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    • Giorno 16

      Pohnpei, Mikronesien

      1 aprile, Micronesia ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Hier hat es ja richtig Berge! Das war mal Deutsche Kolonie!? Was hatten wir hier zu suchen …

      „Der Pohnpei International Airport (IATA-Code: PNI, ICAO-Code: PTPN) ist ein Flughafen auf Pohnpei, einer zu den Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien gehörenden Insel. Er liegt etwas mehr als einen Kilometer nördlich der Stadt Kolonia auf der kleinen, Pohnpei vorgelagerten Insel Dekehtik. Als einziger Flughafen auf Pohnpei versorgt er auch die mikronesische Hauptstadt Palikir.

      Die einzige Start- und Landebahn des im Januar 1970 eröffneten[3] Flughafens verläuft in Ost-West-Richtung und hat eine Länge von 2012 Metern.[4] Sie ist für beide Richtungen mit Endbefeuerung (REIL), Pistenrandbefeuerung mittlerer Intensität (MIRL) und Präzisions-Anflug Gleitwinkelbefeuerung (PAPI) ausgerüstet.[5]
      Flugziele und Fluggesellschaften
      United Airlines führte bis Anfang Januar 2018 die einzigen internationalen Flüge durch. Ehemals bedienten auch Air Nauru und Aloha Airlines den Flughafen. Die mikronesische Caroline Islands Air bedient den Flughafen im Charterverkehr und plant (Stand Januar 2018) eine internationale Verbindung nach Palau.

      Die Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien (englisch Federated States of Micronesia) sind ein Inselstaat im westlichen Teil des Pazifischen Ozeans. Das Staatsgebiet deckt dabei nur einen Teil des Inselgebiets Mikronesien ab.

      Der Staat nimmt den größten Teil der Karolinen ein, die eine Inselgruppe Mikronesiens sind. Die Föderation besteht aus den Staaten Chuuk, Kosrae und Pohnpei, welche die Ostkarolinen bilden, und dem Staat Yap, der zusammen mit der unabhängigen Nation Palau die Westkarolinen bildet (im Jahr 1978 stimmten die Bürger von Palau gegen die Beteiligung an den Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien und für die Unabhängigkeit). Die größte Stadt des Landes ist Weno auf der Insel Moen im Osten des Chuuk-Atolls; Hauptstadt ist Palikir auf der Insel Pohnpei.
      Höchster Punkt des Staatsgebiets ist der 782 m hohe Mount Nanlaud auf Pohnpei.

      Die Inseln sind mindestens seit dem Ende des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. menschlich besiedelt. Es wird angenommen, dass sich in vorkolonialer Zeit von der Insel Yap aus ein größeres Staatswesen in der Region entwickelt hat.
      Als erste Europäer kamen Portugiesen im 16. Jahrhundert nach Mikronesien. 1696 wurden die Inseln von Spanien in Besitz genommen. Nach dem Spanisch-Amerikanischen Krieg verkaufte Spanien die Inseln im Rahmen des Deutsch-Spanischen Vertrags 1899 an Deutschland. Das damalige Deutsche Reich machte die Inseln zum Bestandteil seiner Kolonie Deutsch-Neuguinea. Ein Aufstand der Sokehs wurde 1911 von den Deutschen gewaltsam niedergeschlagen. Am Anfang des Ersten Weltkrieges wurden die Inseln 1914 ohne Widerstand von der japanischen Armee besetzt. 1920 kamen sie als Völkerbundsmandat an Japan.
      Im Zweiten Weltkrieg diente vor allem Truk als Stützpunkt für die japanischen Angriffe auf Neuguinea, den Bismarck-Archipel und die Salomon-Inseln. Am 16. und 17. Februar 1944 wurde dieser im Rahmen der Operation Hailstone von Flugzeugen der US-Marine massiv bombardiert und ein großer Teil der dort stationierten japanischen Streitkräfte vernichtet. Beim sogenannten „Island Hopping“ der Amerikaner wurden allerdings viele andere japanische Stützpunkte umgangen und erst nach der Kapitulation Japans übergeben.
      1947 wurde Mikronesien UN-Treuhandgebiet. Unter der Bezeichnung Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) wurde es zunächst von der US-Marine verwaltet, ab 1961 vom US-Innenministerium. Das TTPI ermöglichte den USA, abseits der Insel Guam weitere Militärstützpunkte zu errichten und zudem Kernwaffentests auf den Inselgruppen durchzuführen. Bereits 1946 wurden Atombomben getestet. 1954 wurde ihre stärkere Nachfolgerin, die Wasserstoffbombe, auf dem Bikini-Atoll der Marshallinseln erstmals gezündet. Neben militärischen Vorsätzen gab es auch zivile: Die UN verlangte von der US-Verwaltung, nationales Bewusstsein in der in Stämmen lebenden Bevölkerung zu erwecken sowie die Wirtschaftsentwicklung zu fördern. 1967 begannen Beratungen über die Zukunft der Inseln und 1970 schließlich erhielten die Mikronesier das Recht auf Souveränität.[6]
      Am 10. Mai 1979 ratifizierten die vier späteren Bundesstaaten die Verfassung der so gegründeten Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien und unterzeichneten einen Vertrag über die freie Assoziation mit den USA, den Compact of Free Association (COFA), der deren Zuständigkeit für die Verteidigung sowie finanzielle Unterstützungen festschreibt. Der Vertrag trat am 3. November 1986 in Kraft. 1991 wurden die Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien endgültig unabhängig.
      Siehe auch: National Register of Historic Places in den Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien

