September 2019
Ein 24-Tage Abenteuer von Angharad Weiterlesen
  • 24Footprints
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  • 130Fotos
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  • 3,9kKilometer
  • 3,5kKilometer
  • Tag 11


    14. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    7:30 breakfast. Today was the first time we both had all aspects of our lives together BEFORE breakfast.
    We have been doing teeth and sunscreen afterwards but have been last ready every time.

    The start of today was uphill but it chilled out very soon into it.
    A magical 2 hours were had on flatness just spotting wild yaks, looking at flowers and getting some distance smashed out.

    It’s starting to get very rocky. Landslides would be an obvious contributor but it’s just the landscape.

    We had to walk down a wee bit to cross this dodgy looking bridge made of plywood suspended over raging rapids. The yaks when first which help promote its stability. Lol
    It was a beautiful section.

    Up a bit and lunch.
    We all put our orders in and like 6/7 of our orders involved cheese...
    our food comes out
    Oh sorry we don’t have cheese.
    Like that’s totally fine but tell us so we can change our order. I ordered Mac and cheese and got pasta covered in tomato sauce instead.

    Then came the crappy part of the day.
    Very steep section for about an hour but it hurt the lungs. I had to pant my way up.
    Breathing is hard.
    I also took 2 nurofen at the half way point cause I was getting a bad headache.
    It was also half raining half sunshine so super hard to find a comfortable temperature.

    Finally made it 🎉 🎉 🎉

    At the top was the Everest memorials for people who had lost their lives on the mountain - this was my favourite part of the day.
    We wandered around looking and ready headstones for about 20 minutes. Pasang’s friends memorial was there - Baba Chiri Sherpa. He holds 3 world records including the fastest to ever summit, time without oxygen aid (21 hours) and summiting twice in 2 weeks.
    Scott Fischer and Rob Halls memorials were also there along with many others.

    On we went and this section was flat too 🙌🏼🙌🏼
    Visibility is POOR.

    The yaks we use to cart our stuff up the mountains are half cow half yak.

    We finally reached Lobuche which is 5030m/ 16,502ft.
    Can feel it! 😂

    Very cozy inside and our room is simple but cute. Currently trying not to nap. Big day tomorrow. 2 separate treks.

  • Tag 12


    15. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    Today was the first place that offered peanut butter for breakfast so I was all over that.
    I am having some serious and constant pins and needles in my feet. Especially my right one. 😪😪
    Off we went. Lost the toothpaste so fresh breath today. Sorry everyone.
    We walked a little bit and spotted a Pika which is from the rodent family.
    I asked Pasang what he eats and he responded with
    “They like cookies” 😂
    Not quite what I meant.
    It was so efficient and graceful and moving in and out of the rocks!

    The first bit was Sherpa flat meaning not what I think is flat but flat enough that I am super happy about it.
    Peeing in privacy is getting harder now that more people are trekking.

    Lucy flat out sucks at going downhill. She is scared the rocks are gonna move or something.
    Others were getting fed up but I didn’t mind. We each have different skills and she was genuinely fearful. She had a cry. I was so awkward about it.
    “...do you want a hug?” 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Honestly our main issue is breathing. We are panting like dogs. I also had another headache today and had some pain meds.

    We saw some snow cocks which was cool. They were well camouflaged into the rocks but they were making a racquet so they were easy to spot.

    We keep running into an Israeli man and he is already one of my favourite people.
    He got to the top of a hill and saw that it was going back down and with such passion in his accent
    I have literally been laughing about it all day.
    My sentiments exactly 😂

    We got to a glacier field which was beautiful. Sounded like thunder when a small section of it caved in.

    So many rocks. It’s like another planet up here. Nothing grows.
    Just rocks and more rocks.
    They have to take a different path every season cause the landscape changes.

    After what seemed like an eternity of rock-climbing we finally made it to the top of our final hill from where you could finally see Gorakshep and Basecamp in the distance. You can see it 😭
    When we arrived we had lunch and had a group discussion about day plans because we are supose to climb Kala Pattar this afternoon but the weather just isn’t good for it. Can see anything It’s rainy. We are considering doing it at 4am tomorrow instead. I will need to have a think about it. I don’t want to climb it if there is no views. Tomorrow is also base camp and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize making it. Walking in the dark over rocks isn’t the safest idea me thinks. We shall see.

