Wedding and Honeymoon

October 2022 - January 2023
A 80-day adventure by Angharad Read more
  • 80footprints
  • 14countries
  • 80days
  • 466photos
  • 0videos
  • -kilometers
  • Day 30


    November 12, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Woke up at around 10. It’s very cold today.
    We went to get Will a hair cut. He is allowed 2 this trip. We have this set rule of else he would insist he get one every week like he does at home.
    We are very good at charades. The French do not like speaking English. The main guy doing his hair did at least speak to ask what he wanted but the hair cut itself was done in silence. Lol
    Great value. Only 12€
    We went walking and I said I wanted to have a look in the north face store I saw yesterday to have a look at prices for their jackets cause I’m constantly freezing.
    Our jackets are just not made for this weather AND I’m loosing feathers everyday 🙄
    Walked out with a disgusting expensive but 700 goose fill jacket.
    Being warm is important.
    We went to 5 guys for lunch. Good food actually.
    We then lined up to go into the cathedral. Will wanted to get up early tomorrow to skip the line but line was moving fast so I made him wait 😊
    Didn’t take long at all.
    Inside isn’t as WOW as outside but still beauuuuuuuutiful. And obviously the roof is very high.
    It had an astronomy clock inside which was awesome and we happen to be there at 1pm so we saw the figurines walk around which was cool. Love that it works.
    We then went to go up the tower but it was closed for 30m so we went to get a hot drink cause it’s coldddddd.
    Another person unhappy to speak English 😆 but our hot chocolates were yum!
    So many chihuahuas! It’s the most common dog in Europe so far which I am LOVING.
    Love all the dogs in coats. 😍
    Went to re line up for the tower but I needed to wee and it suddenly became urgent cause our tour was 20 mins away and goes for 2 hours soooo not going to end well.
    Ran around for 15 trying to find a toilet - went back to 5 guys. When washing my hands a man walked in and another man walked out of the other cubicle 🤔🤔
    Maybe in the mens room, I don’t know hahah there were no urinals 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Found the tour and to my delights there were at least 30 of us which is great so I’m not obligated to leave a huge tip.

    Tour started in front of the cathedral which she talks about for a long while and pointed out some of the statues and talked about them - over 2000 on the cathedral.

    She then took us to a square where they use to sell chicken and spices but main purpose was because it’s pretty.
    She talked about the street signs. They are in French and Alsatian. Alsastian is local dialect but a German dialect so gets a bit political which she went over later in the tour.
    There is a local artist who does pixel designs in street corners often of what you will find on the street. This one was a beer cause of the restaurants.
    We then went to a another square type place where she showed us a good example of a building where the ground level is significantly smaller than the first and second floor and all the building lean on each other to keep balance.
    This is because you were charged tax on how big your ground level space was and only ground.
    People avoiding taxes since the dawn of time 😆😆
    Walked us to a building that is a school- they speak 6 languages there 🥴🥴 she said it is referred to as Strasbourg’s Hogwarts - local artist had added a Hufflepuff symbol. Walked along a river thing past lovely buildings and into an area where all buildings looked like train stations and big banks.
    She said 90% of the time if a building is Pink based the French built it.
    If it is grey, the Germans built it.
    We then had our history lesson.
    Basically is someone was born in 1860 and died 1950 in their live they saw 3 wars and changed nationalities 4 times.
    She drew a G (German) and F (French) on the floor and a line in the floor then started history and made us move over to the other side each time it changed countries from political power plays and wars.
    She explained why Alsatian is so important to them. They clung to it as they change. Whether French Alsatian or German Alsatian they were always Alsatian.

    We saw a war memorial and she pointed to a mother holding 2 naked dead sons and they are naked on purpose. They are not clothed because it does not matter who they fought for or what side as they had no choice. The memorial is for the dead not dead French or dead German. Each son fought for a different side and both a dead.

    We were FREEZING both of us. Partly regretting my jacket purchase at this time but also holding onto hope it was because I had no beanie or under layers.

    She showed us a statue with 2 faces which represent Strasbourgs past which I liked. Then into another area where she made a big point that we must know the French national anthem was written in Strasbourg and told the history of why it’s called la Marseillaise and not la Strasbourg lol.
    (First heard sung by people from Marseilles)

    Into another square. Statue in the middle of dude who won some fights for napoleon. Hard to hear he but some of his body is under that statue.
    Back to the cathedral where she showed us this pole. If you worked for the city you had to be able to squeeze between the pole. If you were too fat to fit you would be viewed as being selfish and not giving enough to the people.
    As Donald trump said
    “You’re fired”.
    Didn’t take a pic cause huuuuuge vomit there hahah.

    Gave her 5€ cause everyone tipped her good so she will do well for herself. She was a good guide, city itself missing excitement - The history lesson was good though.

    Went home and had hot showers. Amazing.
    Added more layers then eventually headed out to one of the places recommended to us by the guide.
    Added a thermal and beanie and doing much better. Still put out that I’m cold as in theory it’s only 6° and is going to get drastically more cold but maybe if I wear proper pants? I don’t think my torso is cold?
    Greatest butternut squash soup omg.
    Will doesn’t know what he had. I don’t know either. Looked interesting. Chicken, mushroom and …something... probably best we don’t know.
    Went to the supermarket and I found some fruit 😭 and found some cherry tomatoes which you didnt buy in a box but spooned into brown bag like mushrooms which I loved. Only €1

    Back at hotel.

    *update got a pic tomorrow of the belly measure pole. Have added picture to todays journal.
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  • Day 31


    November 13, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Up and at ‘em.
    Had cereal and milk we bought last night. Hopefully we don’t get sick cause it’s not long life milk but it’s unopened and our room is cold soooo
    Well actually I personally felt the room was boiling overnight but that’s every night for me haha.
    We put on more layers today - I put on an extra pair of pants - my snow pants so I look like a right douche but that’s ok. I’m warm.
    We walked to le petite France first which is why we came to Strasbourg. It’s a bit like chefchaunen for me. Photos are misleading. I was expecting at least triple the amount of cool stripy houses they had. Better than chefchauen cause it was still pretty. Chefchaun is a massive hole.
    We watched the water boats in the canals which was cool. They got locked in a section. Pumped that section with water so the boat rose then the the doors opened on the other side and the boat floated on.
    We saw St Thomas I believe that gets no attention because of the big ass cathedral but Mozart liked the organ inside which was cool to note as we walked past.
    Walked to the cathedral and bought our tickets to go up to the viewing platform.
    300 something stairs in a spiral.
    My legs.
    Absolute jelly.
    100% worth it though. Frothing at the view.
    Looooove how old the roofs are and all the little hatch windows and wonky-ness.
    Beautiful. 10/10 would climb again.
    The bell dinged and gave me a heart attack. Much louder when so close 😅😅
    Walked back down which was a breeze compared to going up but going around and around so quickly made us feel a little dizzy so we went for lunch.
    I got my salad 😭😭😭😭
    It was goats cheese on little bread things with honey and nuts and then like a kilo of lettuce, tomato and onion.
    We then went to Starbucks for a hot chocolate. Nice defrosting technique for our hands.

