Day 5
Italy - Vigevano

We took a flight from Barcelona to Milan. Collected a rental car at the airport and headed for our destination, a small town in the North of Italy called Vigevano. It was pretty hot and the car airconRead more
We took a flight from Barcelona to Milan. Collected a rental car at the airport and headed for our destination, a small town in the North of Italy called Vigevano. It was pretty hot and the car airconRead more
Traveler If you ever catch a train from Milan, the railway station is quite famous, built by Mussolini before the War. What a wonderful trip you are having. Mom and I went on a tour into the Alps from Turin - it was wonderful. Mom never forgot it.
Traveler Thanks - we have a car but the girls will get a train from there to Venice so I will tell them
Traveler Is a beautiful town. How did you know to go there? I would love to know how they could build Churches like that in the past but with all the technology we have today, we get plain buildings and Churches. Surely they didn't have more money in those days!?
Traveler Vigevano was a tip from an Italian pilgrim we met briefly. So I guess word of mouth beats google! We would just ask what their town is known for and they would usually respond.
Traveler The churches funding has lots of answers. Some good and some not so good. In many cases the towns and villages wanted a church so much the locals would build and fund it. In the royalty days, kings would want to show their faith by building great churches. The churches used to have great power and Sometimes money would be given to the church in exchange for a favour. When Christianity regained control of Spain they built churches as a celebration.
Traveler Thanks, sheds some light!