    We went upstairs to our room. I think this is my favourite so far. Cute and cozy.
    We accidentally had like a 3-4 hour nap 😅😅

    Ok so I take back the favourite award.
    Rooms are cute but everything else sucks.
    The toilets are beyond horrifying.

    I decided to do Kala Pattar tomorrow.

  • Tag 13

    Everest base camp

    16. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    So at 3:30am when I got up to get ready for Kala Pattar I call it quits.
    I felt horrendous. I felt so woozy and I just couldn’t. Not if we then had to immediately go to base camp.
    Helen, Tom, George and Anita went.
    Will, Lucy and I stayed behind.

    They got back around 8 and said they enjoyed it but it was the hardest thing they had ever done.
    They said they saw views but the pictures they showed us suggest otherwise.

    We all had breakfast together and planned to leave for base camp pretty much straight after only..

    Such a caffuffel. It took hours for our guides to organise but we eventually found porters to carry our bags to base camp. I was very relieved cause there had been talk that we simply might not be able to sleep there and only visit.

    We ate lunch and left around 12:30.
    It took about 3 hours to get there. It was probably my favourite walk because we were finally going to our goal.
    The walk was just rocks and stones and finally some snow capped views.
    We had lots of fasty fasty moments due to dangerous areas with potential rock slides.
    We took such a long and indirect route. The path changes ever season as the landscapes moves and changes.

    When we finally made it my eyes burned. I was so proud of us for making it and in disbelief.

    We got photos with the famous rock with the height even though it’s incorrect by 1 meter.
    The ice field is beautiful. I love thinking that the core is millions of years old. Very cool.
    We were on a big glacier - it was cool in sections to see under the rock and grit ice and or little stream.

    When we first arrived the sherpas were putting up our tents and toilet tent (essentially a chamber pot with a plastic bag to catch everything. Cute)

    Everyone was having their own minor photo shoots lol.
    We also got hot drinks which were appreciated.
    It started to snow to we all went into our tents and set up.
    Blowing up the air mattress was hard work. Had to take it slow. Hard to breath up there.
    The guides are beyond amazing, they worked in the snow and did like 5 separate rounds.
    First we got popcorn and soup broth.
    Second we got our oxygen checked
    Third we got hot drinks
    Fourth we got Dal Baht. (Rice, lentils, potatoes etc)
    Fifth we got boiling water for our bottles and hot water bottles.

    The snow was fierce!
    We both needed to pee. It took us like 10 minutes to get out of the tent, moving is hard.
    On the way bag in I snagged the zipper on the outside of the tent and neither of us could fix it..
    We still had the inner layer zip but still.. Will was no happy lol.

    I bought a liner for Will to use in our Aussie sleeping bag. But for his own reasons refused.
    I was fine cause I hired mine so it was a better quality but at one point I had to wake Will is cause he was shaking in his sleep. Quite frightening actually.
    He then got over his mood about me braking the tent and we snuggled for warmth.
    I needed to pee again but refused to leave the tent again.

  • Tag 14

    Periche *

    17. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Woke up hating life Lol.
    Specifically the fact that it was 5am, freaking freezing and we had to pack all our shit.

    The yaks were found overnight and on their way 😂

    We finally got out of our tent and snow was everywereeeeee.

    We had small water puddles in our tent and because Will was using my down jacket as a pillow it was wet 🙄 of all the days.. I had no choice but to wear it.

    We headed back to Gorakshep for breakfast.
    My legs/thighs hurt today. First time.

    Had brekkie. So over the brekkie. Rock hard butter cannot be spread onto soft bread.

    We walked for hours until we eventually stopped for tea at Lobuche.
    Everyone was done. Everyone. We were all knackered - no one slept overly well at base camp.
    Helen has such a bad headache she cried when asked what drink she wanted.

    From then it was mainly Sherpa flats and downs. There was one down that went for bloody ever I’m surprised we successfully climbed it. Lol
    The weather was terrible. Fog fog fog.
    It was also sprinkling.