    We have walked to museum palace Rohan except same problem as climbing the tower yesterday - they don’t seem to have people available to cover work lunch breaks so it’s closed for the next 45 minutes. 😆 We are just waiting in a foyer/courtyard. So easy to imagine parties of people arriving on their horses and being greeted.
    Bonkers these are people houses.

    Currently watching some instagram couple take photos of themselves in the courtyard. It’s a real process. I think they are uncomfortable I am watching. They moved hahaha.

    Will had to activate his Wi-Fi to read the menu at the place we had lunch which is probs a good thing so he is amused while we wait and I can write this in peace haha.

    Ummed and ahhed about which ticket to buy.
    It was 16€ each for all 3 sections of the museums which was archaeological, paintings and decorative arts. I opted for just the decorative arts tickets so 7.5€ each. Gotta get back some of my jacket money 🥴
    Got us access to the palace section which is my favorite thing to see.
    Went through lots of decked our rooms. Amazzzzzinnnggggg. Not the best we have seen but still love love love love love.
    Notable guests include King Louis XV, Marie Antoinette and Dauphines Marie Josephe de Saxe.
    Napoleon too In the second part of the palace.
    Love the bed chambers. And the library 😍😍
    Some very pornographic frog art which I did not expect to see in a palace.
    Also some big display from some family who made crockery.
    I loved one of the signs describing the display. There were aninal/bird ceramics that were used at dinner parties because they looks like they could fly and it delighted the guests.
    I often read this and just wish dead people could be woken up for a day and see the advances. Their heads would short circuit.
    Parts of the original and the 2nd archaeological clock from the cathedral were there. Very cool.
    The 3rd one is currently in cathedral.
    There was also a toy collection.


    Bought my magnet - felt pressured so not perfect but as I already have a France one I’ll take my small win. Also regretful that I didn’t buy a waffle one in Brussels cause it wasn’t “perfect”. I try not to waste opportunities when Will is in a “want a magnet?”mood. Never know when the next one be hahaha

    Walked past our favorite homeless lady. She has a whole section for herself- has set up a tent and even has like 20 little plants for some decor 😆😆

    We opted not to go to Colmar because I’m worried it will be the same as Strasbourg regarding the lack of stripy houses and also online tickets unavailable this morning. Could have gone to station but I’m happy with todays activity choice instead.

    I showered and packed, stapled some stuff and did some research before we headed to dinner.
    Will fancied Indian so we went to the creatively named “Namaste” Resturant.
    Good food. Indian is always good food really ahah. Had to scoop the coriander out but I’ll forgive cause the waiter was really nice. The Resturant was super clean too.
    They forgot to charge us for our cokes and my inability to steal made me tell them.
    Walked back and I’ve spent 2 hours booking things. I’ve booked Versailles, and a wine tour. Well hopefully a wine tour. They don’t give themselves much wriggle room. It’s maximum 5 people because of Covid but will only run if 4 people 😅 so they haven’t taken money yet and I will hear back from them. I hope it runs. The one I had planned is unavailable and this one is more expensive but does look good.
    And if we don’t do a wine tour our whole trip to Dijon is pointless sooo.
    Our back up plan is to go to a fancy dinner and do a wine pairing experience but I’d rather a wine tour.
    I also went to book our Lichtenstein tour but backed out. I’ve booked us a return train to somewhere near the border. Lichtenstein doesn’t have a train station or airport so we will have to catch a bus from the train station but it’s meant to be a direct route. I opted for this after months of going back and forth because the tour is 7.5 hours but only 45 mins in Lichtenstein and time in other Swiss villages. I don’t want to come away feeling like I didn’t see it properly. So train it is.

    Will has been putting off packing all night and has just made the call he will do it in the morning. Who here is shocked? *searches and find nobody*
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  • Day 32


    November 14, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Today is our earliest train so far I think. Still not that early leaving at 8:55 haha.
    It was only a quick 5 minute walk to the station then we waited a bit to be given a platform. A whole school seems to be on our train. We have a wagon number and it was helpful because the platform is so long they gave us a letter to stand on so we knew where our carriage would arrive.
    We are both in isle seats across form each other. Only a 2 hour journey.
    I think I had a little nap.

    Update: boy oh boy we have HAD A DAY 😪😪😪
    First half good. Second half baaaaad.

    When we got to Paris it was easy enough to get the metro. We will probably use again. We could have got a second metro to get us closer to our stop but opted to walk the 1km cause next stop was only 300m closer.
    Less lunatic bikes already.
    Gothic is my favourite style but the French (what ever style it is) is sophisticated.
    Check in was easy and the man was really nice. Our room key is literally half a kilo. When we headed to the Eiffel Tower later I was very happy to learn we give it back to reception, they hang it up and we collect upon return.
    Also very happy we were about to check in. It was maybe 11:30ish and check in wasn’t until 3 but our room was ready 🎉
    Went walking towards the Eiffel Tower which was about 4km away. Had to walk past the shopping street with the $10,000 outfits in the window. Some shops had lines. I don’t understand it. The designs are hideous, I wouldn’t buy even if I could.
    We were hungry so Will found us a burger place to eat called quick burger.
    The lady was lovely. Food was garbage and 4 times the price of what is should have been.
    Bowl of lettuce, cheese and tomato for 10€.
    Walked to tower. Walked around entire tower trying to find entrance…

    You can walk up for a cheaper price and I had a laugh because it was an hour wait to buy tickets for the elevator or buy tickets immediately and walk up.
    To be fair it’s 1,600 steps.
    Not a single person in the walk line hAHahaha.
    We waited an hour which was a delight cause Will is so good in lines…
    Got on the lift up to the 2nd floor quite quickly but the the wait to go to the roof was where Will started to really have the shits lol.
    I made him wait though. This is my 3rd trip here and I still haven’t been to the top. So we are going to wait, William.
    Eventually got there and frankly wasn’t worth it 😆
    But have done it so yay.
    The price and waiting was too much.
    The views in fairness were lovely. I like how the buildings all connect and make shapes.
    Back down. The waiting for the lifts again omggg.
    Walked home. Very sore feet.
    And that’s when the day soured.

    Got a notification from wise about a live purchase i didn’t make.
    Checked card.
    3 purchases today I didn’t make.
    Aye aye aye.
    Have transferred all money off card (transaction/transfer fees are terrific aye)
    And have frozen account.
    Have emailed Wise to see what they say and look at options.

