• Dag 3

    Hong Kong Part 1

    21 april 2018, Hong Kong ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    I had a great time working together with my English collegues from Shanghai, Bejing, Chiang Mai, Tokyo and Seoul. Met some really awesome people who were great to work and to spend some quality time with. Funnily, one turned out to have studied in Kiel at the same time as I (though we only knew each other from sight) and another one had lived in Hannover and worked in Hildesheim before moving to Shanghai 7 years ago. We'd definately met and have some common aquaintances. The world is such a small place.
    Hong Kong has changed a lot since I was here in 2000 but it's definately a great place to discover. Still a mix of old and new, west and east, clean and dodgy. Though we worked most of the time of my stay there I did get the chance to do some sight seeing. We also checked out the party zone of the city. How strange it felt to have a drink in the middle of the street.
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