Neil Tomba will be cycling across the United States where, along the way, he intends to engage in conversations about faith & Jesus with individuals from all walks of life. A book and documentary film will follow. Baca lagi
  • 43footprint
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  • Hari 14

    Day 13 Rest Day

    8 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Day 13
    Wallace Ranch
    Day OFF

    I slept in til 7:30am, then didn't get out of bed until 10:00am. My body was crying out for that much needed day of R.E.S.T.

    Our accommodations have been very relaxing. Glenn and I were in the master bedroom suite. He did find a step stool for me to use to get into the bed. This bed was so high. We slept good.

    I did get caught up on my blogs and my FindPenguins account. And I feel GREAT. And then I was able to organize my weekly pills! I've been saying for several days now, that I needed to be caught up on my pills.

    This day was such a blessing. I took a nap. Then I did the bake potatoes, Vela was in charge of the salad, Caroline prepared the vegetables and Neil helped with the cooking of the t-bone and rib-eye steaks.

    After dinner, we sat around the large table and Neil led the discussion as we affirmed each other in their different roles. There were tears shed as some are riding or helping and have struggles 'back home', which is a part of reality. We laughed and we cried. Neil put his phone on the table and we sang along to two worship songs about God being our protector and He is with us.

    After a quick clean up, we discussed the next day. 6:00am luggage should be out by the van, and breakfast at 6:30, and we leave by 7:25pm. The route is that we load up in the van and we drive to Pampa and then ride from Pampa into Foss, where the KOA is located.

    It's after 9pm, I need to pack. Good night. Day 14 tomorrow! I'm rested. And I think the rest of the team is ready to continue with #conversationsCoasttoCoast/
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  • Hari 15

    Day 14 Wallace Ranch, Tx - Foss, OK

    9 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    Day 14 Wallace Ranch, Texas - KOA, Foss, Oklahoma
    Miles - 102
    Number of trucks that honked - 5
    Winds speed all day - 30

    Well back to the normal routine.I woke up at 4:45am and got ready. The time to have our luggage out by the van was 6:00am. Breakfast was 6:30am and we pulled out of the Wallace Ranch at 7:20am. Vela prepared scrambled eggs. I had cereal and bananas. We drove to Pampa. Texas and met up with the rest of the #CC2C team.

    Two new fellows joined us. Tony and Tim. While they were getting all geared up and the mics on, Neil walked into the convenience gas station store and started talked to the gal. She shared her story how she has lived in Pampa most of her life and how she lost a child through an accident.

    It was extremely windy ALL day. 30 miles an hour. It was pretty scary for me, because any gust of wind could just knock the cyclists over. Glenn spent a good amount of time drafting for them. There was constant communication between the van (Chuckwagon 16) and the camera crew car and Wes, one of the cyclists.

    We stopped to use the restroom at a restaurant in Mobeetie. And then Neil started to really talk with several folks there. He talked with Mr. Boone who is a direct decendent of Daniel Boone. His great great Grandfather. Neil yelled over to me and said, Judy get me a 50.00 bill. Mr. Boone had a waiting or picture that he took, and Neil asked to buy it from him. He was soft spoken but shared his story. And then Neil talked with 2 Joes and they told of the history of the area. Again, Devine appointments along the way.

    The town folks wanted to name this small Texas town in the panhandle, the name SweetWater, however there was another town already incorporated by that name. So, they ask the Cherokee Indians what was the Indian name for SweetWater. And that was Mobeetie. Come to find out later, the real translation is not sweet water, but buffalo dung.

    We decided to eat lunch this quaint restaurant, named Cowboy Oasis. The service was slow, but the food was delicious. Glenn and shared the special of the day, Chicken Fried Steak. After a 2 hour break, the cyclists got on their bikes hoping the wind would have died down, but it hasn't

    They continued on. Vela drove on ahead and scouted out the Pizza Hut in Elk City for dinner. We pulled into Elk City at 6:30pm. Shared a salad and then the ChuckWagon16 drove on to KOA in Foss so we could get the cabins ready. Neil, Caroline and 2 others rode on into KOA for 102 or 103 miles for the day, So proud of them.

    Tonight, we have the girls (Caroline, me and Una) in 1 small cabin, Glenn is with James, and the others have cabins. Some with a shower and some without. This is my second time at a KOA. I think I could do this again.

    Its been a long hard day. We just have a good "day off", but at least we didn't go anywhere, I did a load of laundry,. I kinda repacked, so I could snd some stuff back with the Coxs when we see them on Tuesday in Tulsa,
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  • Hari 16

    Day 15 Foss, OK - Edmond, Ok

    10 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Day 15 Foss, OK - Edmond, OK
    Miles 118
    How many truckers kindly honked - 3
    How many rude cars passed us - 2

    Warning: This is going to be a long Blog post

    I got up before Caroline got up. I didn't want to be in the small bathroom when one of the cyclists should be in there preparing for the morning ride. So I tip-toed out of the small framed 1room cabin and walked to the community shower and bathroom. Once I got dressed and ready for the day, I went back to the cabin and got my laptop out. My pictures had not been synced from my iPhone to my computer when I was working on my blog on Sunday night, so here I was able to quickly add the correct photos onto Day 14 and send that out before we left on our journey for the day.

    This morning, I realized that I hadn't taken a picture of Day X with Neil, so I quickly asked him if I could take his photo. The sun was rising and it was a perfect time to take the shot. I've wanted to ask him for the photo shot, but I know he is preoccupied with the day of cycling, but today seemed like a good time, as there was kinda a "lull" in the morning packing and such.