    And we know who it was 🙃
    The lovely lady at the burger place.
    We both noted she took our card under the desk and I said to myself in my head that was odd.. they did that in America all the time maybe they do it here too..
    I hope she likes her new hijab, eyelashes and whatever other clothing piece she bought starting 20 minutes after we left the burger shop.
    All stores are online and in Paris.
    And the hijab really limits the clientele options. Obvs wasn’t me.
    We were looking ok for money too 🤦🏼‍♀️
    Now have to consider the lovely transaction fees and hidden bank fees blah blah.
    We both think Wise is terrific. We will see what they say. Maybe they can ship a new card and we collect in Switzerland or something.
    She only spent $150 and there was $5000 on the card so could have been much MUCH worse.
    I haven’t received the transactions yet (lost money in exchange rate again switching it back btw🙄) but I did receive the $1.32 I sent myself because I refused to let her have even that left haha.
    So if I received that I have definitely sent the rest of the money to the right account so the waiting for it to arrive won’t be as anxiety inducing for me.
    We are so lucky I happened to be in a Wi-Fi area when she purchased something or I wouldn’t have noticed the $12 missing.
    Since I cancelled the card she has tried to use the French version of Uber 3 times but been denied. I hope she is stranded lol.

    We decided to go confront her at the shop so walked 3.5km back.
    She wasn’t there but we talked to her colleagues. Her name is Rim.
    Thankfully one of the workers could speak English. He took a picture of my transactions. He actually chased me back down the street to take the picture so at least he is pretending he is going to investigate.
    We think we will make a police report tomorrow.
    Walked back.
    Our feet are sore.

    Decided to buy dinner on my Nab card to see what the rates are. Doesn’t appear too bad but doing several transactions a day will add up.
    Is what it is at this point 🤷🏼‍♀️
    We didn’t pay for our hotel this morning, we do it at checkout. It’s our most expensive stay the whole trip and will surely have a nice fee for us. Wish we had paid this morning with the pre loaded currency. :(
    Dinner was garbage too 😆😆😆 the English menu didn’t have prices and wowwwww €5 each for our cokes.
    Not our day lol.

    I’m very excited for our activities tomorrow though so trying to stay positive!
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  • Day 33


    November 15, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Money arrived overnight into our NAB account so that’s a real plus.
    Our free breakfast in the hotel was excellent.
    Freshly squeezed orange juice, tea (pot of hot water, tea bag, jug of milk and sugar), a croissant, and half baguette with differnt jams, Nutella and butter, yogurt and apple purée. 👌🏻
    Presentation was 10/10.
    We pre loaded our 2 maps. Me getting to the station. Will getting to the Palace from the other station.
    Excellent timing - there was a delayed train that was going where we needed to walked straight on.
    Love their seats. Each seat is 2 colours - all fluro.
    8 different colour options. A very bright train.
    A beggar person walked down the train. It was the most unbelievably act. Fake limp. Fake voice tremble. Also had to pay to get on the train but ok.
    Everyone ignored them lol.
    It was a 40 minute journey.
    Once we arrived Will went through the ticket barrier but my ticket wouldn’t work and I got stuck.
    As did about 10 others who also had valid tickets.
    No train workers in sight. We were all in quite a bright mood about it all I think cause we were all in the same boat.
    Will went to try find help.
    Occasionally on the 15th try someone’s ticket would work and they would get through.
    One lady snuck behind another person and set of the alarm.
    Eventually it was just me and another older lady left. She couldn’t speak a word of English and I French but we were just chatting to each other like we understood haha.
    I pressed a button and the fist door on the wheelchair section opened but I didn’t enter in case I got stuck. She entered and got stuck.
    Pressed more buttons and she got released and re joined me in the station hahah.

    Finally help arrived and the guard opened the gates for us.
    We were early so that was a good time killer. Lol
    Walked to the palace. Signage is appalling.
    Big sign that says “audio guides” ➡️➡️ so we went that way and lady was like no?? You get them in the palace?? Like I was the silly one for following the BIG ARROW.
    Next needed toilet. Went where it says toilet.
    3 door attempt later I found a disabled which is most definitely not where the sign was talking about but I was getting annoyed by now lol.

    We were early so we went out the back to the gardens first.
    A bit Eh To be honest. Will thought they were fab. My memories remembered hedges and less I suppose, nothingness. The space itself was HUGE which is what I think Will was taken aback by but it wasn’t as extravagant as I either remembered or expected.

    Time to go In. Got my audio guide and once again had no idea which way to go.
    Started in Du Dauphine suites (I think)
    Like I even know what that means. Thought it was a lady but they kept talking about a man. Don’t know if king or different man. Not a clue.
    I’m still so confused even with my audio guide.
    Everyone has the same name, 20 children each, 13 different wives, names/titles change and people die. Can’t keep up.
    Things I learnt though is that each apartment suit has 5 rooms and the further in you go the more private they get.
    They weren’t WOOOOOOW but still lively. Intricate roof carvings and lovely painting + furniture.
    Adelaide* is the owner of one of the apartments we saw.
    Someone (🤷🏼‍♀️😆) had a lot of sisters and she was one of them. There were 8 or 9 girls what I found interesting is that only the eldest ever married because they were catholic and appropriate Catholics matches were hard to come across because everyone was Protestant. A lonely life but better than being made to marry some dirty man 40 years your senior for some BS trade agreement. Still surprising though. Pleased for them lol.
    The somebody** visited the girls daily.
    Maybe King Louis XIV?
    A lot of the stuff is replicated, some real.

    Came out somewhere and went into next door we found because why not. Again, the signage was terrific…
    This was a sort of tribute to king Louise XV. The last king to die in Versailles.
    Pronounced Vers - eye. Have read/said about 10 different ways - all wrong.
    It was about him as a person and his story. It was interesting and had some cool stuff. Also kind of had a family tree but still not overly helpful cause not everyone included. The infant death rate is just heartbreaking.
    He loved art and science so a lot of his collection was there. All art except painting which he didn’t collect - it was more like decorative furniture and Knick knacks.
    He was a horn dog and his wife refused to sleep with him anymore which was accepted but she had to source the girls. Lol.
    Somebody stabbed the king. The king forgave him but everyone else screamed for his blood so some lovely court documents and pictures showing his public torture and he was drawn and quartering. This was the last public torturing and it’s called the “Damien’s affairs”.
    He loved to hunt. Some horrendous and yet fabulous art of animals being eaten to death by dogs.
    A lovely little drawing at the end someone drew after his death when his body was exhumed and thrown into a mass grave. Yep. Definitely been dead a while in that little sketch.

    We then went to the grand apartments and that’s when the extravagance came to alive. It became much more exciting very quickly. I love nothing more that a decorated roof.
    Started with a big room with the best fire place. A whole wall.
    It had a big roof painting which apparently was the biggest worldwide when painted.
    I don’t know how to describe other than room after room of cool ceilings with beautiful paintings. I always think the beds are tiny. For the lavish lifestyles why are your beds so small. Can you even lie flat?
    I particularly enjoyed learning that they had daily getting up and going to bed ceremonies which I can only imagine were unbelievably tedious. The kings suit didn’t get used for his actual sleep - all the audio said was he preferred his other chambers - didn’t specify Louis XIV or XV.

