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  • Day 136

    50th Reunion, pre-party

    September 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 95 °F

    Slept great, but did get going so I could make a scheduled dentist appointment at 9:00 am. Then back to Linleys for some morning chat time.

    Cindy picked me up and she and I met Jeanie at the Swim and Racquet club for lunch. Jeanie was going to be out of town for the weekend and this was our best chance to all get together. It was so nice catching up!

    Spent the afternoon at Linleys and showered and changed for the informal pre party event at Paula DeYoung's home. Bridget came over to the house so linley and I could confirmed her attire choices...Clarke served as our chauffer for the entire weekend!

    Paula has a large, beautiful home on Van Ness extension and the party was in the back yard around the pool (with fountain) and (2 story!) pool house. The event was really well attended and all three of us kind of splintered and chatted with various friends; some well remembered and some we didn't even know had graduated with us!?

    Only drawback was the heat and humidity... And mosquitoes! Wow, I might have well been in Michigan! It was so warm I really didn't feel like drinking wine and pretty much stuck to water until it got dark and I finally got to the wine table. Imagine - every one you walk by, your need to stop and say "hi" to!

    Clarke picked us up, and because none of us had eaten (too much talking) we (the 4 of us) went and had a late dinner at the elbow room, with AIR CONDITIONING!

    Am very disappointed in myself, I have NO pictures. I think I was too busy chatting? Found some on our FB page to share
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