    The riders left right on time. They had several other riders to join them from Dallas, plus Cherree, Neil and Vela's adult daughter had arrived and will be joining us for several days. As soon as they left, Glenn and I followed behind. We got on I40 and met them as they were going under the underpass where a bunch of birds were building their nests. I thought they were bats, but they were swollows Glenn said.

    The bikers were headed to the McDonalds in Clinton. Neil ran into a motorcyclists who was traveling from Fresno or Orange County to Tennesses. We had met this same guy at the KOA campgrounds on Sunday night. Glenn and I had talked a little to him, and now we run into him agin at McDonalds. Neil was able to have a good conversation with him.

    Once we got to McDonalds, we connected with Loretta and her husband. Loretta's niece is S Riffe from Northwest Bible Church. Loretta was just so super exited that the #ConversationsCoasttoCoast team was coming near her town. She is from Corn, Oklahoma. So, we made several missionary connections, as the Corn academy is famous for housing missionary kids from back in the 70's and 80's. I'm not sure if they still do that anymore. But they knew the Blyckers, Nellis from Mexico and Goertz. Now that I'm thinking, I bet they would have known the Phillippi kids. Any way, Loretta had her grandson with them, Jack and he just loved the idea of what Neil was doing. Coast to Coast conversations. And bicycles.

    After a quick breakfast, the cyclists were off. We asked if we could take Jack in the van with us as we go down the highway for about 10 miles. Harold tased along. While we were driving, they got to listen to the walkie talkies and the communication that way. And we explained how we would stop for them to take a break and Glenn would serve them cold water, or just ice, or maybe some cheese sticks or even fresh fruit. We explained to Jack some interesting details about how they travel about 100 miles a day and their habits. I got a nice email from Loretta thanking us that we engaged with Jack. Even Neil had a picture of the two of them together. I was so blessed by what Loretta wrote to me in an email, that I must share it on my blog. I skipped through it earlier in the day, but really didn't read it word for word til right now, 12:55am as I write it. But I must enclose it and may it be a reminder of what it's like to share Jesus and be a light in the World.

    Judy, Glen, Vela,
    It was absolutely a delight meeting the cross-country conversation team at McDonalds
    this morning. Thank you so much!!!. Our 13 year old grandson, Jack Irick, is visiting
    us, but lives in Euless, TX. He was so excited to learn there were fellow "Texans"
    riding not just across America, but within a few miles of our home near Corn,
    Judy, your invitation to ride in the van and follow the bikers for 15 miles will
    definitely compete with his trip to Disney World this summer. After meeting Neil and
    the team, looking at your website, and watching several of the video posts, Jack
    said, and I quote, "Today I met some people who are really sorta famousish".
    Most of all, he saw the love of Jesus presented in a new, kid friendly, venue---a
    bicycle. That's Awesome!!
    Now he is committed to follow you each day, pray for you and your bikes, no more
    flats, strength to get up long hills and face wind, and for Jaden to be healed of
    cancer. He wants to come to Northwest Bible Church and see Mr. Neil again after he
    finishes this ride.
    The instagram picture of Jack sitting next to Neil at McDonalds has many proud views
    Extend our thanks, appreciation, and love to Neil. We experienced JESUS in a
    fun-filled, refreshing way.

    Our love, prayers, and blessings from the Oklahoma Heartland,
    Howard & Loretta Schmidt, Jack Irick

    PS: Glen, small world that several of your MK friends attended Corn Bible Academy

    We continued on following the cyclists. They did make a quick pit stop out near some open corn or wheat fields. The done went up several times. One time we saw it flying right over I 40 was we were on the over pass, and the cyclists was on the service road. I know that will be a spectacular arial view.

    Glenn was trying to connect up with John H. and another cyclists. We were trying to figure out where they could eat lunch. There were very many towns in this area. And we would pass through a town but it wasn't quite lunch time, and the next town was farther away. So, in communication with Jeff and (where's Vela when we need her? Side Note: Vela took one of the vehicles that had come from Dallas and was able to drive to the hotel, do some class work and leisurely drive down I-40 and wait for us to arrive 11 hours later and it only took her 1 1/2 hours) Glenn we decided to meet John at the Love's Traffic stop and then it was changed to stop at Sonic. Glenn and I split a hamburger and onion rings.

    While sitting around the picnic table, John H got to meet their other cyclists. John knows this area. He knows what roads are good and what are not. He suggested an alternate route and he was leading the pack. I'm thankful that he was able to lead the group through the corn or wheat fields. It was here that we saw a lot of flooding. I hear that there has been massive flooding in the area, however, I haven't had a lick of TV or news in the past 2.5 weeks and even more. We saw debris of wood that was stuck in trees and you just knew it was from the effects of the flooding in the past few days or weeks.

    We made a "pit stop" at a convenience store. And this time it was in the shade. So often we have found no shade (especially out in the dessert), so this was a welcomed sight. We had to keep pushing as tonight, most of the team was staying at a Home2Suite Hotel in Edmond and 4 of us are staying at a lake house just 15 minutes down the road. We also had plans to have dinner together after everyone showered. A bus load of folks from Northwest Bible and the Bureau Sunday school class had driven up to surprise Neal and encourage him.

    We also needed to get Una and one of the riders to the hotel so they could take an "Uber" to the airport for the 8:15pm flight to Dallas. Two days earlier I had texted 2 folks at Metropolitan Baptist Church to ask if they could drive these 2 folks to the airport. And just like clock work, Rebecca volunteered. She was at the hotel waiting for us. The hardest thing was to get Una away from the gang so they drive through traffic and get to the airport and not miss their flight. Also, I had called Joanie to come to the hotel to pick up John. They were there for the arrival of the cyclists.

