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  • Day 14

    Our Final Footsteps in Malaga!

    May 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Our five days here has come and gone quickly! I wish I could say the same about the nights. These beds might be amongst the most uncomfortable beds we have endeavored to sleep on in all of our travels. They are so narrow, short and HARD as cement. The pillows are also those spongy hard ones. They even have a long body pillow on the spare bed ... they are using it for the head pillows. I can honestly say that I really don't want to do another night on these mattresses ... but ... we have one night left!

    Aside from the beds ... our accommodation has been 13/10!! The location is absolutely superb. We are tucked right in between the sea and the harbor. We have a lovely 10 minute walk to the Old Town. And, speaking of walking, I should share that they have orchestrated their pedestrian lights in a really interesting way. They give the amount of time to wait ... and ... the amount of time to walk! Although, when the light turns green, the little man looks like he is running not walking!! 😂🤣

    Our day started off slow ... I was a bit homesick this morning. I have been missing my family, friends and solitude a bit. I have also found myself missing my deck and the peace and quiet of its stillness. However, there is so much to be grateful for here as well!

    We enjoyed another delicious croissant egg sandwich. The old boy is already lamenting that he will be missing the fresh squeezed orange juice that we get at the grocery store here! We have been loving the warm sunny weather. It feels like we are getting a jump start on summer!

    That said, it was 11:00am when we finally headed out for a cappuccino! And this morning, the old boy decided to have a coffee with cognac in it!! Blechhhhhh! His taste buds and mine are so different! He loved it.

    And then, we meandered our way down the harbor we saw that they had set up an whole pop up artisan market. It was lovely to see the unique and creative jewellery, clothing and even silicone eyeglass covers that people have crafted and are selling. Due to carry-on limitations, I never bought anything ,,, but ... I was sure tempted!

    We then stopped at the "Amigos" for lunch! This restaurant offered Indian, Mexican, Greek and American cuisine. At first, I could tell that the old boy was not sharing my enthusiasm for the menu items ... but ... he ordered the calamari!! I opted for the Chicken Curry with some coconut rice. The mix of the spicy curry and the sweet rice was absolutely DIVINE (13/10)! And ... wait ... the old boy's calamari was so good that I even had two pieces of it. It was so tender (not at all rubbery!). It sliced like butter ... with your fork!! And, there was no fishy smell or taste and it was breaded in something really light and delicious. He declared it was the very best calamari he has ever tasted (13/10).

    Even though it had been a mix of sun and cloud today, it is really warm ... so ... we decided we would head back to the room to get the beach chairs and spend the rest of our afternoon by the sea. The old boy had to get an ice cream on our way back though. Cherry. And, guess what? It was the best he has ever had (13/10). And ... even though I don't like ice cream ... I had several spoonfuls because it really was that delicious!!

    We took the 5 minute walk to the beach and plunked our chairs into the sand and got comfortable. The sand actually looks more like dirt than sand, but it is deep and gets very heated by the sun. I wandered into the Mediterranean Sea to cool down a bit. We ended up staying for two hours. It was absolutely lovely ... except for the three younger girls that were on a blanket nearby. They had their music blaring and their voices had to go even higher so they could hear themselves above the music.

    We probably could have stayed longer, but we wanted to get back to the same restaurant to try out the tacos that we saw being served earlier today ... and ... we also wanted to have our very first game of Clever since we have been on vacation. I scored horribly. Once I am finished with this post ... I will see if I can redeem myself before we head to bed.🤞

    When we got back to Amigos, we ordered one chicken and one beef tacos ... but sadly ... they were a bit of a disappointment! Sheesh. I had been dreaming about them all day. It's a good thing we went and had them ... otherwise I would have gone to my grave wondering how good they actually were!!

    Interestingly, our server spoke English. This is not common here. Most of the servers only speak Spanish and wee bit of English. We learned that she was originally from Italy but went to work in England for six years. She found it too dreary and depressing though ... so now ... she has been in Malaga for one month. She is not quite sure how she will handle the summer heat of 40 degrees Celcius, but she says there is no work in Italy except during the summer. Malaga has warm enough weather year round that she can make a living here. She was a real sweetheart!

    This is the latest we have been out and about since arriving here! I even got a couple of pics of the sun setting behind the massive yachts in the harbor. BTW ... this harbor is so very, very, very, quiet. There is very little movement in or out of it! The fishing boats must come in very early!

    And now, I am hoping to enjoy a stellar game of Clever before we head off to our hard beds with hard pillows. I am really hoping that our next AirBnB has comfy beds!! I'll catch up with you tomorrow ... if its not too late ... once we arrive in L'Albir!

    Love and hugs, k&j
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