New Zealand

februar - april 2017
Et 55-dagers eventyr av LouisaJames Les mer
  • 46fotspor
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  • 55dager
  • 264bilder
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  • 4,5kmiles
  • Dag 32


    10. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    As we liked it here so much we decided to stay another night so we could explore the area more. It was a scorcher of a day which we started with a round of crazy golf after some necessary hand washing. This time it was far more professional with 18 holes, each having a theme from the local area. Even with changes made to make it easier, it was a fun challenge. Needless to say James won hands down and Louisa came in second (sounds better than lost!). We took a lovely walk through the town's gardens that had themed areas as well as another aviary and more petrified tree stumps. After some warm hospitality at the campsite which involved sampling Canadian whiskey with maple syrup... we ventured back to the seafront to see more little blue penguins and we weren't disappointed. We just loved watching the little things rock hopping and dashing across the road to get to their nests.Les mer

  • Dag 33


    11. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Headed inland up the valley stopping off at the aptly named 'Elephant Rocks' although other animals can be seen too we thought. James seemed to hitch a ride on the back of a whale. They were formed by earthquakes many years ago and cover quite a large area. They would make for great climbing in the dry. There were also a couple of ancient Moari drawings in caves to see. There were so many more places that we saw today that have been named by Scottish people that emigrated here. Todays favourites had to be Aviemore and Peebles!Les mer

  • Dag 35

    Heading back to Christchurch

    13. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

    Except for three hours yesterday afternoon it has rained non stop for three days so we have given up on the soggy tent for tonight and checked into an appartment so we can dry things out and re-pack bags before giving up the car tomorrow. The massive TV is a hit with James and I prefer the fluffy carpet! In the dry spell yesterday we came across a school rowing championship which was fun to watch. Afterwards we went to a viewpoint to see Mount Cook (glad we saw it on our previous visit as it was the clouds that stole the show this time). We went to the RAF museum this afternoon in Christchurch and was very pleasantly surprised by its size and professional set up. The 80 year old that gave us a look behind the scenes had good stories to tell from his time as a nav.Les mer

  • Dag 36


    14. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Had a look around the shipping container shops that have relocated into these containers when their buildings were ruined in the earthquake. The city centre was completely off limits for 8 months to assess, pull buildings down or make them safe. The extent of the damage and devastation is truly amazing with very little left from pre 2011, however a new and funky city is rising with high hopes and strength of the populous. We also saw the cardboard Cathedral which was light and bright inside. It has a plastic roof with pine support struts that are enclosed by cardboard tubes that lean in and lead your eyes towards the cross which is also made from cardboard tubes. Couldn't come to a city and not go around the Botanical Gardens! Dropped the car off and checked into a pod hostel, which has very funky individual plastic pods that you sleep in. It's also ideally situated near the airport for our early morning flight to Auckland tomorrow.Les mer

  • Dag 37

    North Island: Mangawhai Head

    15. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Today has seen a good change in the weather for both islands with clear blue skies. A smooth flight up to Auckland and by mid morning we were heading north with our new rental car. We had a good view back to the city while driving over the harbour bridge and could see how much it has developed recently. Stopped for lunch at Orewa which reminded us of Brighton then continued north. Only decided to take a side street off the main road because it said beach road and it turned out to be a little gem. The road seemed to go on forever and we nearly turned back but thankfully we didn't. We weren't there long before a children's surf school started and we got talking to a couple. They offered us their field to camp in for the night (one day they are going to built a house on it). We were expecting more of a field but we're surprised when we saw a huge manicured plot with possible kiwi's nearby. Before bed we were treated to an amazing view of the stars and the International Space Station.Les mer

  • Dag 38


    16. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    The very friendly couple had also told us of a three hour walk to to from the beach which we did and it was brilliant. The first half was along the coastal cliffs and gave superb views of the coastline and of some bespoke holiday homes of the wealthy Aucklanders. We had timed it slightly wrong because the second half brings you back along the beach which is only possible at mid to low tide. However we thought we'd give it ago anyway and it was fun climbing over and down rocks, scrambling and finally stripping off to our undies to jump down onto the beach in knee deep water. The rest of the return trip was much easier once we were on the sand.
    We drove a little further north to Whangarei and had a quick refreshing swim in the campsite pool as it didn't feel like the 22 degrees we were promised!
    Les mer

  • Dag 39

    Around Whangarei

    17. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The campsite manager did such a good job of explaining all the local places of interest that we stayed another night so we could explore them. By just driving through the town you would not have an idea of all it has to explore so were thankful for his advise. We were able to walk from campsite and it turned into one of the longest walks we have done! The 22m imressive waterfall was set in a basin and we followed the river along thick tropical rainforst right at the edge of the town seeing some examples of huge Kauri tress that are very important to the Maori culture until we got to the town basin. The 6km walk around it had some intersting art sculptures as well as a group of drama boys rehearsing the Hakka. Visited some more Botanical gardens that had a fern and cacti house in town. All that walking meant the huge ice cream we had was a welcome treat although the walk back was a bit hard going...Les mer

  • Dag 40


    18. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Headed for the Tutukaka Coast road and found a bit of paradise! The tide beat us this time while we tried to walk a short estuary to get to Kukutauwhao Island so we could see the lighthouse. Matapouri Bay was a gorgeous spot for trying out some body surfing in the crashing waves before using the councils bbq to cook our chicken kebabs on. There are a number of bays here to choose from but we chose Woolleys Bay to visit next before taking a gravel road to Whananaki for the night. We couldn't resist a swim in the campsite pool before setting up the tent. A fun evening chatting with NZ/American couple after debating Brexit with an Ex-pat.Les mer

  • Dag 41

    Bay of Islands

    19. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Our campsite was next to the longest footbridge in the Southern Hemisphere and it certainly is long! Took the longer and winding road to Russell via some lovely calm bays, overlooking headlands and islands. Took a swim and had a picnic at Kaimarama Bay and Hauai Bay, both at the head of the Bay of Islands. Saw a big stingray swimming along the shore at the sleepy historic town of Russell before stopping for the night at Orongo Bay.Les mer

  • Dag 42

    Tutukaka Marina

    20. mars 2017, New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    We woke in the night and heard the unusual call of a female kiwi (but still yet to see one)! Rather than take the easy option of a ferry we took the long gravel road around to Paihia. It was like a stage of the World Rally Championship (the photo is the nice smooth section) that took about 45 minutes, passing only 3 truck like 4x4's.... Paihia had a nice but definite tourist town feel to it with helicopters buzzing out over the bay. Yet another good spot for a picnic and swim. Went the 100m out to the swimming platform so James could perfect his back flips off it and I could perfect my dive bombing technique! As we loved the Tutukaka coast so much we decided to head back down this way to spend longer exploring here.Les mer