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  • Day 19

    Day 19: Carrión de Los Condes

    May 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    It was a little shorter day today at a little less than 15 miles. It’s officially about 20k but I always manage to get a little distance just walking around. I started off about 7:30 this morning and passed by the XI century church; Iglesia de San Martin (consecrated in 1066) in the warm morning light. Then I passed by a little pilgrim monument in Villovieco. There was a fork in the path pretty early today that would either take you by the road or the river. The river route was only a bit less than 1k longer and shaded so it was an easy choice. Then I stopped for lunch in Villacázar de Sirga. While there, I stepped inside the local church the Santa Maria La Blanca that was built in the last 1/3 of the 13th century to check it out.
    The Knights Templar built it with the help of the Cistercians as literally a church-fortress to protect the pilgrims bound for the holy land. What is truly amazing to me is not just that these amazing structures were built around 1000 years ago… but you run across one in practically every little village.
    Speaking of churches and such, tonight I’m staying in a working Monastery. The Monasterio de Santa Clara. Although few would say I am at all “monk like” I’m pretty sure I slept in a room that has been used for monk or sister’s quarters. I have been keeping my eyes out for Julie Andrews but no sightings yet…
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