• Day 60


    February 12, 2015 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Honestly, Nasca really had a kind of a difficult start.
    We arrived with the overnight bus from Arequipa at 7:AM and it was incredibly dry and hot, (obviously after 9 weeks in the mountains). A friendly guy accepted not only to store our backpacks but also warned us not to get scammed by a bunch of people selling fake tours by the entrance door of the terminal and with the help of a friend of his' we went to the airport and took a flight over the famous nasca lines...

    The nasca lines from above are really impressive and our plan was to return and take a bus further north directly... but the maneuvers of the pilots trying to show us all caused Ulf to vomit in the plane- so, quite frankly we were too sick to take a bus and move on...and very happy we didn't. After a heavy "chaufa rice" lunch and a little siesta, we accepted an offer from an agency for an archeological tour. it turned out to be a tour to the pyramids and tomb fields of the Nasca: the pyramids extremely impressive, the tombs very sad. For an archeology-lover like Ulf, it was heartbreaking seeing skulls, bones, some even with human hair still attached after 1000 years, textiles laying around in the open sand as a result of looting and artifact trade...yet interesting and unique.
    The second part consisted in driving around at 90km\h on the sand dunes with a gigantic-open jeep and sandboarding in the dunes...hehehe honestly, it was big fun, and a great day after a-not-really promising start.
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