Gibson Bight

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    • Giorno 157

      Chocolate factory and ginormous fishes

      10 ottobre 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We went for the 9am dive to El Aguila (The Eagle) wreck, a 30m cargo ship which was deliberately sunk and then broken into 3 by a hurricane soon afterwards. The visibility was great and there several swim-thrus, plus it's next to a reef so a far better dive than the Utila wreck we did. We were with Eddy and Allen again, plus an Israeli girl called Jenny who was miles behind us most of the time filming things.

      The stern is on it's side so as we entered it and then swam down a level it felt really funny as there was a slight current and it was hard to tell which way was up. We then swam around the stern and saw a big eel garden full of tiny grass eels poking their heads out of the sand. We then swam across the destroyed middle section and onto the bow which had several levels to swim through. On one, Eddy swam in through one door and a ginormous snapper swam out the other door - it was dark so he had no idea what the huge monster was at first. After a tight squeeze out of the hatch at the front of the boat we headed towards the reef which was covered with big groupers and snappers. I've never seen so many huge fish, it was amazing! They were completely unfazed by us and you could swim right up to them. We continued to swim around the coral, through valleys and small swim-thrus. It was a beautiful dive - my best in a long time!

      When we got back we had breakfast and then walked to the ATM but it wouldn't give us any money. We phoned the chocolate factory owner and arranged to meet at his shop. We met him, Vidal, and his Scottish wife, Jodie, who were absolutely lovely and they took us to the 'factory' 5 mins away which is a small shop that the cruise ships stop at, with a small area behind where the chocolate is made. Vidal talked us through the whole process which takes a long time and is very small-scale. We tried raw, fermented and then roasted cacao beans plus numerous samples of the finished products with various flavours; plus some starfruit truffles which were delicious! We also tried some plum and hibiscus jams which were really tasty. He was really enthusiatic and didn't expect us to buy anything, however we got 5 bars for $20.

      He also offered to solve our money crisis which was very kind by letting us make a credit card transaction and just charging us the 4% which is far better than the 19% which the hostel charges. Anna and I walked to his shop to do this and then got a couple of pieces from Rusty Fish. We returned to find Hannah in the sea.

      We grabbed some snorkel gear and headed out in the bay searching for a sunken submarine. We climbed onto a small sailing boat which has a swing rope for public use and swung off a few times which was great fun. It was fairly hard to get the rope back for the next person and luckily there was a guy there to help us rock the boat. The guy also showed us where the submarine was and we saw the huge green moray eel that lives there.

      We went for dinner at a busy street food place with tables and chairs in front of a supermarket. For 100L we had plates of kebab or chicken, plantain, coconut rice & beans and salsa - really good food! Anna had the most ginormous piece of fried chicken.

      When we returned a cockroach was sat on Anna's toothbrush - luckily she has a spare! We later found it on the toothpaste - obviously likes fresh breath.
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    • Giorno 21

      Waking up in Roatan

      12 marzo, Honduras ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This morning Gaynor said she we show us the local area so first had some breakfast and sat by the beach until Gaynor was ready to collect us.

    • Giorno 156

      Attack of the moray eel

      9 ottobre 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We had breakfast at the cute little shack in front of the hostel named Yahongreh? (You hungry?). I had fruit salad (50L), the others had 2 huge banana pancakes (80L) which they struggled to finish. Again, surprisingly low prices for great food with a sea view. We picked up a gallon of water for 50L, which is also v cheap. We saw several hummingbirds whilst we ate.

      A few people have been telling us how they don't like the mainland Hondurans who are from the capital or SPS - they are rude, messy and look down on the workers. So much so that 'Roatans' don't like to be called Hondurans as they don't like the association.

      We went to talk to the dive shop next door, Native Sons, and signed up for an afternoon dive. They are very chilled, have no other customers at the moment and set up your equipment for you. Price is the same as Utila - $30 per dive, with a $5 discount per room for each day you dive; you also have to pay $10 a week for marine conservation but get a cool band as a keepsake. $5 for Anna to snorkel. The equipment looks much newer - saying that the snorkel leaked and my reg hissed each time I breathed!

      We went for a snorkel (free hire for divers) in the bay in front of the hostel. There are marked off areas to protect the reef and snorkellers from boat traffic. It starts off as seagrass but then turns into a fairly decent, large reef with a fair few fish. The highlight was about 5 glowing squid. I had a baleada (20L) and Hannah had fruit salad while Anna munched on crackers for lunch.

      There are 3 dives per day - the boat comes in after each dive since all the dive sites are so close. This means each dive can be longer which is another bonus. We went on the 2pm dive and were the only ones going on the huge, spacious boat which is specifically designed for diving. A bit of a change! Our DM was called Eddie, a man of few words but who was always checking to make sure we were with him unlike the last few DMs we've had. There was another guy called Alan who used to work here and was lionfish hunting - one of my favourite fish from Asia, it's not native here and is considered a pest species as it eats everything in sight and is decimating the reef life. They have introduced lionfish to the menu to try and get demand up so more people will go hunting, however they have poisonous spines so some people aren't keen!

