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  • Day 17

    USJ Leaving

    December 15, 2022 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    I looked in the app for what rides were still going as most had started to shut down, there was one called space fantasy and after Nintendo World I thought it would be kiddy still but I really enjoyed it. It was an indoor roller coaster with 4 seater bods which rotated as you went through the path. You could tell it was an older ride but was still very good.
    I then jumped in the only line left at 7pm for a Osaka based anime 4d movie. I probably could have left that as there was no subtitles and I didn't know the characters but I enjoyed it none the less.
    I then did a final wander around the park, groups of people were running around with matching hats and looked great. The staff were all packing up but in matching overalls for the different rides so looked quite funny.
    Upon exiting you go through city walk which has lots of American based restaurants. I was tempted but figured I would find something better back by the backpackers.
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