      Die Anzahl der Geburten pro Frau lag 2020 statistisch bei 2,8. Auf 1000 Einwohner kamen im selben Jahr 20,8 Geburten und 6,1 Todesfälle. Die Lebenserwartung bei Geburt lag 2020 bei 70,7 Jahren (Frauen 74,5, Männer 67,1). Im Jahr 2010 betrug das Median-Alter 21,5 Jahre. Das Bevölkerungswachstum lag zwischen 2010 und 2020 bei + 0,17 Prozent pro Jahr. Das Land hat eine hohe Auswanderungsrate.

      Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien
      Jahr Einwohnerzahl Jahr Einwohnerzahl
      1920 29.660 1973 62.731
      1925 29.810 1980 73.160
      1930 29.727 1989 95.741
      1935 29.920 1994 105.506
      1958 39.289 2000 107.008
      1967 50.172 2010 102.843

      Die größte und politisch dominante Volksgruppe mit etwa 49,3 % Bevölkerungsanteil sind die Chuukesen (einschließlich Mortlockesen). Daneben sind auch die Pohnpeianer mit 29,8 % Einwohneranteil eine einflussreiche Volksgruppe. Weitere mikronesische Volksgruppen sind die Kosraeaner mit 6,3 %, die Yapesen mit 5,7 % und die Yap-Außeninselbewohner mit 5,1 % Gesamtbevölkerungsanteil. 1,6 % der Bevölkerung werden als Polynesier betrachtet; 1,4 % als Asiaten. Andere Volksgruppen machen 0,8 % der Gesamtbevölkerung aus (alle Zahlen Schätzungen von 2010).

      Das Land hat sieben offizielle Sprachen: Englisch, Yapesisch, Pohnpeanisch, Kosraeanisch, Chuukesisch, Ulithisch und Woleaianisch.
      Weitere Sprachen sind unter anderem Mokilesisch, Mortlockesisch, Pingelapisch, Puluwatesisch, Satawalesisch, Namonuito, Pááfang, Nukuoro, Kapingamarangisch und das Ngatik Men’s Creole.
      Die meisten Einwohner beherrschen Englisch zumindest in Grundzügen. Viele alte Einwohner sprechen fließend Japanisch. Viele sprechen eine oder mehrere der einheimischen Sprachen. Einige dieser Sprachen wurden während der Geschichte zunächst von Spanisch und Deutsch, dann von Japanisch und in letzter Zeit vor allem von Englisch beeinflusst.

      Im Großen und Ganzen ist Mikronesien aufgrund der deutschen und spanischen Kolonialgeschichte christlich geprägt. Die spanische Herrschaft führte dazu, dass noch ein Großteil der Bevölkerung römisch-katholisch ist. Während der deutschen Kolonialzeit bis 1914 kamen auch protestantische Missionare aus dem Kaiserreich zum Einsatz.
      Gemäß der Volkszählung von 2010 sind 54,7 % der Bevölkerung römisch-katholisch und 38,5 % Kongregationalisten. Protestantische Minderheiten sind die Baptisten (1,1 %), die Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten (0,8 %) und die Assembly of God (0,7 %). Zur Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, einer mormonischen Glaubensgemeinschaft, bekennen sich 1,5 % der Bevölkerung. Andere Glaubensgemeinschaften machen 2,0 % der Einwohner aus.

      Statistisch gesehen gehören die Menschen der Föderation von Mikronesien und auf Nauru mit zu den dicksten Menschen der Welt. Über drei Viertel der Bevölkerung hat starkes Übergewicht, was auf eine landestypische und ortsbedingte Ernährung zurückzuführen ist.
      Die von der WHO am 11. März 2020 als Pandemie erklärte COVID-19-Erkrankung erreichte die Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien mit einer Verzögerung von rund zweieinhalb Jahren Mitte Juli 2022. Siehe dazu den Artikel COVID-19-Pandemie in den Föderierten Staaten von Mikronesien.

