Day 40
Chocolate and Kölsch

Friday was a day for chocolate and Kölsch! Apparently, Germany consumes more chocolate than any other country in Europe, both per capita and in total, and there is a large chocolate museum inRead more
Friday was a day for chocolate and Kölsch! Apparently, Germany consumes more chocolate than any other country in Europe, both per capita and in total, and there is a large chocolate museum inRead more
Traveler I am remembering the I Love Lucy episode with Ethel and Lucy trying to work (to have their own money) in a chocolate factory. I would have eaten the profits! I saw Leslie’s sample and instead would have liked my “LOT” from the crate near the worker who had her back to it!
Traveler We visited a chocolate museum somewhere, perhaps St. Augustine, where they were showing a continuous loop of the portion of that episode where Lucy is on an assembly line and can’t keep up. Hilarious!