    The kings rooms were themed of the 7 planets they knew. Like the legends of Venus and shit like that. Kings chambers in center of whole palace facing north.

    Saw another kings chamber later on. Presumably the sleeping room.

    The queens chamber was the best room on the house or rather the most exciting to learn about. The only room I passed the audio guide over for Will to listen. 2 queens dies in in the bed. A queen had NINETEEN children in the bed - King Louis XV was one of them.
    Births were public viewing - lovely.
    Marie Antoinette did not die in the room but whas in the bed when the castle got stormed and escaped to the kings chambers through a little door which was cool to see.

    As I mentioned. Love the roofs.
    The gardens from the side were cooler cause they had mini hedges.

    It all ended in an art gallery vibe hall thing. First place in 2 hours to have seats. Pointless. Your 20m from the end.
    Well not pointless, we still sat. 😆
    We need to buy Will new shoes. His shoes have died and we are doing 10km+ everyday. His poor little feetsies are sore.
    We had tickets to another part of the grounds but it was the other end and we weren’t walking. The building was just a spec in the horizon and we also didn’t want to hire the golf buggies they had available. It was only 2€ extra for entrance to that part.
    Again. No signage to say what it was either so 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Finally finished. Gave my audioguide back - and headed to find food then the train station.
    No ticket drama this time and all trains go to the station we needed so couldn’t go wrong.
    Walked to Starbucks to steal Wi-Fi to reload map home.
    The front desk has printed out tickets for tonight so we are ready to go.
    Resting our feet.

    Wise has cancelled our card and will refund us for the fraud purchases. Have emailed asking them the plausibility of sending our new card to our hotel in Switzerland.
    NAB will do for now.

    Walked to a Resturant near the moulin rouge. Very cheap cocktails so we got one each.
    I got another goats cheese salad because the one in Strasbourg was amazing but this one wasn’t as good. We also got a lava cake to share but it was over cooked so just cake. lol.
    Should have got the cheese fondue that every other table ordered.

    Went to moulin rouge and I have a lot of thoughts.
    1. The opening act was so bad. Will nearly walked out. I would have been mad but understood.
    It was an under 15’s eisteddfod Jazz piece and had lots of men which we weren’t expecting.
    2. Not a single male dancer could dance. Not one.
    3. Most of the woman couldn’t dance or weren’t trying.
    4. Requirement seems to be must have nice boobs. Nothing else mattered. Smashed crab faces, can’t do a double turn, 90° high kicks. What am I watching?
    5. Some of the costumes were AMAZING.
    6. The interval, individual performances were spectacular except one. There were strong gymnastic men who lifted each other, a contortionist and roller bladers who spin.

    But also a girl who jumps into a pool of water (like a proper pool size) and pretends to wrestle snakes.
    The snakes were so SO distressed and trying to escape. And she would grab one, pull it under the water and pretend to be wrapped by it under the water.
    Surely some animal rights violations…
    7. The lip syncing was terrible 😆😆
    8. Old guy on other side of the theatre HAVING THE BEST NIGHT IF HIS LIFE. I had a blast watching his facial expressions.
    Dude near us was drunk having a good time too.
    9. Our seats weren’t good. Glad we didn’t pay the proper package cause it’s a lucky dip where you sit as no assigned seating.
    Got offered a glass of champagne for 20€ out of a bottle that is $15 in Dan Murphys. Nope.
    10. All round unprofessional but still a novelty watching so many naked people. Haha
    11. The only thing I’ve come away actually angry and pissed off about were the snakes. It was terrible. (I’ve since read reviews online from people sitting closer and apparently their mouths are taped shut while they get drowned 🙃)
    Lose that and despite the crapness I would still tell people to go. My trained eye makes it harder to not find fault.
    Also. They should update some of their costumes and not put black people in white person stocking/bras. It reeeeeeally draws the eye cause it doesn’t blend (obvs) but also just overall shit for them.
    Walked home and weren’t mugged. Yay.
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  • Day 34


    November 16, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Important story I didn’t write on yesterdays post because I was too busy trying to finish and get to bed because it was like 12:30.
    The walk back from moulin rouge was intense. Will needed to poop 😆😆
    We finally made it to the hotel only to find a notice on our hotel door saying “receptionist away, will be back shortly.”
    It was a looooong wait 😆😆😆😆😆😆

    We were meant to go on a walking tour this morning but I cancelled it at about 10am cause I just couldn’t get up. Couldn’t.
    Have moved to Friday instead.
    We left the house at about 1. Our bodies are so sore.
    Walked in the direction of the police museum with the Louvre and Notre Dame cathedral on the way.
    It’s very miserable weather so I brought a backpack with our raincoats and lucky we did because we found some art 🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Walked past this lady actually painting which we always prefer so we know it’s theirs. I actually really liked all of them so we stopped to look.
    I asked how much and she said 17€
    I asked Will what he thought about buying 3 for like a combo piece for the bathroom or something and he agreed. We agreed on one, he picked one and i picked one. I would never have picked the one he chose but all together they look lovely.
    45€ all up. Wills mind popped. He thought she said 70€ which he accepted so he is thinking bargain for 17!!! Well 15 with our deal 🕺🏻
    She was lovely and said it’s so good to see Australians (all tourists) back we have been missed. Glad to be back.
    Walk walk walk and came across another art shop and bought a big painting of the Eiffel Tower became we were so regretful we got no art last Europe trip we pre planned to buy in Paris this time around. Pleased with our purchase for 35€

    Didn’t do much other than get a quick photo of both landmarks on the way but the line for the Louvre was short like last time and the cathedral was really interesting to see after the fire. The front façade survived but the back was a hot mess. Lots of cranes working on it.
    Had Turkish/Lebanese for lunch. The Tzatziki was saaaaaa good.
    Walk walk walk.
    Found the police museum and it was so bizarre. Had to do a security check then go into a proper police station and awkwardly be like uhhh museum?? And they pointed upstairs.
    Walked past all the criminals and victims lol ok.

    Museum was awesome actually. Would like more English but front desk person gave a quick briefing and some signs had translations.
    The different sections were past policing uniforms and police chiefs etc (5 different ones 1815)
    Then onto what we visited for - the only surviving guillotine used during the revolution. VERY COOL.
    It also had a noble execution sword on display and other bits and bobs.
    Next up was a bunch of murder weapons and crime scene photos and descriptions. Very grim I lovedddd it hahah. I got the jist but would have loved some more descriptions. The skull with half of it missing next to a hammer was self explanatory lol.

    Really enjoyed it actually. And museum is from 1909 which is why it’s in such an odd spot - original headquarters.
    It was raining so to protect the painting (which was sticking out the top of my bag cause it’s too big) we got the metro.
    2 different ones this time. It’s very straight forward like London.
    Went to the Place de la Concorde which is where King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were both executed.
    A boring square but historically important.