    We had lunch at the bottom of the hill at the place who previously had no cheese.
    I got some chips and fed 2 dogs some of the leftovers. One of them had been in a BAD fight and had chunks of its face ripped off. Amazing it’s not infected, even with the cold I’m surprised the dog is going ok. We also saw a cow that had presumably been gouged by a yak horn. Again, no sign of infection just a big ass wound.
    I had a panic when I gave the dogs the chips cause I dropped some and I was scared they would fight for them but they were fine.
    Everyone else hated the wounded dog and was like get it away from me :(

    We walked on and crossed the small suspicious ply wood bridge. Due to the rain the river was ferocious.
    First time putting them on and Will broke his rain pants. 🙄
    Yay for more flats. As we walked we spotted many many yaks. Love them.

    Finally made it.
    Day 1 of 3, 25km days.

    Nice dining area, flat out exhausted and went to our rooms ASAP.

    Our bed is literally a table with a sheet on it 😂
    It also has a toddler blanket ie a is for apple, b is for butterfly etc. lol

    We went back for dinner and everyone was watching the movie ‘Everest’ - we saw the last 40 minutes. I want to watch when home.
    It was cool to see depictions of the characters from the memorials.
    I had Popcorn for dinner, as did George.
    My phone is fucked. It died at base camp because of the cold.
    Good sleep.

  • Tag 15


    18. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    We slept good but Will woke up stiff and sore cause of the bed.
    It was raining today so we put on our rain gear before we even left - the sherpas are just excellent at all life skills and fixed Wills pants - thankfully or he would have gotten very wet.

    It’s a very miserable cold day.

    Lots of cunt hills today. I just can’t breath 😂
    Today was my hardest day mentally. It had a lot of flats, a massive down I honestly don’t know how I previously climbed but also a lot of upset
    I was wet, cold but also too hot, my legs were aching and we had hours to go.
    I had to jaw wobble moments today. Not proper cries (not sure if I actually dispelled tears or if rain lol)

    Today we saw some musk deer so they was pretty cool - they are endangered :(

    We walked back through were we saw the monks chanting - they were all out in about in color coordinates gum boots hahaha

    Having the same constant problem of don’t need to poo of toilet is available. Need to poo immediately after we have left.
    So over being constipated. Little wombat poos all the time.

    We saw 2 dog fights today. I instinctively screamed at the start of both attacks. No one else did 😅
    Both dogs pulled up ok I think. At least their faces were still attached.

    We had a dog follow us for so long we named her clementine.

    Views are so disappointing.

    We finally arrived and it was a great feeling. We met Ian Taylor whose group arrived in Namche today. He seems lovely, we are happy to support his company.

    We had a hot shower. It was beyond magical. We both haven’t showered in in over 8 days.
    We smell.
    We were cold.
    So happpppy.
    We also got our in the newer section of the teahouse this time - much nicer.

    My legs were so sore. My calf and knee was GONE.
    I could barely walk, I put on like half a jar of tiger balm.

    My phone had been pretty much dead since base camp but as we were no longer in ridiculous temperature it decided to stop freaking out and work again

    All my clothes are wet and smell but at least we came off better than Tom and Lucy whose entire duffel bags got wet inside from the rain.

    Ok so the big story of the day is the shit Lucy is trying to pull.
    So as previously mentioned she can’t walk down a hill and needs to hold a guides hand.
    Today we were going down big hill and she was being assisted and Gilbo had her hand and helped her across a rock she was having trouble with.
    She freaked out, slapped his hand away and told him to leave.
    5 more hours she walked without issue.

    Once we arrive in Namche she comes out with the story that Gilbo pulled her so hard that she has torn a knee tendon. (<— have only just learnt that that word does not end in a T 🤯🤯)
    And she can’t walk, it’s ruined her trip and she is gonna have to get a helicopter to Lukla tomorrow.
    So essentially what she has done is thrown a mans livelihood into jeopardy, potentially damaging a company image and lied about what happened (George, Will and I all saw the “incident”)
    Do not throw people under the bus because of your own incompetence.
    Ian was really worried because of her past record (lost a sexual assault court case for lying/concealing info under oath. I.e she makes things up)
    She is using his insurance not hers to get the helicopter for unknown reasons.
    If she sues or makes something out of this all 6 of us will defend Gilbo.
    Why can’t you just say you hurt your knee?
    Why undermine someone who has tried to help you daily for 2 weeks?
    Everyone is furious.
    George and Helen spoke privately with Ian to discuss her behavior the whole trip.
    Ian basically said he doesn’t know why Pasang didn’t turn her around on day one if she couldn’t walk downhill.
    I just don’t want anyone to get into trouble. They are all so wonderful.

