The African GLO Tour 2018

maggio - giugno 2018
Un’avventura di 11 giorni di Hugh Leggi altro
  • 12impronte
  • 4paesi
  • 11giorni
  • 67fotografie
  • 4video
  • 952miglia
  • Giorno 9

    To Huye

    31 maggio 2018, Ruanda ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    An eventful day! A beautiful sunrise over lake Kivu look towards the Congo welcomed the morning of the biggest and toughest ride of the week. A long climb out of Cyangugu the first challenge, followed by a steeper climb into the rain forest, and how it was worth it! The sounds, the dense jungle, the monkeys, the birds and butterflies, another side of Rwanda and another beautiful one. After a hard ride up the hill it only seemed fitting to take the ride through the jungle at a more leisurely pace to fully appreciate it. On leaving the forest we entered tea country. Vast swathes of land covered with tea bushes, with brightly coloured dressed women in the middle picking.
    It was after this that the ride got more 'interesting' for some unknown reason for the last 50 km the road surface had been removed and we were riding on gravel and dust tracks. Possibly ok for MTB but for road bikes not ideal. Trucks kicked up the dirt and riding became a challenge. At this stage riding in a trio with Joe and Mariko, Mariko took a hard fall, amazingly she escaped with only minor injuries. We got back on the bikes and continued on, then with only a few miles to go I managed to clip the wheel of the bike in front and fell off - again no damage, although Joe waved at the traffic to stop and also the children by the side of the road were quickly on the scene saying sorry and telling the traffic to stop. A young girl with an arm in plaster was at the front of the group 'Don't worry, I think I'm better than you' I replied - which seemed to cause much amusement!

    We arrived, dusty tired but pleased to have made it.

    "The utter extravagance of His work in us who trust in Him - endless energy, boundless strength." Eph 1 (MSG)
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  • Giorno 10

    Back to Kigali

    1 giugno 2018, Ruanda ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    The final countdown. Up for breakfast at 6am 80 miles ahead of us. The first group (who were taking it at a slightly slower pace) left leaving 6 of us (including Kiki, team Rwanda and our mechanic) to enjoy a Rwandan coffee at a coffee shop next to the guest house. We set off in peloton formation - something we hadn't done all week as normally the terrain was steep hills. This was different - gently undulating hills allowed good peloton riding - and we soon picked up the pace. The group came back together after about 30 miles which signified the start of the annual 'race' - the rules simple those that want to race start about 10 minutes after those that don't. The first group cycle and wait at an unknown point to the racing group and that is the finish. Five of us raced. A rolling start, Kiki took off - in fairness there was only ever going to be one winner so it was really a race for second place! The course was short and kind to the heavier rider finishing on an uphill after a down hill, so after clinging on for dear life at the start with the advantage of extra momentum I managed to finish in the middle after Kiki and Wesley thank goodness for those extra pounds!?!

    However my legs after that were shot and as hard as I tried I could not keep up with the faster riders any longer. While the scenery was perhaps not as breathtaking as in previous days - familiarity was perhaps a factor the roads were much kinder with none on the long brutal climbs we had had before. We all regrouped about 15km from Kigali to ride in together. This was potentially the most risky part of the day as we came into a busy city. Riding in was straight forward and fairly flat, although this was Rwanda and hills were always present and coming into Kigali there were some steep climbs as we made our way back to the finish of our guest house.

    We all rolled in, tired but exhilarated. We had made it. A really hard week, with a number of individual days being the hardest days most had ever experienced. Eric's chips and sausage awaited - a perfect end to an 80 mile day and a 500 mile week.

    Chips, brochettes and beer at a nearby hotel was the evening fare, exhaust but happy we lasted until about 9.30. An amazing week, great riding, great friends and a great God.

    'But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.' (Isaiah 40:31)

    Remember you can still give to the work of GLO. The work they do is amazing, it literally changes and saves lives.

    Thank you to Tallis Woomert (instagram @talliswoomert) for the amazing photos - you'll imediately see which ones! Do go to his instagram for more you won't be disappointed!

    Thank you to Simon Guillebaud for organising - an amazing trip.
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