    I kicked over a beggars jar of coins by accident. And they went everywhereeeeeee.
    I know it’s a scam and purposely put in the middle of the footpath but I still gave her 2€ cause she was a child and what a crap life to be sent out to do that.

    We then went to an exchange place and exchanged Wills left over pokie winnings from before we left. Exchange is so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 61c 😪
    Walked home and I went to buy tickets online for the chateau tomorrow and of course more money needed to be spent - They had to send me a security text because I was using my NAB card. So I had to activate my sim. What’s another $10🥲having Chinese for dinner and I am KEEN

    Chinese was good. I want Australian Chinese but definitely acceptable haha. They don’t do any of the normal orders except sweet and sour pork.
    Portions were tiny so we went searching for a frozen yogurt place but could not find it so Will demanded Starbucks. As we walked out of Starbucks we found it 😑😑😑

    Home now and in the bath. Have to sort out all the minor details for our trip tomorrow. Car place seems to be close so that’s good.
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  • Day 35

    Hire car

    November 17, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Will does not have the same anxieties I do about being late so he made us go down for breakfast. If I was by myself I would have gone straight to the car rental place. 😆
    Really enjoyed my cup of tea from my saucer. Does the shape change the taste? 🤔🤔🤣

    Walked to pick up the car which was only about 1km away. Arrived at 8:10am. So not too late 😅
    Naturally ended up being way more expensive than our quote cause I paid an extra 10€ for complete insurance cover rather than have an excess. Then was given the option of paying 57€ for them to fill up the car or we could do ourselves. As we haven’t seen a petrol station and more importantly can’t read French so may not be able to know how to operate the nozzle etc we opted for the easy option and paid the extra money.
    And the huge deposit.
    Quote was 140€
    Dinged my card for $822. Sigh. I should get $460 back though.
    We are the first drivers ever of the car apparently so will be very obvious if we scratch it haha.
    Went down to the car park. Nice enough car.
    Gps was at least included so that’s a plus.
    As I had to activate my roaming yesterday anyway and I have half a day left, my phone is backup for directions. Which it was looking like I might have to use cause the gps is in French.
    Nothing worked cause we were in the garage.
    What an absolute nightmare trying to load everything while driving.
    Finally figured out gps and told me to go opposite direction of my phone…. Good…

    Will Zoomed it out to look at the route but we couldn’t zoom back in. I was trying to cancel the route so I could reenter it. But what do all the French words mean?!?! 😭😭😭
    Will yelling at me which way do I go
    I DONT KNOW 😩😩😩😩😩😩

    Tried every possible button and something eventually worked.

    Holy crap on a cracker.

    What an absolute kerfuffel.

    The road rules are there are no road rules.
    Worse than Romania.
    I had actual chest pains from stress.
    No lanes. No designated place to turn from.
    Are you in a left turning bay but want to go right. No worries. Just go.
    Watch for the 700 bikes.
    Oh my word. It took us 50 minutes to get out of Paris and my professional advice moving forward for everyone is to catch a train out of Paris to pick up your car elsewhere.
    Could drive through London with a blindfold in comparison.

    Finally on some sort of highway. I was DYING for a wee and finally there was a maccas so pulled in. France is on strike over toilet seat lids apparently.
    Fine in principle but the rim is to big and i don’t like falling in the toilet 😆

    Drive drive drive and came to a toll.
    Erm. What do we do?? 😆😆😆
    Pressed a button and got a ticket and the boom opened.
    Don’t know how or when we are meant to pay so thats fun.

    Better be the best bloody chateau in the world I tell you 😭🤣

    Exited the toll.
    16.30€ 😪😪😪😪😪
    Will have to pay on the way back too.

    Once we came to the country side part it was lovely little cookie cutter cottages 😍
    Parking was easy to find and 6€ which I thought was reasonable for whole day parking when really they could charge you whatever they want.
    It was about 12 when we arrived so we needed food and went to the Resturant.
    Again, reasonable prices. Will got the Boar which he quite liked. I got “piece of beef”.
    To add a dessert was an extra 2 euro so we both did. He got chocolate cake and I absolutely should have too. I opted for a cheese platter. I made the assumption it would come with some sort of crackers or something?
    I’m not in the habit off just eating a chunk of blue cheese like a sandwich, like I was expected too hah.
    The chateau, as all of Europe is, was surrounded by scaffolding. 🥲

    It was very quite which I expected because our ticket is valid for the whole year and not you must be at the gates at 12:43:37 or you won’t get let it. When we entered we watched a video about the spiral staircase which is very cool. 2 entrances and they wind so you don’t cross paths with the other person. Me and Will tried :)

    The most impressive thing about the chateau was it’s size. It was basic in design, stone floors and wooden beams with basic furnishings but still makes an impact.
    There is over 60 rooms and it’s a massive maze. Every room has a delicious looking fireplace.
    The kings room was obviously the best.
    It has its own chapel which was a bit extra.
    I liked the taxidermies and the antlers everywhere giving off cabin vibes.
    Lots of dragons on doors and on the ceiling too which i looove.
    The view from the top was nice.
    Biiiiiiiiig grounds.
    Downstairs was another section that had original bits of the building that needed to be removed and also some old carriages which I liked.
    Places like this is the setting for literally everybook I read. Just magical 💕 haha.

    Got some cool photos of the front and back of the chateau. Tried to find the horses but the show was 2 hours away so no pats today :(
    Started to rain just as we were leaving which was good because we did some off roading on the way because of road closures and the car was a touch dirty 😅
    The drive back was significantly better than the way there only Will was getting tired very quickly so we stopped for a coffee break. Servo had a DIY Starbucks machine that of course ran out of milk halfway through our order after we had paid.
    So we had to get help.
    Lady tipped out our order and we weren’t sure if were going to get another one because she didn’t speak English to us. It took her ages to pour like 10 cartons of milk into a box.
    We did get a new one thankfully.
    Will said it was surprisingly good considering.
    He woke up a bit which was good. I would have camped the night before offering to take his place.
    Under no circumstances can I drive in Paris.
    We eventually made it back and the route was so much more simple. I think live map updates should be banned of a morning unless there is a traffic accident because the route changed several times along the way which made it 20x more stressful. Turn right. Actually no turn left 😭😭
    Drove very close past the Eiffel Tower which was lovely and we saw the French Statue of Liberty nearby too. ✔️

    Found the car park. The instructions given to us were poor.
    We parked then found where we were probably meant to park but not told to park… so we moved just in case.
    Car park is designed for motorbikes not cars. Tiiiiiight.
    Next was finding where to drop the keys.
    Supposedly near the lift but there are multiple lifts…..
    Eventually found.