    In Namche after dinner we were told to all wait.
    They brought out a cake and Pasang sang us a song on a traditional instrument. Loved it!
    All the sherpas in the teahouse began to dance.

    I have been thinking long and hard and I think I’m onto why I’m not as impressed as expected about the mountains.
    I think it’s because in my mind they were going to be bigger.
    Everest is 8km high or whatever but really it’s only 3 from the ground. It’s the sea level position that adds its height rather than a singular ridiculously big mountain standing alone.
    I bet that will make no sense when I one day ready it back.
    Basically they weren’t as big and intimidating as expected.

  • Tag 16


    19. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Last day - so over it. Hahaha. So happy by the end of today we will be done.
    When we came up to breakfast Lucy had already gone to get her helicopter.
    We both signed George’s shirt which is having fraud and put up in his office.

    It’s much busier now. Lukla has been closed for days so it’s still only barely scratching the surface on how busy it does get.

    I will miss seeing random animals. Especially the cows.

    And off we went. 27km to do today.
    My knee was ok at the start but I’d say about 10km in my left knee was dying, I couldn’t really bend it.
    Getting down from Namche was much better than going up lol.
    It was really muddy and Pasang fell on his ass lol. He had to walk with shit on him all day.

    We went over lots of bridges today only they weren’t as fun because they hurt my knee this time when you had to really grip to stay grounded - especially the time the yaks were on at the same time making it bounce around everywhere!!

    I was really struggling so Pasang sprayed some shot on my knee - no idea what it was for.
    Will wanted to carry my bag for me but I refused. I want to finish this.

    We stopped in at Monjo or tea and eventually stopped somewhere for lunch which took ages to go our food (loved the extended break haha)

    Wills memory of the trail is very impressive. He knows all the ups and downs about to come after walking it once over a week ago.

    Constant problem of too hot then too cold.
    1 year later arrived to Lukla. Never been so pleased lol. It really is a cute town.

    Everyone got a lot of shit off their chest today re Lucy. We all bonded quite nicely because we were all able to be ourselves today.

    When we got to lukla we stayed at the place next to the airport. - Happy with the room though the lighting is non existent.

    For dinner I ate some salad, felt sick and left to go back to the room.
    Will got me a towel Incase of gastro attack.
    I ended up being fine. Crashed out hard!

  • Tag 17


    20. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    5:30 brekkie. Last of this stupid early shit.
    At 6 we made a move to airport next door.
    Customs checks through bags by hand and decided we were 15kg over weight ... we weren’t overweight on the way here..
    scam lol.
    It’s only $1 per kilo over but still. What BS lol.
    I added a rock but everyone else has lost weight.
    Sneaky buggers don’t removed bag from the previous group.

    Sat in airport a while watching helicopters get ready to leave.

    Currently on plane on wrong side again. Other side has the terrific views.

    We landed easily. I like little planes a bit more now lol.
    Helens bag was on next flight so Pasang stayed at the airport.
    I like Kathmandu more this time around. I’m excitedly see people and it’s so different to the mountains.
    Once at the hotel we unpacked, enjoyed the shower, flushing toilet and returned our hired items. (Poles, sleeping bag, down jackets and mattress things.) very sad to say bye to my poles.

    We went out to kfc. Amazing. 😭 it’s different but oh so satisfying. How I have missed meat.

    We went back to the hotel and lounged about until 7 when we were all meant to be going out for pizza only Helen and Tom bailed cause they didn’t want to go with Lucy but then Lucy bailed herself cause she is claiming her knee is sooooo bad she can’t walk. George was listening in on her convo with Kay and it sounded like she was trying to get a free trip out of this whole thing. He is furious.
    So pizza ended up being me, Will, Anita, George, Kay, Dawa, Pasang and another Ian Taylor guide dude.
    The place we went to was lovely! It’s called fire and Ice and It was great! Great vibe, great layout, great food!
    Dawa paid for everyone’s drinks and food. 😍
    We had good conversations and 1000 dad jokes from George.
    I had a lovely evening.
    We got given presents - we got a green scarf - similar to the white sash we got upon arrival. Whites for welcome, green is for goodbye.
    We got a mug with our picture on it, a cd of sherpa music feat Pasang and a certificate. I’m annoyed over my certificate though because it says I went up Kala Pattar when I didnt. Can’t put it on the wall. FRAUD lol.
    We said our goodbyes to Pasang at the hotel. Very sad. Glad Helen wasn’t there cause she would have cried and that would have set me off 😅
    Pasang leaves tomorrow to do it all over again with another team.

