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    • Dag 15

      Bamboo Grove and Lake Biwa

      15. september 2019, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We went for quite an early start to be able to fit two little trips into one day. Having our Japan Rail passes has been really great for getting around Japan and was especially good for day trips without worrying about the train costs.
      First up was the bamboo grove a little north west of Kyoto. There is a path to follow through the woods which has a few old buildings and shrines to see along the way. The trees are the most interesting part though, they grow very tightly together in some places and almost all of them are dead straight all the way up.
      For the afternoon we took the train back to Kyoto and changed lines, this time heading east to Lake Biwa. It is the biggest lake in Japan and we had picked a town called Omi Maiko which looked to be a good spot for getting to the beach easily.
      When we arrived it was only a 10 minute walk from the station to the water's edge, where we found a few small food stalls and vending machines (of course) and lots of barbecues sizzling away on the sand.
      It was really interesting to see the Japanese people at play, the mood was so much more laid back than in the city and most groups of people had some beers on the go, music playing and loud conversations while their chicken skewers cooked. The lake is beautiful. Perfect fresh water surrounded by mountains and amazing colours. We were really glad we decided to come here for a nice relaxing day.
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    • Dag 18


      19. juni 2023, Japan ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Beate und Philipp sprechen davon, am Biwa-See, dem größten Süßwassersee Japans, entlang zu fahren.
      Da er von Kyoto mit dem Zug nur einen Katzensprung entfernt ist, mache ich einen Tagesausflug dorthin.

      Ich starte in Ōmi-Takashima und gehe vom Bahnhof aus ca. 2,5 km bis zum im See stehenden Schrein. Die Aussicht auf den Schrein ist (aktuell) entweder nur vom Wasser oder einer kleinen Aussichtsplattform neben der Nationalstraße möglich. Ich habe mir etwas mehr davon versprochen.
      Also baldiger Rückweg zum Bahnhof, 2 Stationen zurück bis Ōmi-Maiko und dort zum Nakahama Strand.
      Ein schöner Platz, vor allem im Sommer bei Sonne und hohen Temperaturen. Das Wasser ist sehr angenehm zum Schwimmen, durch den Wind aber nicht ganz still.
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