    Went to hard rock and so upset with myself. Ordered a coke instead of a mango berry cooler cause I was trying to save a couple euro but it was apparently happy hour so it was cheaper to get that. I could have had 😭

    We are now back home and very pleased to be.
    Driving was horrendous but the chateau was awesome!
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  • Day 36


    November 18, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    We made the call to not do the walking tour last night for several reasons.
    - We have done Paris well and will be re seeing a lot.
    - We walk at least 10-15km a day. Our feet and bodies are SORE.
    - it’s 4km to starting point followed by 3 hours of walking. Nope.
    We decided to go to the army museum instead which we LOVED. 20/10.
    Even Will keeps asking me if I’ve given them a 5 star review yet 😆

    It was 14€ which was terrific. We spent hours there and skipped a whole bunch of it. It’s huuuuuuuuuge.
    First section was old knights armor, swords. Canons etc. So cool and so unbelievable just how many they have. They had displays which went on and on and on but also this hallway with canons in it but on the other side was glass showing their storage collection. They had all the armors facing the window so it was like walking past an army which was so so cool.
    Cool will be used a lot to describe today.
    The oldest we found was from 1100.
    You see stuff like this and get a date like 1609 and stick your nose up at it for being so recent 😆😆
    The next section was the world wars. Best displace I’ve seen. It had every country represented with their uniforms and stuff.
    I loved in the WW2 section that they had a Swastika flag. I love that it didn’t get burnt and is on display and that someone hasn’t complained its offensive. We noted in Germany their lack of ww2 museums because they don’t want to be seen as promoting or praising.
    I think this museum did it all really well - It was all factual.
    It also had some of his stuff which was noteworthy.
    It also had a quick woman’s section which I really enjoyed for WW2. I like when it’s individual stories and you get given a face to imagine alongside the story.
    Interestingly 65, 068 French resistance medals were awarded. 10% of those medals were awarded to woman. Good job girls. Doing good effort from home 💪🏻
    Lots of weapons, personal belongings, art and uniforms were the main contents.

    Next was the French resistance part which I think if you were French would be more interesting.
    We skipped a lot of this part.
    We then went into the chapel to see Napoleons tomb.
    His older brother Joseph and Son also are buried there.
    His tomb was so ridiculous. Big center piece in the middle. So extra.

    Then onto Napoleon and King Louis’s XIV + XV section. Bit bored in this bit too. We were spoilt and had seen too many thing by this point. Napoleons horse had been taxidermied though so I like that bit.

    We walked home.
    On the way a man started yelling and full tackled another man to the ground maybe 20 meters in front of us and kept screaming at him.
    Will just kept walking towards it.
    “What the hell are you doing?????
    Why are you walking towards that????”
    So many cops near by because we think it’s parliament near by - literally 2 cops every corner.
    They took their sweet ass time responding to the fuss. My only thinking is maybe they hesitate in case they are worried it’s a decoy for something for sinister. Cause I did expect a bit of a quicker response to the yelling and violence..
    We think maybe the guy stole something from the fancy shop and it was a citizens arrest?

    Either way I don’t speak French, i don’t know what’s happening, so I crossed the street like a sensible person with some self preservation. Will had to be yelled at by me to do so.

    I’m in the bath and we absolutely need to do washing but are done for the day so will wear dirty undies to Dijon and do tomorrow 😆😆

    Will wanted Mexican for dinner so we went to a random burrito shop.
    Keen to move on from Paris but I will miss this hotel. It’s probably our best standard until we get to London lol.
    Have to pay tomorrow though so we will see the damage then 😬

    3 days in a row we have put the do not disturb sign on the door and 3 days that has been ignored.
    Today we came back mid clean and she couldn’t speak English but was hesitant to let us in.
    Excuse me but you shouldn’t even be in here gtfo.
    I find it rude actually. That sign is universal in meaning. No not ignore. I might have hidden my stuff better and moved my dirty undies off the floor. 😒
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  • Day 37


    November 19, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Woke up 9:30.
    Dordled down to breakfast. It’s a good breakfast but 5 days in a row it’s a bit boring now. Don’t know how people have the same thing everyday.
    Stilll loved my cup of tea. My favorite part haha.
    Went back up so Will could pack..
    Then went down to pay. So far the damage doesn’t seem to be too bad but we will see if a secondary bill comes through from Nab for converting the money. We have recieved a few but not one for every transaction so don’t know how it all works.
    Nothing can be done so 🤷🏼‍♀️
    It does at least appear Nabs bills are less than other options.
    We opted to pay in AUD at Sixt cause it was an option and we were like oh cool we will avoid the conversion fee at least - their exchange rate was like 57c and charged an additional 3.5%
    Never mind. Won’t do that again. Just pay in the euro.
    Hotel in Bern said we can send our new wise card there. I think I’ll give it a try and order when we gy to Dijon. Worst case scenario is timing doesn’t line up and I cancel the card again. Worth a shot I think.

    And here began the FUN.
    We had waited in our hotel a while because it was really basic to get to the station our train comes from - just needed to catch one metro 3 stops and we were there. It should take 17 minutes from hotel front door to station.
    I gave myself a big pep talk - stop being so stressed for no reason at all times. You just make it harder on yourself so today I decided I would not demand we be there an hour early.
    We walked to Madeleine station and needed to get metro 14.

    It was all boarded up with tape.
    So we asked around. “It’s closed”
    How do we get to Gare de Lyon?
    You have to get this metro here then this metro here.
    Ok. Easy enough. Problem is now time.
    Thankfully the trains run very frequently.
    Arrived at Gare de Lyon. With 10 minutes to find our train.
    Had to find which section first because there is metro, buses, local domestic, long domestic, international blah blah.
    Found a board and it said we were platform 13.
    Ok great except the platforms are all letters and every single other train on the board has a letter and hall number. We have neither.
    Fuck me.
    It was also PACKED. You couldn’t just walk. We were shuffling.
    Thousands of people. No obvious help desk.
    Spotted some numbers in the distance and walked towards them. Thankfully they happened to be the right spot.
    Had to scan ticket to get onto the platform. Phone kept leaving the ticket screen and loading my bank card. Fml.
    Tried different ticket and it worked after several tries.
    Got on the train 🎉 🎉 🎉
    In our seats with 3 minutes to spare.
    My chest. 🥵

    The train has Wi-Fi so that’s good.
    Also we are first stop which I like because we can’t currently see our luggage from our seats so it’s nice knowing for sure they haven’t left the train lol.

    Nearly in Dijon. There has been this stream winding along side the train for the last 15 minutes and it’s just so pretty. 😭

    Arrived and our hotel was a straight line walk.
    Foyer smelt like fish. It’s one of the few places we he pre paid so only the city tax today 👏🏼
    Dumped our stuff and looked for a laundromat. There was one nearby where you apparently drop your stuff and get it back cleaned and dried. Everyone online said fabulous value and all 5 stars.
    Couldn’t find exact cost mentioned online so we though we would go ask and price.
    5.9€ for whole service. + 1€ for every extra kilo.
    Means we don’t have to wait for hours and play the translate game.
    We went walking for food. The shopping strip is lovely. We have unfortunately ended up in Burger King though as the continuing problem of they shut food places from 2-6 and it’s currently 2:50.
    It’s PACKED. Have been waiting 15 minutes already and our order had only just loaded onto the board as being made.