    We met a few of the other team earlier in the day and one of them recognized Lucy and was all I’m a big fan.
    I reckon her head nearly exploded off her neck.
    Anita was surprised ... bloody Anita 🤦🏼‍♀️
    It’s like she though Lucy was joking this whole time?? Beautiful woman. So. Stupid. 😂

  • Tag 18


    21. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Had scheduled to meet for brekkie with Lucy and Anita downstairs. I really enjoyed having fruit options this morning.
    After this we transitioned to downstairs to meet with Kay and Dawa.
    We are so lucky, todays group that are flying to Lukla are still in the airport. Lukla is closed again and they will have to get helicopters ($300USD each)
    We are the only group that has flown by plane so far.
    They had to leave because they got a call and someone in that group is real sick. Couldn’t hear everything but i heard “hospital”.

    We went for a walk to find paintings we found a few shops. The first one we found was great - dude wasn’t pushy and gave us reasonable prices of the bat. depending on size it was like 75-300$.
    We told him we were going to look at others and might come back so he gave us his card.
    We found a few more. The first place dude was a pest, reallllly passionate but ugh, go away lol.
    He also said $900 for the same things lol. Which made the first shop dude look even better.
    We browsed though others but really wanted to give the first guy our business. So we decided to go back but first, lunch.
    Kathmandu has some great mocktail options.
    There was a cat at the resturant who had a collar - i offered it some chicken but it preferred the ash tray lol.
    It was such a cat. Not scared of me but looking at me with such distain when I gestured for it to come get a head scratch haha.

    I really liked the lunch spot - it was called electric Pogoda.

    As we were walking back to the painting place we popped into a short store and bought a yak yak yak shirt for Jax and a basecamp one for me.
    $8 for both without even bartering. Dude kept the change just for being honest.

    Went and bought 2 paintings. We bought 1 each and it was about $270 all up I think.
    Very pleased.

    Went back to the hotel and ran into Anita. We exchanged emails and said our goodbyes. She bought me a pashmina scarf as a present.
    I will miss her, she is bonkers. 😍

    We dumped our stuff and headed back out to the Narayanhiti palace museum.
    They were really strict. You could not get your phone in, it had to go into a locker.
    Only things allowed were water and wallets.
    They patted you down to check.

    I really enjoyed inside. It was quick and to the point, you walked through the palace in a circuit and it a quick sentence were told the purpose of each room.
    The entire palace is a living embodiment of “Grandmas house”
    Very 1970’s with wood, carpets, orange, browns, tan and greens.
    Such a waste of space - many of the rooms were only used for one day a year.
    This place is significant because it’s the location the Royal family was shot and killed in 2001. Surrea it’s so recent.
    The prince is the accused - he died from his gun shot wound 3 days after the event - he was crowned King for those 3 days.
    There is a conspiracy theory around the event because the prince was right handed but was shot in his left temple.
    Once through the main palace you went outside an into a different building section - here it had signs identifying the exact spots the Royal family members were shot and died.
    Gun bullets holes remain on one of the wall.
    I really enjoyed the experience.

    on the way back we went to the garden of dreams.
    $4 to enter and inside wasn’t that great tbh.
    It seems to be a location of status though. Everyone was getting selfie after selfie. Almost lik if you can afford entry you are wealthy and have to flaunt it.
    The highlight were the chipmunks - I’m now led to believe they are a small squirrel.

    We went shopping for Will. He got some shit from Nike and Adidas.

    Returned to hotel and spoke with Lucy for an hour in the lobby and said our goodbyes.

    Later we went to dinner with Helen and Tom. What a great couple - we had lots of laughs!