    Next was the party at the Bar-B-Que place the Sharla L. had organized. We took Neil, Vela and their daughter down the road to the "surprise" party. I sat and talked "a mile a minute" with Judy S. She was so excited about my blog about this journey, and I'm thinking, "its just what I do, nothing special and Glenn doesn't even proofread my stuff, because we just don't have time, and my grammar is awful, etc, etc, etc." However, Judy went on and on and on about it. Neil give a special talk, on how he was really planning on having a party to celebrate Jadon. Jadon is a young boy who is struggling with cancer and how Neil is riding 1,000 miles or it might be 3,000 miles in the month of June to Cycle for Childhood Cancer. And its all because Neil was kind to a banker, that started a relationship that will hopefully point the family to Christ. And its all about having easy to start conversations with people and like Neil has said before, just being kind. Wow, where did that rabbit trail go?

    After the party, drove 15 minutes past the hotel and 4 of us are staying in John's friend that has a weekend house at a private late. We quickly unloaded our stuff and then Glenn and I turned around and drove back out to the Wall-Mart store to get a few things. James needed some cold medicine as he was feeling kinda getting that "chills" feeling. Ugh. He also needed some toothpaste. Gotta keep those teeth clean. We picked up cereal and milk for the boys, and fruit, especially banana for Caroline. It wasn't until midnight when we got. back home.

    During this trip, our "Betsy", Garmin GPS died, so Glenn and I purchased a New "Betsy" to help us navigate through the streets and hi ways. I'm going to check with Glenn to see maybe this new Garmin, we'll give her a new name. I propose we use Chuckwagon 16. Hmm

    And guess what? The house was locked. I told Glenn to go around to every door and make sure. It was left open for us, so we didn't have a key. Sadly, Glenn had to call Jeff up and wake him up. Tuesday morning, Glenn will work at repacking the vehicle. The van gets trashed everyday. Because there is such a rush to get the water to the cyclists or maybe they want some that is not in their "box", then we have to try to remember where something was packed. And now with more cyclists here traveling along, it will be interesting to see how this works out. But then again, we'll have more cars too. Oh well.

    Sometimes I feel I wish the day would have gone smoother, I wished we would not have made that wrong turn, but thankful that we only went 1 block out of the way, or that we could have gotten that bag of ice at the last gas station we passed or that I wasn't feeling so worn out.

    My heart is blessed when I read this email from Loretta (Read above). I'm thankful that I have not had any major conflicts with the other team members. I especially am thankful that Wes has been kind to Glenn and me as we have learned some of the "cyclists lingo". And I'm thankful for the divine appointments we have inspite of our weaknesses. Because those wrong turns happen for a reason. Those extra smile to someone we meet make a difference.
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  • Hari 17

    Day 16 Edmond, Ok - Tulsa,Ok

    11 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Day 16 Edmond, Oklahoma - Tulsa, Oklahoma'
    Miles - 104
    Roadkill 3 stuncks 10 possum, 8 turtles and 29 others smashed beyond recognition

    It was a very short night. I didn't finish my previous ious blog until well after midnight. And since we were staying and sharing a bathroom, I wanted to get all ready to give Caoline plenty of time.

    It was a beautiful sunrise. Bright red colors over the lake. We threw stuff into the van to made it to the hotel by the 6:30 deadline. And like everything else, there was a quick conversation with the front deck staff.

    All the guys left, oh, I saw around 8:00am or even early. We followed behind catching up with them about 10 minutes later. Then we got a call on the radio from Wes that neil was needing his eye drops. Vela graciously said she would catch up with us. Bless her heart she got lost. How ever family about 10 minutes later she was able to catch up with us. At this point, Glenn us off his bike, head bended now and crouching his eyes. He couldn't see very we'll. The eye drops helps d somewhat. He then used a patch on one eye and used it later on the another eye. By the end of the day, m Neils eye wasn't hurting as bad and I noticed he wasn't wearing a patch at all.

    Vela was on her own, as he drove to Tulsa and got to do some class prepartion work. We finally got back together at the hotel.

    One of the stops we had was at a roadside fruit/vegetable stand. Caroline had 2 flat tires. Neil talked to two farmers. Father and son business that was struggling. They also mentioned the difficulty with the recent rains. He pulled out of his pocket an old knife and sliced the cantaloup. Delicious. Neil also purchased a jar of pickles.

    As we were coming upon one of the towns along Hiway 66, things got really busy and hectic. We were proposing a restaurant in this one town so the cyclists rode towards it then Neil and crew decided to stop at Sonic. Again. They were engaging in these 4 Latin America folks and then Glenn continued on the conversation in Spanish. All 4 from Central America. 2 from Guatemala, 1 from Honduras and I forgot where the 4 person was from. They didn't have time to to have a conversation once they needed to return back to work at 12noon. They were painters and were repainting inside the school rooms.

    After lunch we continued on. I started to take a short cat nap when all of a sudden Glenn stopped in the road. I looked up and saw Wes on the road. He quickly got up and brushed himself off. What happened his tire hit the part of another cyclists wheel and down he went. Just behind us a car stopped and the gentleman driving was a medic. Wow, an angel showed up at the right time. Wes didn't hurt himself. I think he was more embarrassed than anything. And of course this made a good part of the story.

    I then looked at my text messages and there was one from Jack and Val Cox, who were up ahead waiting to cheer us on. They were parked along the side of the road. Then I checked out a text from Jeff. He wrote that Jon, the photographer, that his girl friends' father was riding his bike around White Rock Lake on Tuesday morning and died of a heart attack. I showed Glenn's the text and he read it to the group. We immediately stopped to pray. Wow!

