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  • Day 36

    Castrojeriz to Formista

    July 13, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today was a beautiful cool overcast day with a nice breeze to make the walk a pleasant and happy 16 miles. I am at day 14 of my walk and am in the town of Formista. I am almost halfway and have covered 355 kilometers or 221 miles so far. Each of the towns for the last 50 or so miles has included a very interesting inhabitant. Storks! All of the cathedrals and many tall towers include a large wooden nest and multiple storks sitting in them. I have included a picture from today on the way into town. The highlight of the day was catching a canal tour boat the last three kilometers into town. All is well here and keep on smiling.Read more