    Chilled in the hotel until it was time to go get our laundry and I had a freak out.
    Could not find our wallet.
    It is not in any obvious place. It is not under beds. It is not in my bag or jacket pockets. It is not in the corridor. It is not with any of my stuff which is where I would put it.
    Freaking the absolute fuck out at this point as both our NAB cards are in it and all cash.
    5 of the longest minutes pass and Will lifts up his bag off the coffee table and it’s under it. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
    And he asks “why would you put your wallet under my bag” 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
    Obviously you put your bag on my wall let but ok.

    And that’s when the relief set in and I had a very big sobbing fit.

    Got our laundry for 7.9 - we went over the weight - it was 2 huge bags worth 😅
    But It’s even folded!!

    I made Will interact with the man and get it cause we made a joke earlier if he was an undie sniffer that would explain the low prices and why he bothers for such low profit so I couldn’t even look him in the eye 😆

    Have showered and got the matted knot out of my hair.
    Very keen for tomorrows wine tour!! 10am is a little early to start drinking but I’m sure we will manage haha.

    Corresponded with a lot of people tonight and have ordered a new wise card. Went to send to Switzerland but have taken a risk and opted to pay $40 for express and in theory it is meant to arrive by 25th - so next Friday when we are in Nice. Our hostel will keep it for us if it arrives.
    I don’t have high hopes but worth a try 🤷🏼‍♀️
    If it works many of my stresses will leave me 😆😆

    We went for poke bowls for dinner hahaha
    Same company as in Luxembourg- Will not fussed by it so I’m not allowed this company anymore. That’s ok! There was another place 100m away from our hostel! 🤪
    He wanted a McFlurry for dessert so we went to maccas round the corner - very efficient. All their workers were under the pump.
    If you eat in you get reusable chip box and drink glass which i thought was fab!
    Back at hotel. Have just booked a bunch of trains.
    Haven’t been told tour isn’t going ahead so I’m pleased. Bed time 🥱 😴
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  • Day 38


    November 20, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Dijon is dead on a Sunday. And notably clean.
    Unbelievably clean actually.
    Not even a leaf on the floor.
    I’m not sure if it rained or if they literally mopped the whole city. I think they internationally wet it.
    We enjoyed our breakfast because it was free, ha, then went to the meeting spot which was at an old English phone booth so easy to find.
    We were joined by a couple from the USA (dude lives in Japan) and our guide drove up to get us.
    Her name is Ann and I really liked her.
    Ann can talk holy moly. We didn’t actually leave the meeting spot for a good 15 minutes cause she was explaining regions and wine types and showing us all sorts of maps.
    It was far too advanced for me, she needed to start with picture A “this is a grape”.

    I enjoyed when people explain with translations

    Says something in English, flips to French with such ENTHUSIASM and finishes with “you see!”
    Like they have explained something…

    I swear I have an auditory processing issue when it comes to accents. I can’t hear you.
    Stop putting your beautiful trill on words. I don’t know what word you are saying. I need bogan sound please so I know what the letters in the words are
    She was talking about some man and then Will staterted talking about Louis Vuitton and that’s when I was able to understand her version of the name and that’s who she had been talking about.
    Not with 100 guesses would I have got Louis Vuitton on my own.
    I need subtitles. I can read very well. I can’t hear you though. 😆😆😆

    She was so passionate. So it was a little stressful to have her driving. She talks with her hands and makes eye contact. Watch the road!!! 😆😆😆
    Still 800% better than Paris but I was still hyper aware.
    We drove to a lookout first over some vineyards.
    I’m trying to think back to information I learnt today and it’s just so much I can’t organize it so dot points it is: (all potentially wrong btw cause she got super technical and there were a bunch of exceptions…
    But best we can do is:
    - there are different wine classifications. Grand Crus is the best in the region. It’s a lot of effort to get their stamp or whatever. It’s then Premium Crus, Village appellations and Regional appellations.
    - the grapes are the same for the whole area. One for white, one for red (we think - I have just checked with Will and that’s his understanding too )
    What differs is the plot it is grown in. It’s all about location and that’s what the label says. Vintage (year), type of wine classification (only for top levels), plot name and wine maker.
    - There are always exceptions but all whites are Chardonnay.
    - Lots of families own just a few rows.
    - worth MEGABUCKS.

    We drove past the Romanee-Conti vineyard which produces one of the most/the most expensive bottles of wine in the world. An average $18,000 a bottle. The 1945 bottle sells for over $500,000.
    So, just pocket change really.
    Got a picture with the sign. The closest I will ever be to having some 😆
    We drove for what felt like ages.
    Got to wine tasting number 1 at the Moillard winery. Opened 1850.
    This one is considered very big for the area. We went down to the tasting room and had 6 tastings. 2 whites and 4 reds.
    Along with my brain my nose is also broken.
    I’m sure people are making crap up.
    “oh yes I smell the oak and a hint of cherry, maybe raspberry.”

    Smells like wine but ok.
    I can smell that they smell slightly different to each other but they don’t smell like fruit.
    The American lady, who was Asian but American
    (this is relevant cause tour guide misunderstood that she was not the one living in Japan so kept speaking to her as if she was all in the know about everything Asian and it was a little awkward cause she clearly didn’t view herself as Asian 😅)
    Bragged about having a sensitive nose and reckons she could smell meat.
    I hope not.
    Side note she has the WORST teeth. It is odd to m when people are dressed in high fashion stuff, full face of make up, fake eyelashes but have rotted teeth. Does this not bother you?


    I didn’t LOVE any of them but all were nice. Able to drink all of them.

    There was a big map on the wall with all the different plots which was helpful so when we tried new wine we read the bottle and found on the map which zone and plot it came from. The Americans bought a bottle.

    We then drove to Beaune (pronounced Bone/ Bourne) we were going to do a day trip there so we were pleased it was included in the tour. We had nearly 2 hours free there. It was both a positive and negative that it’s the busiest weekend of the entire year. There is like a auction for wines for the hospital and they raise MILLIONS.
    People from all over come. And come they did.
    We were starving but it was so packed. After a long while we found somewhere and both tried their traditional beef stew. Not as saucy as I’d like but pleased to have the chance to try a local specialty. They had escargot which we said we would try this time around. It was only 9€ for 6 and if it wasn’t a drinking day I would have done it. Did not want to vomit snail.
    We were also freezing. But no indoor seats 😩
    We will have to buy Will a new jacket soon too.
    Hopefully we find a Black Friday sale lol.