    We continued on our journey towards Tulsa. There were several stops like at convenience stores where there was shade and also a bathroom. We stopped in Spolovia, Oklahoma and Neil had a conversation with a police deputy, He mention how there has been some tragedy in the department. We stopped to take a photo by the sign on the highway.

    Finally arriving at our Best Western Hotel on Route 66 around 5:30pm. I quickly got to my room to take a shower and get ready for dinner. Everyone down in the Lobby by 6:30pm. Glenn didn't get a chance to come up to the room as he was getting the van cleaned out. The shower felt good.

    We had dinner at Mother Road Market. I texted John C and he came down to visit with us over our meal. Good good good to reconnect with him. We sure miss him and Gail down in Guatemala.

    Tonight was a longer night. I needed to call Apple Support to find out why my photos were not syncing with my computer. Got that solved. I was literally 'fading' and nearly fell asleep on the phone with the Apple computer person.

    Day 16 is in the Books! Next stop, Missouri
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 18

    Day 17 Tulsa, Ok - Joplin, MO

    12 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    Day 17 Tulsa, Oklahoma - Joplin, Missouri
    Miles 104
    How many "Stand back" yelled from the front car as they shoot a drone shot - 7 times

    oday, Neil and the camera crew drove out to Southern Hills Golf course and Neil was able to share some with the 15 men that gathered there. Again, I'm not sure if this is a weekly thing or if its's something special that Neil did since he's in town. After the breakfast Bible Study, Neal met us and the rest of the crew at a Wal-Mart parking lot just 20 minutes north o fTulsa. Instead of pulling into Walmart, we unloaded the bicycles at the Whataburger parking lot. Glenn parked kinda "crazy" as he's driving this big long long van, so the manager came out and mentioned Glenn was in the handicap parking. So, Glenn pulled out his handicap card. True Glenn.

    It was a pretty straight shot on the 4 lane highway. Most of the truckers were kind to the cyclists. As we turned the corner in Chelsea, Oklahoma, Neil noticed a young man with a 9 or 10 year old boy with their fishing pole. Neil engaged a conversation with them and found out that Nathan had some trouble with the law and that he was going to Celebrate Recovery and was really doing good. HE and his son were going to walk about 1 mile down the road to their favorite fishing hole which is an old rustic out steel Route 66 bridge that is no longer in use. Neil asked if Glenn and I could take them out to the fishing hole and take some pictures. It was our pleasure to do that. I radio back to the cyclists that they should veer off about 100 yards and see this spot. Beautiful.

    We continued biking (oops, cycling) along the small 4 land road, when I suggested we stop at the Hi-Way Cafe in Vinita, Ok. I read the reviews on Yelp and one comment was "don't let the outside appearance discourage you". Here we had several conversations. I think there were two sets of conversations here.

    All the while I had been texting Virginia and her sister Evie to see where they were going. Virginia decided to drive 4 hours down from Hesston KS and meet us and spend one night in Joplin, MO with the #CC2C.

    We connected in Miami, OK just before we got to the Braums. And Vela connected with her friend, Jody, who is from the Dallas area and was traveling through. As we rode into Miami, we were looking for a place to use the restroom. And the camera people were looking for a placel to have a great shot for the 3 bicyclists to "roll into town". They got their shot, then we followed Virginia to Braum and had a scoop of ice cream.

    Oh, yea, just before Baums we stopped so the 2 cyclists fromDallas could load up their bikes and head on into town and catch a plane plane back to DFW

    Im glad I connected up with Virginia. I then went straight to the hotel room with her and Evie. The rest of the team traveled on Historic Route 66 until they got caught up in a rain storm. I couldn't check into my room since Jeff was not around, but we got Evie and Virginia checked in.

    Once we got up to her room, we waited for everyone else to arrive. I tried to get on the internet but couldn't. It wasn't too long until the whole gang arrived. They we cold and wet.

    Today is Virginia's birthday. We went to Outback Steak House to make it a special one. It was fun to catch up. Thankfully we didn't need to "catch up too much". I had just seen her at Mom and Dad's 70th anniversary party just 3 weeks earlier. And it was another late night. It was after 10pm when we dropped Evie and Virginia off. Glenn and I needed to run to Walmart to get a few things and to fill up with gas.

    We didn't get back to the hotel room until after midnight. And I didn't even try to get on the internet. We had a2 room suite. We pulled stuff off and took up to our room. Glenn took the big black box and put it inside for the night.

    Again, another late night. But I'm thankful for the many conversations (even one in the city park in Miami, OK while we connected with Virginia. I'm thankful for the group of friends that drove to see us (Jody, Virginia and Evie and then a group of Tomba's friend that met them at the hotel here for a few minutes). And I'm thankful for the rain and the protection from the rain and elements
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 19

    Day 18 Joplin, Missouri - Springfield, M

    13 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

    Day 18 Joplin, MO - Springfield, MO
    Miles - 74
    How many turtles rescued from the road - 1
    How many men were out on the riding lawn mowers - 6
    How many turkey farms we passed - 4

    It was a short night since we got to bed well after midnight. Virginia loaned her Camry out to Vela and Neil so they could go do laundry someplace in Joplin. Virginia came out to help us load up. She could see the confusion and organization that was going on by the van as folks brought their luggage to Glenn. We were only given a 15 minute slot for folk to bring their luggage down and when we would leave for breakfast. That's not enough time. So I had sent out another text message indicating that Glenn would be out by the Van as early as 6am.

    Note: I do not have time to "proof read" these blogs, so please forgive me for any grammatical errors. Glenn normally makes the corrections and stuff, but I've given him a pass and he doesn't have time either.
    Oh, I forgot to mention the night before when we had made a Walmart run at midnight and had eaten out with Evie and Virginia, Glenn had a horrible reaction to the food we ate - diarrhea really bad. Blood. We think there might have been some shell fish oil that must have gotten mixed up with the salmon. Not a good thing.