      The dive site was called Fish Den and was the best dive we've done in Honduras by far. The coral was plentiful and varied but not overly colourful; the visibility was great and there were loads of fish. We swam through valleys of coral and a couple of long swim-throughs. We saw a small hawksbill turtle and at the safety stop a huge green moral eel swam by and stayed with us for about 5 minutes. At one point it was coming for me, getting closer and closer as I gently tried to move away, and I started to fear he was going to attack! Eek! Apparently they do attack divers carrying lionfish.

      Alan caught 5 lionfish. We saw him catch 2 of them. He gave them to the boat skipper who filleted them and offered them to us - Anna took a couple of bits and fried them up in coconut oil and we all had a taste - typical whitefish flavour. Can't get much fresher than that!!!

      We soaked up some sun and then explored some of the shops. Rusty Fish is a very cool shop with tons of colourful, sea-themed knick knacks made of recycled material. Hannah got some great bargains from there. Anna and I headed to the Chocolate Factory shop and tasted all the samples but at $5 for a tiny bar, we didn't buy any. Anna asked if we could tour the nearby factory and they called the owner who said he'd pick us up and take us on a tour for free. He was bery enthusiastic but I'm not sure we'll take him up on his offer as we'd feel pressured to buy things.

      We went back to the same restaurant and then had a drink at Sundowner's, the bar opposite the hostel. We sat on sun loungers by the sea, with a bonfire and candles lighting up the area, listening to some good live music. Lovely atmosphere! There are plenty of crabs here too, on the beach, on the path to our cabin, or rustling in the bushes.
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    • Giorno 155


      8 ottobre 2015, Honduras ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We had baleadas and smoothies again for our last visit to the Hotspot 'fly' cafe. We checked out and put our bags in Katelin's room. We headed out for a snorkel but soon turned back after being stung numerous times by tiny jellyfish - luckily the pain didn't last long. We hung out by the bar until our 2pm boat back to the mainland. We said our goodbyes to the lovely staff and DMs - definitely the friendliest hostel of our travels, I could have stayed a lot longer if it weren't for the bugs. Katelin came to wave us off and fetch cinnamon rolls for us.

      Someone had stolen our leftovers (plus other people's) from the fridge. Jess, the receptionist, was reviewing the CCTV footage as we were leaving to find the culprits. Wrong as it might be, we all suspected the newly arrived Hondurans who had been drinking heavily and leaving a lot of mess around.

      We got back to La Ceiba and had an hour to buy new tickets, have a coconut and get some caramel popcorn. The boat to Roatan, Galaxy Wave, is a proper big ferry rather than the tin can that goes to Utila. The terminal is also a big posh affair with security scanners whereas Utila just has a ticket booth. The poshness is reflected in a higher ferry price ($65 return). We were almost the only gringos on the boat.

      We left at 4:30pm. An hour and a half of freezing aircon and a basketball movie later and we arrived at Roatan. There was a beautiful sunset and we saw a huge cruise liner leaving the island.

      We got a taxi for $20 with a very nice driver, Juan Carlos, and booked him for the return journey - took about 35 mins. There is just one main road along the island and he said there are 410 taxis for all the tourists. Roatan is much bigger than Utila at 65km long whereas Utila is ~15km. Tourists are located in West End (cheaper area) and West Bay (pricey).

      He dropped us off at Chillies, which is at the West End in Half Moon Bay ($39), where we were shown our new lodgings: a very cute wooden cabin nestled in a jungle setting with barely room to swing the furry reception cat, and with just a curtain separating the bathroom.

      We went for a wander along the beach front which is paved but has no pavements and has restaurants and bars either side. It is much less built up than I'd been lead to believe and is a lovely cute place. Many of the restaurants are a bit fancy and prices are in dollars ($8-15 for a main) but there are a few cheaper ones and a fair bit of street food.

      We had dinner at Creole's, a cheap and busy place. I had a 'small' bean and cheese quesadilla which was plenty (60L), Hannah had a large version (100L) which she couldn't finish and Anna had chicken, rice, beans & coleslaw (120L) and drinks for 25L each. Very reasonable prices and lovely food - I suspect this will become our regular. We had thought we'd have to be cooking for ourselves but it's much cheaper than we'd feared.

      My new nickname is Soggy Tits Sparrow courtesy of Katelin due to my bikini sodden wet t-shirt and then me telling the taxi driver I am a pirate!

      We were told by one of the guys at Captain Morgan's that everyone in Honduras should carry their passport at all times and if police catch you without it they can put you in jail for a night! We had not heard of this before and I find it unlikely they'd target Westerners but good to know!!!
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    • Giorno 83

      И здесь даже есть горячая вода!!

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