Frankfurt with a Dog

fevereiro 2023
For my new job at STA Travel I have to go to a one week-long training in Frankfurt. As I couldn't find someone to look after Aluna during the time Seb would be at work, I had to take her with me. Leia mais
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  • Dia 1

    Nervous af

    13 de fevereiro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    As a new member of STA Travel, I have to join the New Hire training in Frankfurt for a week. I don't really think that much time is necessary, however, I don't have a choice. Therefore, I had to go. First, I wanted my dog Aluna, who can't stay alone, to be looked after either my best friend Sina or my Mum. But when my Mum stated she would be working and Sina told me about her cruise that would take place exactly that week, I had to think again. As Seb can't take her with him to work and he can't do Homeoffice either, the only option was to take her with me. So I asked Annika, my colleague who is responsible for the whole training, and she reluctantly said Yes. I called the Hotel I'd be staying in, asking if Aluna was good to stay. Sure, for 15€ per night. Awesome... So I had to pay 75€ to be stressed even more from this training. But, I could take her with me.
    Packing my luggage for the week, I figured that Aluna would need not only her food but also some place to rest. So I took apart her Tipi and put it into my luggage. That took up about 50% of the space. Then I also packed a towel, her food, her hair brush, her snacks and her backpack. All in all she took 85% of my luggage. I figured that the only things I would actually need for myself, were some PJs, underwear, another sweater to change, and my bathroom items. Everything else, I'd have on my body travelling or put in my own backpack (e.g. laptop, charger, book to read, my own food). Everything packed, I was ready to go.
    The next morning I woke up completely destroyed. I was worrying the whole night, nervous as shit, if everything would be going to be alright. Aluna was afraid of trains since she kinda "lost" me when I took off to Frankfurt to fly to England in November. Ever since, she was shivering whenever she heard a train. Today however, she would have to go through the fear with me. I was still nervous and she senses that kinda stuff pretty easy, so of course she was quite excited as well. Seb dropped me off at the train station and it was, figuring that we would just be gone for a week... In Germany, 2hr drive away from home, pretty tearful.
    We were early and so we stood at the track, watching ICEs come and go. Aluna shivered from time to time but I guess she was relieved whenever I was still with her after yet another train. When our train finally arrived, I entered the waggon, Aluna in her backpack on my front, my backpack on my back, my luggage in my right hand side, and luckily caught a seat right next to the luggage station, where I could leave my luggage and still have it in sight. The first few minutes were pretty interesting, as Aluna was very excited and jumped from her seat, to my lap, to her seat again. She wanted to get to the floor and explore the waggon, but I couldn't let her do this. In the end, she accepted my No and lay down on my jacket on her seat.
    For the tube, I sat her in her backpack again, and I actually think, that was more stressful than the train, as the constant opening and closing of the doors was quite loud and freaked her out.
    Finally, we arrived at the main station and were greeted by drunks, drug addicts and homeless people. Honestly, our office is directly opposite the main station and like 6 feet to the left, there were about 10–15 men, sitting in broad daylight, giving themselves shots of Cocaine. Around them, hundreds of broken beer bottles. And I had to let Aluna walk in this shit. It was disgusting.
    Inside the building, the interior immediately spoke Money and Safety Cameras, so that was a real culture clash right there and then.
    My colleagues were all very friendly and nice, and we had quite a good day together. Everyone was so amazed by Aluna and how she is just so quiet and cute and frugal and just wholesome in general. It must have been the millionth of times - I really adored this dog for her awesome behaviour. Not that I thought she'd behave any different. But anyway. After a long 7 hours, we were done for the day, and so we could finally check in to the hotel. This time, Christian told me, that booked the Bristol Hotel, a much nicer hotel than last time. However, I think I am just used to better standards. My room is tiny, honestly. It can't be more than 2 metres in width. I don't know where to put my luggage without falling over it... But I finally found a use for it - being Alunas basket.
    I didn't give myself a lot of time to calm down, as I wanted to go to the Main river with Aluna for her first real walk today. The river was 15 min away from the hotel, and I had to go through the main station again. I am not a fan of the traffic in Frankfurt. It's so chaotic and confusing at times, you just don't know where to go to. Or at least I don't. When I arrived at the river, I thought to myself for a split-second, that Frankfurt wasn't all that bad. Then a guy greeted me from the dark shadows of the park, looking as if he'd be ready to kill me on the spot, and I decided to leave the "Bad" stamp on Frankfurt.
    This, plus that I nearly stumbled walking on the bridge as I have eaten so little during the day, I decided to cut the walk short and get back to my tiny hotel room. After arriving there, I showered Alunas feet - I didn't want her to go on my bed with this city yuck on her feet - and put her on my bed. Now she sleeps in it and I don't know where I would be able to sleep...
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  • Dia 2