    I think we left in good amount of time. We headed to a local mom and pop's restaurant, just down the road a few miles. The cyclists did not cycle there. So Glenn had to reconfigure the van for the extra folks we would carry.

    At Granny Shaffer's restaurant we enjoyed a good breakfast. Evie had made me some Elderberry syrup, so I ordered pancakes. I also shared the syrup with the other tables. I had called ahead and talked with Shannon so she was ready for us. Neil had a conversation with a table of 6 men. These men meet together every week. Here is what was posted on his website about these men. neiltomba

    These men get together every week for breakfast. Today I had the honor of joining them - we had just met, in the parking lot, walking through the door.
    What struck me was their sincerity that they have for one another. This wasn’t a Bible Study, or a prayer group or anything necessarily spiritual. They get together, simply to talk.
    Once again, I was given an opportunity and a tangible example to show you (and myself) how valuable conversations are.
    Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement. What kind of conversations have you had lately?

    And as we were leaving the restaurant, 2 men walked out and said "Hey, you forgot to wait for the offering. They hugged Neil's neck and said "hey, we took up an offering and this is for you". 220.00. Way to go God! Neil was moved and appreciative.

    Then Shannon and another gal that worked there came out and asked Neil some pointed questions, much so Neil has been curious in getting to know other people's story. We gave them a t-shirt and I took a photo of them.

    Once on the road, we were wondering through some back streets and country roads. We noticed worn down houses and some perfectly manicured homes and yard. Some hometown folks of Route 66. I really loved the drive today.

    We pulled over at the Drive-in Theatre of Route 66. Still working. And as we took some photos, Glenn was back in the van engaging with a gal who was in her upper 60's all decked out in her rain gear and luggage and was taking photos also. Neil had a conversation with Karen for 10 to 15 minutes. She is a bus driver, I think a school bus driver, from Lombard, Illinois heading to San Diego. I got her information so I could follow her on FB. Interesting story.

    We continued down the road and there were several 'drone s hots' and other challenging moments. The cyclists did travel on some gravel roads. This is not good. And we got lost. No we didn't get lost, we just took a wrong turn. But that's ok.

    We stopped in the shade for a picnic lunch. Not much choices in fast food places, since we hadn't gone through any towns in quite a while. Chrstine needed to use the toilet but didn't want to go behind the trees, so a farmer/rancher drove by on this isolated farm road and we stopped him. Asked if he could take the ladies up to his farm house to use the bathroom. Sure enough. we got into the double cab red pick up truck and headed to his farm house. He first forwarned his wife. They have been married over 60 years. 2 adult kids and 1/2. dozen g'kids. He was into cattle. We gave them our card and hopefully they'll follow us on FB or Instagram. But I don't think they get on Social Media too much.

    We returned to the crew. And the bicyclists left. I grabbed something really quick and ate my lunch in the Van as we headed towards Springfield. It was hot and it was dusty.

    We continued on to an Antique store where the ladies stopped to use the rest room and Neil had a conversation. I gave my Elderberry syrup away to the owner, cause I didn't want it to spill in the van and get all messy. I lady said she would enjoy it. Thanks Evie.

    AT this point, stress was high. Folks were/are discourage. We need rest. Neil had to get his bike repaired. While bouncing along on the road, I googled a shop that could do his repair. One location in Springfield really didn't seem to know what they were doing, so we chose another location. We loaded up and headed to Springfield. There Neil was able to get his bike repaired. Neil had a conversation with the bike store owner.

    We settled into this cute historic Best Western hotel on Route 66. Our rooms are out behind the back and plenty of room to park. These are the things we look for since driving the support van and needing extra parking room.

    We all piled into the Van and Pathfinder to head off to supper. One place was not open so we found an authentic Mexican restaurant. Glenn and I shared some nachos.

    I was in bed by 9pm, but then I realized that I didn't get the recipe for Virginia's stay so I called up the hotel and they forwarded to me. I finished yesterday's blog or at least I started it and then I'm finishing today's (yesterday), whatever day it is. I woke up at 3:30am to get caught up on life. Second night in a row, that I fell asleep on the toilet.

    People have asked me, Don't you have plenty of time while putt putting across the USA to do other stuff. Not really. Example, like on Day 18, we were helping navigate a bit. Then when they call and have Glenn to "hold back", that is involved. And imagine driving slowing and bouncing down the road and listening to the Walkie Talkie. And the request to find a bicycle shop in Springfield that was good for Neil's repair. We had in and out phone coverage. Mostly out. And finally getting internet service to connect. Calling. Getting disconnected. And then figuring out the route. Discussing it with Neil, by way of Wes on the Walkie Talking. So, no, I don't have time to get caught up on reading. How I remember those hot days in New Mexico going straight as an arrow.