    We then got a crepe each and walked back towards the car.
    The auction had started so saw some of that which was cool.
    Guide told us first 2 barrels sold for 18,000 and 19,000 each.
    They have 836 barrels to sell……
    And the final barrel is different (couldn’t remember why but Will has said it’s because it’s the wine the hospital makes itself) and sold for $800,000 last year.
    Must be the best bloody hospital in the world haha.

    The stalls looked interesting - cheeses, soaps, meats etc.
    We were early so we walked with the guide to get the car she parked a little walk away. Keen to get back in the heated vehicle asap.
    My only regret for beaune is the reason we were originally going there was to see hospice but couldn’t get to it because of the auction.
    In reality seeing the auction take place is more special.
    I did see the pretty roof from the car hah.

    Drove to our next and final wine tasting.
    The drive was probably my favourite part of the tour.
    It was charming.
    Love the villages. Love the never ending vines. Love the limestone buildings and walls. Loves it all.
    The second tasting was in a private residence in Fixin.
    She whipped out a key and we walked down the stairs into an AWESOME cellar.
    We had 7 tastings here.
    2 whites. Too crisp for my liking, I like dessert wines.
    Then 5 reds. One of them at least was the top tier label.
    It was only meant to be 6 tastings all up but she was like you can have one more so asked Will to help open her cork screw, wine pouring thing because it needed a new cartridge and he broke it 😬😬😬

    She was so put out.
    Just talking to herself that it is so expensive. I shouldn’t have asked you to help me. What do I do.
    She was trying to problem solve.

    And we were just sitting there veryyyy uncomfortably.
    I was waiting for her to tell us we had to pay.

    Lucky she didn’t cause a quick google and they sell anywhere between €250 - €4000 and it was the wine cellar owners so I wouldn’t be surprised it it was a top level one 🫠

    She mentioned that she didn’t know what to do because she didn’t know if any other groups were due to come through.. they wouldn’t be ale to sample if they did…
    She found a different, nearly empty bottle to pour us instead so was able to open fully without compromising the remaining wine.

    Then old mate America was like if we all chip more money can we try another wine.
    Buddy, Don’t sign me up for paying more money without asking me. This is already nearly double what we had planned to pay.
    Because no I don’t want to pay, I’m more than satisfied with my 13 samples.
    I thought it was really presumptuous and rude.
    Thankfully she said no hahaha wooooo.

    He bought 12 bottles to have shipped to Japan for $700.
    Excellent day, but the wine was not THAT good. Crickey.

    We then drove home, it had started to drizzle. Guide was crap taking about Chinese guests and even Will said when we got out the car how uncomfortable because the woman is probably Chinese heritage not Japanese like she misunderstood her to be. Just bagging on her grandma 😆
    Anyways we made it out, paid then went to dinner.
    Had to get a translator.
    I’m sure I mention this every single trip - Will is not good at talking to people who struggle with English.
    Stop with the full sentences.
    Use less words.

    This evenings example of not everyone speaks is -
    Will to the waiter : is this steak?
    Waiter responds in French ****** clearly does not speak English if is speaking to us in French.
    So I asked him “do you speak English?
    He replied very poorly “little”
    So Will starts asking him what type of cut the meat is? Is it rump, sirloin?
    Babe he doesn’t speak English. If he doesn’t know what “steak” is he doesn’t know rump.
    The waiter then got another staff member to help.
    Like duh.
    It then became a very uncomfortable scene cause fest waiter was in a mood.
    I was also hyper paranoid because we were sitting between people and I despise being over heard when I want to ask questions. So we both settled and quickly selected and both hated our meals.
    His steak was burnt on the top and mooing in the middle.
    He tried some of my goats cheese and now refused to try again.

    Back home and keen for bed. Slept terrible last night and I determined the problem around 7am.
    The bed is too slippery which sounds like the most ridiculous problem but it honestly is.
    I want to sleep with my knee up and it keeps slipping down and I’m getting the shits. Could not get comfortable all night. Genuinely nearly fell out the bed a few times.
    I have laid down a towel under me for tonight.

    Forgot to add one of the wines we tried came from Les Damodes which is a plot on the border of the most expensive. So like 50m max way.
    I think this counts 😆
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  • Day 39


    November 21, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Had a lovely lie in.
    Did better on my towel last night but still nearly fell out the bed a lot because the mattress moves.
    I smell a review hahah

    We went to the tourist information center which was pointless. Was going to ask for information about the self guided tour around the city by following the owls but they struggled with the word “map” so never mind…
    Went walking ourselves.
    Everything is closed. I can’t put into words. It’s everything. Its a Monday what the hell man.
    Ended up in McDonald’s because ONLY OPTION.
    We got the reusable stuff which was cool.
    A BIG COMMOTION DOWNSTAIRS. I could hear yelling and gradually everyone stopped talking.
    This guy was yelling, something got thrown or dropped then a lady whimpered and that’s when a bunch of people raced off to help.
    2nd time in a week I was cranky I couldn’t easedrop haha
    Is this dangerous or is it just a crazy.
    People started walking back so assumed just a crazy.
    His yelling when on for so long. People were taking it in turns to go have a look haha. When we left there was a paddy wagon near by which potentially was holding out friend.

    There are owls/arrows all over the floor through the city that which if you follow will show you around the city to their main points of interest.
    The owl is the symbol of the city and one thing you’re meant to do is rub an owl statue on the cathedral with your left hand for luck.
    So we both did this.
    And here ended things to do in the city.
    WOWOWOW what a boring city 😆
    It’s pretty but it’s DEAD. We followed the owls for a long while past a few church things. There was an architecturally boring palace thing the dukes use to go.
    A Christmas tree being put up and that’s literally it.
    Nice verandas, flower pots and windows shutters.

    So we went back to the hotel.
    We are meant to be boycotting the World Cup but it’s the only things we can follow without needing to know French.
    It’s currently Iran Vs England. The Iran team refused to sing the national anthem in protest to the disgusting happenings there. BRAVE 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    Goal keeper just took a head butt to the face. BIG OUCH. He had to go off.

    Our wise card is on the way 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

    Have really enjoyed our lazy afternoon. Feeling recharged. Have been trying to learn some Azerbaijani words. I don’t think this is going to go well. SIM card will remain in phone the whole time I think haha

    We went to ‘eat salade’ for dinner and I AM FURIOUS BECAUSE IT WAS DELICIOUS AND I WANT 100 MORE BOWLS BUT WE LEAVE TOMRROW. This is the Ghent Poke bowl place all over again 😭😭😭😭😭
    You picked your base then added ingredients and it was just magical.

    Went to a bakery to get Will a croissant after. He really enjoyed and it’s good we did that at a proper bakery while in France.

    Got back to the hotel and Will did the SMELLIEST fart in the lift. Like appalling.
    And for the first time since we arrived someone was waiting to get in the lift.
    I nearly died.
    They probably got out and took the stairs.

    Back home, will pack in a moment and get organized for tomorrow.
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