    14 de fevereiro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

    The night was as calm as in a big city could be. Aluna finally gave me some space in the bed, too, so I woke up feeling pretty well rested.
    I ate my orange and kiwi that I brought with me, fed Aluna and started to watch "Stutz", a pretty good movie on Netflix so far.
    The day consisted of training, training, training.
    At lunch time we were visited by the
    Founder of AER and Cockpit. Honestly, I've never felt more uncomfortable with a person being in a room. The atmosphere changed completely during the time he was in the room. When he spoke, he stared at the floor the whole time and still had the aura of a dictator. And when he said "The system is so easy, my cleaner could use it", I knew I wouldn't get to like him anymore. Just because someone is a cleaner doesn't mean that they aren't smart. Remember this, shitty rich people!
    In the afternoon, something stopped us from continuing. A huge amount of police and firefighter cars were howling and screeching infront of our office balcony. Everyone raced to see what was happening. We couldn't really make out what actually was the matter with this drama. So we returned to our seats to let our brains be fried even more.
    When the training day was finally over, we were going to an Indian restaurant. The second I got into it, my head exploded with pain. The music that was played inside plus the voices of the people were so loud and making me really feel uncomfortable. The monotonous rhythm of the beat makes some people forget or overhear it after a while. I'm not one of them. For me, 2hours of the same music was torture. So when I was asked whether I'd like to go with the others to the bar, I declined. I felt so sick, my head feeling light whenever I looked down. When having a small dog that you have to look after, that is a big No-no to have. So I excused myself and just fell to bed instead. After a short call with Seb, I immediately fell asleep.
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  • Dia 3

    Foggy Truth

    15 de fevereiro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Today we learned the reason why there was this Armageddon state yesterday.
    In short: There first was a fire in the mainstation. Therefore a tube got stuck in a tunnel. After they got the tube out of there, they had everything clear. Half an hour later they found a dead body on the tracks. It was an homeless man who could have been killed, suicidal or in an accident. No one knows. But it wasn't because of the fire.
    So next time a customer says they think a destination is too dangerous to go to, I'll just tell them this story and conclude "If you want danger, you can take the next train to Frankfurt. Everywhere else, you'll be safer."
    We had an early finish today, so I decided to go and find a bit of grass for Aluna again. I was lucky. In 10min walking distance was a small little bit of no-asphalt, so we made our way there. I took some photos of Aluna on the way, so it took us about 20min to get there. Arriving, she immediately ate something from the grass and I nearly panicked. Who am I to know whether this shitty city has poison laying around in the park. But when I saw a little bunny hopping through the grass, I was 100% safe - it was just the bunny poo she'd eaten. Anyhow, she did smell and tasted the rabbit (poo) but did not see it literally being 5m away from her. Aluna wouldn't become a hunter this lifetime anymore.
    My training group had suggested to meet each other at 7.30pm at the hotels' lobby to get something to eat and so I went back to the hotel. One of my colleagues, Janin, has already gotten herself some pizza and offered to look after Aluna so that I could go eat in piece. I thought it would be a good idea. Once for me, to finally not having to think about someone kicking my dog in the full (and drunken) streets of Frankfurt. And second for Aluna to not be stressed by this environment. So I brought Aluna to Janins room and left her there. I instantly felt this hollow freedom. As if a mother would give her newborn child away for the first time. It's always the same feeling for me. I really don't like being separated from her tbh... But I knew that I could trust Janin and she could care for Aluna and that it would be good. So I decided to enjoy my time with my colleagues and dinner. After about 1,5hrs we were back and I picked up Aluna. As I've actually thought it would be, Aluna was not satisfied with the situation and didn't like me being gone. So her happiness about me coming back was heartwarming as ever. Just because of these little moments of unconditional love that are literally thrown at me, I have to leave her once in a while and come back to find myself embraced with love.
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  • Dia 4

