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  • PCT - 8 DAYS TO GO!

    7. april 2023, England ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    This time next week I will be preparing for my last supper with my family as I won’t be seeing them for nearly nine weeks. I have tried to imagine how I am going to feel or cope with being away for so long, but the reality is that I have no idea how I am going to feel. I need to just play it by ear and try not to think about it too much.

    Main photo: Mount Laguna, which is about 40 miles into my hike and is where I will send my bounce box to for it's first journey.
    It’s been a strange week as I am now caught up on everything to do with my business. I have worked like a trojan over the last 3 months uploading walks, writing articles, scheduling posts, creating newsletters and everything else that the business needs to survive without me. I am trying not to worry about things, but you can’t help playing our scenarios in your mind as to what would happen if this or that happened.

    I am so very thankful to my walk leaders for covering the walks while I’m away, plus my lovely hubby who is keeping things ticking over at HQ. So with everything done and scheduled, I find myself at a bit of a loose end watching Race Across the World and all sort of films on Netflix. I am now only following a couple of PCT hikers as I felt that I didn't want to spoil the experience for myself by knowing every turn in the trail. I want to see things through my own eyes, so I no longer watch new starters on the trail (not sure if that makes any sense?).
    The one channel that I am loving is Hiking with the Codgers. These two older guys have such a fabulous attitude toward the trail. They have had a hard time of it with all the snow, but they have not lost their sense of humour. If you want to check them out then here is their channel:

    PCT Stuff completed this week:-

    * Hiker to trail sign done on my 1/8th pad. I had already created a “Hiker to Town” sign for hitchhiking, but then realised that I also need to get back out onto the trail!
    * Salt n pepper pot filled! - it’s all these little things that I don’t want to forget.
    * Bounce box sorted out. OMG! The original box was HUGE! I googled “What is the size of a large priority mail box in the US” and it’s not that big. Max weight up to 70 lbs / dim 12.25” x 12.25” x 6”, so I have had to trim some of my stuff. I have taken all food out, and also my Exped sleeping mat and extra clothes. My Salamon shoes took up a good chunk of space, plus medication, one set of town clothes, extra vacuum bags, and hygiene stuff (like a razor and shampoo that I won’t take in my backpack, but will be useful in a town).
    * Hair cut booked with my lovely daughter for next week.
    * Visited the docs for a final check - all good and now have an extra 3 months' worth of meds.
    * Labels written for my bounce box
    * UK cash converted to dollars, along with some extra dollars that friends have donated. They are now safely tucked up in my Room Pack (aka: bum bag/fanny pack, along with my credit cards and passport).
    * Transferred money onto my Wise card.
    * Continued deleting photos and videos from my phone (this is a real pain!) and I am still not finished!
    * Good news is that the warm weather seems to be arriving in California and the snow is melting. I know we will have some snow and there will be very high water crossings (I have now packed water shoes!) but at least it will be warm in the daytime. According to the BBC, it will be around 21/22 degrees in the day, then dropping to 11/12 degrees at night. I can easily cope with that, but I know it could change at the flick of a switch.

    My kit is all packed and "airport" ready. I have now taken my foot off the pedal with regard to training. I am still going to the gym three times a week with Rachel, but if I'm honest, I am just enjoying spending time with my daughter rather than pushing myself to increase weights etc. I feel that now is the time to avoid any injury, so playing it down on walks and the gym.

    I have five Adventure Geek walks that I will be attending next week which will keep me busy. Some friends are meeting me in the pub on Wednesday evening as a farewell send-off and I have a family “last supper” on Friday night. Eeek! It all seems so real now.

    My next update will be from the trail. Hasta Luego! See you later.

    Thanks, as always, for listening to my rambles.
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