    The trip was been fantastic. I've learned a lot. I have been stretched. One thing I struggle with is just time to process stuff. Time to get caught up on life. We have not turned on the TV to watch the news. (I have not missed the news) I hear there was flooding in the mid-west, but never read anything about it, however today, we could see the effects of the flooding. We have talked with folks who are having their farmland and businesses effected and might even loose them. Even now, I need to remind Glenn to fill up with gas or that we might need to run to Walmart and get some more food supplies, however we probably have enough in the orange What-a-Burger bags we carry the food, napkins and plates in. I woke up at 3:30 to finish yesterday blogs and now it 5:00am and I'm finished with Day 18! Good thing I take those daily photos, otherwise I wouldn't know what day we are into. Today, we're staying in cabins, so I have packed up my stuff in the back pack since I"m not sure if the couples will be able to stay together. And there will probably be no internet service where we'll until a few more day from now...
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  • Hari 20

    Day 19 Springfield, Mo - Eminence,Mo

    14 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

    Day 19 Springfield MO - Eminence, MO (ColdWater Ranch)
    Miles - 102
    Wrong Turns - 0

    Our accommodations were great at the BW in Springfield. I like the Route 66 thing going on with the old cars and stuff. I really didn’t eat a sit down breakfast, as we were getting the van ready for the day. This motel has the entry to the room right from the parking lot - the old style. I got some yogurt and bagels and cream cheese and we both ate this as we followed the 3 cyclists out of Springfield. The cyclist started your journey from the hotel so we were ready to go when they left just about five minutes behind schedule time. I think it’s very good. 7:05am. About 20 minutes down the road, the Camera had needed to return back to the hotel to get an item. They met up with us again along the way.

    The route at first took us down some fairly major roads much like Northwest Highway in Dallas and then along the service road paralleling the Interstate 44. Then the route took us just on some beautiful, beautiful green and winding hills going up and down up and down. I really enjoyed this part of the trip because we’re going so slow up-and-down that I could look at the farm houses. One had horses out in front. We came across several field of “shredded wheat” all rolled up on the open field.

    Our first conversation was at a diner in Hartville, MO, called Family Diner. Just before we had our lunch, Neil was able to talk to two folks that were cousins and the gentleman have recently lost his wife and the young lady was a single mom cute little five or six-year-old daughter was crying for some attention during the interview not literally crying. Then another conversation happened just as we were packing up to leave. Caroline engaged in her conversation here with this 75-year-old lady that was very soft-spoken skinny and I really don’t know her story however I'm sure Neil was able to challenge her. As we walked out, I looked back at this restaurant and noticed the outside of the building is that it is kinda looks like an old store front church that had been re-furbished to this Hartville Family Cafe. Sure enough, I asked one of the locals and it use to be either a Pentecostal or Methodist church..

    Glenn took a quick cat-nap while our order was being placed. I had the salad bar. We left this sleepy little town of Hartville and headed down the road. I took a nap, probably only 20 minutes, but it felt good. Then for the cyclist break, we pulled off the side of the road and ate the homemade cherry pie that Vela purchased at the Family Cafe. The pie was delicious. We enjoyed the quick 15 minute break at the intersection of two county roads. We walked on the highway and knocked on the door to see if we can use the restroom however all we heard were barking dogs inside, so the camera crew car took several of the ladies to the next town to use the restroom.

    We were in Amish country. I took a photo of an amish buggy. Neil stopped and talked with an Amish farmer. He respectably accepted the interview but did not want his photo taken.

    There were more camera shots. There were some gorgeous drone shots today. Jon stood out in the middle of the Hiway onetime taking a shot. Since we are not in the Camera crew vehicle, we have no idea all the work that goes into making a perfect shot. And like so often, a semi will be coming around the corner and enter into the picture.

    We pulled off the road in Alley Springs Park and walked over newly constructed wooden that was over the fast moving clear blue spring water river. This place was so tranquil and beautiful. Then Neil struck up a conversation with two couples. They had recently lost over 200 pounds and were really passionate about taking care of your body. Taking care of the Lord’s body in that with losing so much weight they are now able to do stuff they couldn't do before. They have more energy. I was standing there to get their signature and give them Neil's card - so I was able to hear their story. So often, I'm not around at the filming and need to find the information out later. They were super excited to be able to "follow Neil"

    Our last stop for the day and lodging for the night was at Cold Water Ranch, just outside of Eminence Missouri. We had about 20 minutes before supper was being served. Our cabin would not be available until after dinner. I had packed in case Glenn and I were separated. We had a delicious chicken fried steak dinner with peas and mashed potatoe. The dessert was some cherry coconut cobbler and Apple Cake.

    Glenn and I sat out under the stars and waited for our cabin to be cleaned. The internet service has b3en sketchy for the last few days, so I haven't been able to upload/download too much. We did connect to the office internet while we waited for our room to get ready.

    Our cabin is a one bed efficiency. A great bathroom, nice kitchen with table and air conditioner. Good night. Day 19 is in the books.
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  • Hari 21

    Day 20 Coldwater Ranch - Farmington Mo

    15 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Day 20 Eminence, MO - Farmington, MO
    Miles 90
    Hills climbed - way too many to count
    Tears shed - Caroline did a 17% grade!

    Around 3am in the morning, I woke up with chills. I was shivering. I felt like I needed to vomit. But I had a slight fever and it broke. Glenn went back to sleep and I slept until 5:45am, I did not go to breakfast until it was nearly over. I got a paper plate and put some biscuits and gravy on it and gave it to Glenn to eat. Glenn was putting the final touches on the packing and loading up the van. Since it was decided that we would drive out of the Cold Water Ranch location and head on into town for the cyclists to start their day in town.

    However before we could pull out, Neil had a conversation with Kathy, the owner of the Cold Water Ranch. I didn't hear the whole conversation, but I understand she was in the insurance cooperate world and decided to return to her family land. Land that had been in their family for 8 generations. She had built up this property where people bring their horses and take trails. There are camping spots and cabins for rentals. And she has a nice small 3 table restaurant that she can serve meals.

    Then just about the time we could be leaving, it started to down-pour. We heard thunder off in the distance. It rained hard for about 10 minutes, and then 10 minutes later it stopped. I was in the main office part, so I was doing some emails. I also took my daily "White Board" photo.

