Cala Tehuamixtle

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    • Día 164

      Mayto Beach and Tehualmixtle

      13 de enero de 2016, Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a long gradual descent in mind when we left El Tuito at 600 m in elevation heading for the beach, but ended up climbing and descending numerous shorter steeper hills. The road was surprisingly good for the first 20 km (given that it didn't appear on our maps) so when it deteriorated to washboard and sand for ~10 km we were not that surprised or upset. Once down in the valley we got back onto pavement and made our way to the stunning Mayto Beach. Apparently you can regularly take part in the release of newly hatched turtles on this beach in the evening but we were turned off by the 200 peso camping fee that was being asked, so made our way around the headland to Tehualmixtle. This sheltered bay is better for swimming and boasts some massive oysters for sale at the beachside restaurants, and we managed to set up our tent for free under a palapa on the beach and enjoy another beautiful sunset swim.Leer más

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