    Winning dessert

    16 de fevereiro de 2023, Alemanha

    Today the training for me consisted in working on my own customer requests as my colleagues learned the systems. I also wrote down a step-by-step list for using Amadeus from scratch that I showed my boss. He asked me whether I used the system or if I did it just using my memory. Obviously, I just recalled it. He stated that my brain was a fascinating thing and how cool it was that I know so much after only one month. I agreed modestly.
    In the meantime, Aluna re-decorated the office and played garbage woman, pulling out all the different bakery bags and trying to eat the leftovers. Of course, I had to clean after her when her game was over and nothing left to eat.
    In the evening we played a Kahoot quiz about Midoco (our mid/back office system). Although I only listened with half an ear, I won the quiz and therefore a dessert at the Italian place we would go to after work. I was very pleased with myself.
    Entering the restaurant, two of my colleagues told some interesting stories: "When walking down the street to the hotel, I was followed by a man with open trousers shouting names after me." She was wearing a long bright coat, makeup and a high ponytail. Thabk goodness she arrived at the hotel lobby safely. If she wouldn't have been so tough, she might have got a trauma from this already. What the f... The other blonde stated "Well, I've just seen two drug deals happening infront of me. The third one came and offered me some pills at broad daylight." The answer to this, for me, inexplicable behaviour, is that everyone knows they're drug dealers, so why hide? Also, the best hiding places are usually just in plain sight.
    Nevertheless, we had a very lovely time, eating Pizza and Pasta, sharing a bunch of stories about people from work, our likings and what we've experienced so far in the Tourism industry. It's a funny place to work in, definitely. I'm glad I found it for myself. After my Margarita, I ordered a Tartufo. The waiter asked whether I'd need a candle for it, as he heard us talking about me being the "special guest" today. I didn't need one, but Annika then asked for him to sing a song. He kindly refused and we had a good laugh about it.
    After quite a few drinks we finally payed and walked over the street back into our hotel.
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  • Dia 5

    Last day of horror

    17 de fevereiro de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    The last day started just right: "Well, Matty has left because he's got Covid." Amazing news. When I told Seb, he said "Well it least you could take one thing from the training"...
    The next news came immediately: "Last night, a man was killed in our office's street." Yet another awesome thing to know. Where was this stupid film crew that shot the new season of CSI:Miami? And could they please change the settings location now?
    Honestly, I really couldn't wait to get rid of this awful city.
    Thankfully, my wish came true after another couple of hours in which we met the CEOs of our tour operator and finalised the training.
    I actually quite enjoyed being in this team of New Hires although we were all so different. But somehow we worked very well as a team and got on nicely. It was sad to say Goodbye to them (just for a couple of days, as we'd meet each other online the next week) but also relieving to finally leave this city. But as we don't have Dunkin Donuts in Göttingen, I first had to get myself (and Seb) some donuts. Tbh I don't really like donuts that much but somehow I really craved these. So I got myself a six-pack of them and got on a completely packed train. Today, above all, Ver.di had to perform a strike so that half of the trains wouldn't work. Therefore, the still driving trains were crammed. Luckily, a colleague of mine had a reserved seat and because of Aluna I could sit next to her. The reason for that was, because actually the seat beside her was taken. But the family with the sweetest boy I've recently met said, they were happy with their two others seats when James, the lil boy, were only allowed to pet Aluna. As she was over her short frightened shaking at the train tracks, I just smiled and allowed it. As much as James squeaked in joy about the dog, he didn't touch her at all. So that was a win-win.
    Exchanging lots of information during our pleasant chat, my colleague and I were quite befuddled when the train driver announced Göttingen to be the next stop. I hastily packed all my things and Aluna together, took her on my arm and left the train. I was shocked by the cleanliness of the streets and people all around me. Finally, I was home.
    Seb picked me up at the taxi stop and the happiness of Aluna could be measured by the whirling of her tail. It's always so cute when she greets you after some time. It's a delicious sense of unconditional love you get from her. I thought I'd be the one surprising Seb with the donuts, but he surprised me with a kebab as well. We both agreed, that we loved each other on the spot.

    Song of the trip: Welcome to the internet by Bo Burnham
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