    Both vehicles filled up with gasoline. The cyclists were ready to go. And Kristine had the drone in her hand. Drone shots were the first one. Right off the bat, the hills were frequent and steep. I just couldn't believe they were not walking their bikes. When I talked with Caroline later, she said "Judy, I was literally crying!" I believe her. During the morning, I adjusted my seat to recline and I feel asleep,

    The cyclists met up with Ben C. from NorthWest Bible church, who had been in St. Louis and was able to borrow a vehicle and bike and connect up with the #ConversationsCoasttoCoasts. Glenn first met Ben last year when he was on the Rio Hondo trip and Glenn pick him, his daughter and 2 other folks on the Sunday flight and drove them 3 hours down to Chiquemula.

    We had a picnic lunch in the one and only city park of Centerville. I think the sign said the population was under 200. Vela and Jeff had purchased some sandwich stuff. We sat there on the picnic table.

    I'm thankful, I'm amazed and I'm moved by the fact that we got to sit down and eat a meal on a table and not in the middle of the Mojave Desert with no shade and the back drop of a train.

    The girls had to use the restroom, so we walked across the street to the only store and gasoline station in town. We talked to a Debbie (I think that was her name) and she allowed us to use her bathroom, which I think is connected to her house. I bought Caroline some coke and chocolate milk. I pointed out "hey, there are these boxes of cigarette candy that I remember as a kid". Neil picked up on it and was going on and on about them, so Debbie said 'Happy Father's Day" and didn't ring it up. Cool! Neil then engaged a conversation with her and asked out of respect if he could film her. She quietly denied it. She didn't want her picture taken. So, Jon heard that and didn't come into the store at all. Caroline and I talked to her more and as we left, she mentioned that Neil hadn't said goodbye to her. So, before the cyclists pulled away, Neil went back to the store and said Good bye to her.

    I slept a little more in the afternoon. The hills were not as steep as the first half. The roads were still curvy and winding. Just beautiful.

    The next stop was at a McDonalds for a bathroom stop and refueling in the form of ice cream. Glenn said that for the first time, he was feeling sleeping. He got a frappe as did i. Everyone was sitting outside and the hot sun came out. I offered to watch the bikes as everyone when inside to enjoy the cool airconditioning.

    There hasn't been little or no phone service in this area. It has been frustrating when we couldn't connect. So thankful that we had the walkie talkies to talk to Wes and the other car.

    We we drove towards Farmington, Neil stopped when he saw a farmer adding diesel into his tractor. His wife arrived in her Cadilac just as they were about to film. I did not walk out very far into the pasture. Man, the ground was so uneven, I didn't want to sprain my ankle. Instead, I took pictures of the farm and water pump.

    Our next stop was the Best Western near the golf course. A nice hotel. We unloaded the van completely except for the big box on the outside of the van. By the time I made several trips with the cart, it was 6pm. We got a text that we would meet in lobby at 6:15pm to head to the Catfish Kettle, just down the street a mile. Glenn took a 2 min. shower.

    As we sat and waited to be serve, a young boy, TK, came up to Neil and mentioned that he was a 26 year old survivor of cancer. Wow. Neil was moved. They talked while, then I think Neil talked to his dad. Glenn went out to the van to get a t-shirt for him and I gave him Neil's card.

    The story doesn't end here.

    After we all had eaten dinner and Jeff was about to pay for the bill, the waitress said that TK's father had paid for the meal. All the meal except for the chocolate pie Wes had ordered. How cool was that. Neil was moved to tear. Here a young man had reached out to Neal and we get to receive a blessing. I found out later, that one of his first brain operation was performed by Dr. Ben Carson.

    Glenn and I returned to our hotel room and we went downstairs to go swimming. I had purchased a new bathing suite while out in Los Angeles and was glad I could use it. After the quick swim, Glenn and I did 2 loads of wash. Now I think all of our clothes are clean for a few more days. Glenn didn't even have his #CC2C to wear for dinner since they were both stinking! And I"m glad I was able to finish the Blog tonight.

    I was amazed, moved and in awe of how the 3 cyclists conquered those hills. Neil mentioned that it was so different climbing the hills because he wasn't at 7,000 feet like when he's in Colorado. And these hills were up and down and up and down and up and down. Day 20 is in the books.
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  • Hari 22

    Day 21 Farmington, MO - Carbondale, IL

    16 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Day 21 Farmington, MO - Carbondale, IL
    Miles - 78
    unexpected rain storms - 3
    Birthdays - Jon, the photographer

    We woke and got all of our stuff together and out to the van by 6:30 am, then we went to breakfast. I'm pretty sure we were right on time today.

    Our route today was changed because the proposed bridge we were going to be traveling across the Mississippi River was closed. So last night, Wes and Jeff looked at options of where to route so that they could ride to Carbondale, IL. It was decided that everyone would drive 20-30 minutes south and then get on their bikes.

    As we were unloading the bikes, it started to rain. The other car had to return to the hotel because they left a jacket. We were unloading at the McDonald's parking lot and it started to rain hard. And then it would let up. So, I had time to get a Frappuccino. Then the rain stopped the 3 cyclists were on their way. They were riding along country roads. Since it was Father's Day, there wasn't too much traffic out. I relaxed too. After a littlest, they were shedding their jackets and leg warmers.

    Around 11:30, they wanted to have a picnic lunch. I was wondering what they would eat, but then the cyclists said they would be game to eat at a local restaurant. We had several suggestions. I frantically called to see what restraints were opened. Some were closed. The Bar B Que place had a long line. So we ate at Pizza Hut.

    Everyone ordered their favorite. Today was Jon's birthday, so we sang Happy Birthday to him. After a while, we got back on the bikes. Ben C was a part of the team today.

    When we arrived in Cape Gerardo, the RidewithGPS had the cyclists on a bike path, so Glenn and I figured out how to catch up with them. We crossed over the Mississippi River and on the Illinois side, you could see lots of flooding. The road got down to one lane. Water on the road.