    Said our goodbyes to them too :(

  • Tag 19


    22. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Today we slept in until 10.
    Felt like it was much later so that was a nice surprise.
    I went downstairs to get a massage.
    An odd experience to say the least.
    I got a full body one and man was it a FULL body one.
    I was really proud of myself with how I handled the leg massages.

    Included was a stomach and ear massage..
    but also my boobies.
    Like a full on boob massage. Very strange..

    we went to have lunch at the garden of dreams. Average food. Nice area. 90% less people today.

    Weather looked bleh so we went back to the hotel and accidentally had a 4 hour nap 😂

    For dinner we went to the 1st floor of the hotel and ate at the Indian restaurant there.

    Was good to catch up on so much sleep!

  • Tag 20


    23. September 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Got woken up by the phone at 9 to ask if we were coming to breakfast. Lol. No thankyou.

    But alas now we were awake so we showered and got on our way - ran into Kay in the foyer - another team had to get helicopters up to Lukla. 😅😅😅
    We asked Dawa to help us get a taxi.
    450 rupees to Boudhanath Stupa.
    I could live her 10 years and not adjust to the roads.
    Literally no rules and yet no one crashes. There precision is amazing. They sit with in 1cm of the next car - but never ever hit!!
    Today is dusty as all hell. Wish we brought our buffs.
    So we arrived and it cost 400 each to enter.
    It’s bigger than I expected - we went upstairs to a rooftop place to have breakfast and get a better angle of it all.
    We watched as the prepared the Stupa. There is a big festival next month where they slaughter a lot of goats. Thrilled we will miss it.
    They were throwing orange paint onto the white round top bit, adding prayer flags and orange lei things.
    After we ate we did a full lap walk around it then headed off to the Pashupatinath temple. About a 2km walk away.
    Seriously though - so dusty!!!

    We eventually found it. Signage not good - all in script.
    We found an entrance - 1000 each to enter.
    I knew we weren’t allowed to enter the temples cause we aren’t Hindu but we could go to the river and man what an experience!!!!!!

    So along the river they do public cremations.
    We saw an old lady lying on a bunch of wood and People walking in circles around her before setting underneath her on fire.
    We watched for a while then walked over to the other side of the bridge and sat.
    About 6 people were being cremated at the one time.
    Once the fire is basically done they push what’s left into the river - people bathe in the river.

    They were setting up another wood pile - we waited a while and a horn began to blow. 100 people walked in carrying a body covered in orange.
    The woman came in at the end, they were the only ones showing grief.
    I felt fine to take photos previously because A. We were told we could and B. No one was mourning.
    As soon as I saw people mourning I stopped filming.
    There is no correct way to grieve but I thought it was a bit much.
    They were WAILING and had to be carried away.
    It seemed like an act which makes me uncomfortable. I do hope they find peace though.

    It took them ages to put the person onto the wood and start the fire.
    We had been watching for an hour before we left. I found the whole thing fascinating.
    The lady we first watched had no finished burning by the end of the hour.

    They use buckets to wash the area of ash. They need bigger buckets. Took them 100 goes.

    It’s something I probably won’t see again.

    On the side of the river we were everyone was doin their Hindu rituals. Would take a year to explain it all. No idea what they were doing but it’s complicated AF.
    They made paste, poured white water and made paints. They had foods and dyes and rice.

    Monkeys stole a lot of people’s bananas lol.

    We then got a taxi back home. We didn’t want to really explore the temples. I was in shorts and I knew we couldn’t get in most places anyway. I saw everything I wanted/needed to see.

    We had a rest then met up with George downstairs and went to dinner.
    He is such a crack pot.
    Dancing down the street.

    We went shopping with him after as he wanted to get souvenirs for his grandkids/family.
    I bought a present for nan while out.
    And might have nicked a pair of socks cause I got ripped off.. 🙃
    I bought shoes - paid 1000 then exchanged for socks but didn’t get refunded the difference so i pocketed a second pair.
    Don’t feel bad. 500 per pair is still more than they are worth. George also bought half of the shop so the store dude had a good night.
    They are yak wool. I also bought Nana a postcard of a yak just in case she didn’t know what one was lol.
    We said our goodbyes to George in the lobby - he had written us a card. I will miss him. What a wonderful man.