald, Hórka