    Our next agenda, C. needed to find the little girls room, like right now! However, we were out on 2 lane roads with miles and miles of flooded farmland. We were sent on in front to scout out to see what were the options. With my walkie talkie in hand, I walked into the Fruit and Vegetable store which had a sign that said "No public bathroom". I pleaded my case. Their answer was the toilet was not working. I wonder if that was true.

    Just about the time we were going to cross the tracts to a house that had people outside of it, a train rolls by. Oh brother. But as soon as it travels through, Neil was pleading to these folks for a potty break for C. Thankfully, a gentleman opened the door. Glenn also went inside to protest C.

    The 3 got back on their bikes and continued North to Carbondale. We stopped at another fruit and v3egetable stand and Neil started talking with Betty. She lives in Florida 1/2 time and up in Illinois the other 1/2. Then it started to rain. They were getting wet. And everyone took cover under a carport at a local business. Then we could hear the hail. Glad they decided to call it quits.

    We loaded up the bikes and drove on into Carbondale. Our hotel room is another BestWestern. Glenn and I rested until we took a van full of folks to McAlister's for dinner. Glenn and I shared a salad and soup. Plus we had big glasswork of tea.

    For Jon's birthday, we drove to the local Dairy Queen. It was an old type of walk up and order. Cute.

    Day 21 is in the books!
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  • Hari 23

    Day 22 Carbondale, Il - Cave-Rock State

    17 Jun 2019, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

    Day 22 Carbondale, Illinois – Cave-in-Rock State Park, Illinois
    Miles – 84
    1 deer, 2 turtles, and hawk we enjoyed by the cyclists

    This morning, Glenn and I ate breakfast at the hotel. I made a waffle. Instead of the shape of Texas, the waffle was round with a heart shaped middle. I enjoyed breakfast with Caroline and Kristine. Glenn was busy with packing the coolers and the luggage for the day. I helped with loading some ice buckets into the coolers from the machine. Glenn got a luggage cart to help with the luggage. And as usual, we had the “spare” bike in our room.

    About 10 minutes before we left, I asked Ben C. if he would take me to the Wal-mart across the street and I would get supplies for a picnic lunch. On the route that I investigated several months before, I just remember there were few and far between towns. Vela gave me her credit card and I got bread, cheese, ham, and chicken slices. Caroline asked for a bag of mints. And that was it.

    I got back from Wal-Mart just in time before the morning “devotions”. Neil reads from his hand-held, the “psalmist, prayer of ascent”. Then we have a quick word of prayer. Then the bikers are off. Usually, Jon is flying the drone and it follows the bikers out. And we are NOT right behind them, because Glenn has to close up the lid on the front of the van and make sure everything is tied down on the back too.

    We were finally able to download the 5.99 version of the RidewithGPS program where I can see the turn by turn movement of the 3 cyclists. And normally we catch up to the riders within 10 minutes from when they depart.

    It was pretty roaming farmland and homes that we road through today. Everything is so very green, flowers along the fences and hanging baskets on the porches. One thing I have noticed how everything seems manicured and yards are freshly mowed! There were several long hills the straight roads they biked on today. As they were riding up the top of this one steep hill, they stumbled upon guys were hiking. Neil struck up conversations to find out more about them. The older one uses to ride bikes, like he has done the Appalachian Trail, biked across the US, done stuff probably up in Canada. Then he said, he stopped biking and was just hiking. The two fellows carried 1 medium size back-pack and a cane, along with wearing a hat. The younger one was only 17, so without his parent's consent, he will not be in the documentary. He expressed that he doesn’t know where he’ll go after he dies. Like who can you believe if you can’t see it? I noticed Neil tried to bring in the emphasis of nature and that someone greater than us had to create this. We asked the two walkers if they needed anything. Nope. Not even water.

    We continued on our way towards Cave – in – Rock, Illinois. About 11:30am, they have been bicycling for 4 hours and they were hungry. Not a town in site, and certainly not a restaurant either. We came across a small grocery store that had a covered area. One table that had chess pieces on it. Vela laid out the paper towels, we pulled out the bread, sandwich meat and cheeses. I got the chips out. And that was our picnic lunch.

    About this time, I was getting sleepy, so as we drove on, I took a quick cat nap. Our next stop was in Elizabethtown that had a larger convenience store. Glenn bought me an ice cream sandwich. And here, Neil had another conversation with a guy that was riding his bike from DC to the West coast. He was fully loaded. He must have had 150 pounds of gear. He was in the military. I did not listen to the conversation, so I can’t expound on it. But having been in the military, I’m sure he has seen some ‘crazy’ stuff.

    We arrived at Cave-in-Rock State Park around 4pm. The first time we have gotten to our destination this early. Everyone, especially the cyclists were starving. We went up to the main store and restaurant. Glenn and I shared our chicken dinner and baked potato. We did have a blackberry pie. Then we piled into the van to drive down and see the Cave that is in the Rock. Interesting formation.

    This State Park is on the banks of the Ohio River. I can look out the window and see boats and barges floating up and down this river. Interesting, there is not a bridge connecting to the Kentucky side, however, there is a ferry that we'll go on tomorrow morning. Its been a long time since I've been on a ferry. It should be a great experience.

    Well, I don’t think I have internet here right now. If I do, I’ll post it. And we will not have the internet at the Lake House and our REST day on Wednesday. So, it might be several days when I post again. Since it is 7:19pm right now, and I’m calling it a day. We’ve had good weather today compared to the rain on Sunday. We’ve had interesting conversations and we didn’t make any wrong turns. Good night.
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