      Die mikronesische Fußballauswahl ist weder Mitglied der FIFA noch des OFC. Mikronesien verfügt über ein eigenes Nationales Olympisches Komitee, welches bereits seit den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2000 immer Athleten zu Sommerspielen entsendet hat.
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    • Giorno 530

      Spotting Kosrae (Tofol)

      23 dicembre 2016, Micronesia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      I love pulling islands out of the sea. After 5 days and 511 nm I arrived at #Kosrae, the #jewel of the #FederatedStatesofMicronesia I hear there's treasure hidden here somewhere. #sailthepacific #sailing #imonaboatLeggi altro

    • Giorno 5

      Sokehs Rock

      22 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      I spent a sweltering afternoon hiking up a ridge to an overlook with a view of Sokehs Rock, Kolonia Town and the airport. Along the way, I came across several rusting old tanks from World War II.

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    • Giorno 5

      Nan Madol

      22 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      The standout sightseeing highlight of this trip was, without question, Nan Madol, a fort-like series of stone structures just off the coast of Pohnpei and about two hours by boat from the main town of Kolonia. It was built around 800 years ago in a remarkable feat of engineering, as the basalt used in its construction is not found anywhere nearby. The people who lived there apparently did not leave artifacts, so there are a lot of unanswered questions about the origins and purpose of the place.

      I went to Nan Madol with my client's staff - Tony, Cheryl, and Michelle on a half-day trip. The small boat took about two hours through waters that got somewhat rough once we went past the reef barrier. Approaching Nan Madol was one of those surreal "whoa" moments; I needed a few moments to take it all in. But then something black and slimy distracted me... sea cucumbers... thousands of them in the knee high water where our boat anchored. I grabbed a couple and started a squirting war!

      We spent a couple of hours exploring the ruins. We didn't really know much about the complex and what it was used for, but it was still an awe inspiring trip.

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    • Giorno 3

      The Village

      20 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      On our second day, my client’s staff Tony, Cheryl, and Michelle trooped out to The Village, which is a high end resort, for lunch. The views from there were quite impressive. My friend Scott, who used to live on Pohnpei, asked me to look out for a three legged dog at The Village that was once his. I was happy to report back to him that the dog was healthy and happy.

      On the way back to Kolonia, we stopped at a village that was known for its handicrafts made from local mangrove wood and shells. I purchased a couple of turtle themed souvenirs. Before leaving Pohnpei, I was given a heart shaped handicraft by a local official.

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    • Giorno 2


      19 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Our first afternoon and our first full day were spent scouting out Kolonia and doing dry runs of my presentation in the conference room.

      On my first evening, I ate dinner at the restaurant at Cliff Hotel, where I was staying. I ate a steamed crab, which Pohnpei is famous for. While eating, Craig, a friend of a friend, came by and sought me out. We got to know each other while I ate. On my last evening in Pohnpei, I went to his house for a home cooked dinner. Craig gave me a lot of insights into the islands, the way of life, and the issues they face. Apart from Craig, I also interacted with a hotel staff who brought us sakau, a guy who gave me a ride in his truck when I hiked to Sokehs Rock, and a former Peace Corp volunteer who married a local.

      The infrastructure in Kolonia was a mixed bag:

      - The roads in Kolonia were badly potholed and waterlogged, but there is one nice sealed cross-island road maintained by the US military for strategic purposes.

      - Many of the cars are imported used from Japan, and they have steering wheels on the right. There wasn't a lot of traffic and most drivers steered their cars to avoid potholes. It took me a while to realize that people were actually supposed to drive on the right.

      - The most impressive building in town was FSM Telecom, but the roads in front were in poor shape. I popped in to purchase a $20 calling card to call Jeff. It did not work. Other people also reported the same issue.

      - We attended the opening ceremony for the conference in a brand spanking new gymnasium built by the Taiwanese in the hope of securing favorable fishing rights. The opening ceremony began in the afternoon. When we stepped out after sundown, it was pitch black with no street lighting.

      - There were a number of rusted out ship hulls in the bay.

      - There are no vets on the island. Once a year, a vet will come in from Guam. Some expats take their pets to Guam for treatment.

      Foodwise, I was really surprised to see how cheap the meals were. A set lunch at the nicest restaurant cost only $5.50, and with it we got either fried lapu lapu fish or chicken, rice, a side of tuna sashimi, a cup of vegetable soup from a can, and shredded cabbage with thousand island dressing. However, meals utilizing produce not from the islands (e.g., beef) were much more expensive. I also stepped into a grocery and found a depressingly small amount of fresh vegetables on display. According to Craig, only the hardiest vegetables - namely carrots and cabbage - are imported because they can survive the boat journey over.

      Without doubt, the star of the show was the mangrove crab. I ate a number of crab meals, both at the hotel restaurants and at meals provided as part of the conference. The crabs were huge and succulent.

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    • Giorno 6

      Pohnpei to Kosrae

      23 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Continental Micronesia CS956 | PNI/KSA
      Economy Class
      N14249 | Boeing 737-800
      ATD/1335 | ATA/1412

      My client arranged for a 1045 pickup from our hotel. It was a little too early for my liking, but I went with it anyway. We drove through Kolonia town one last time, and then along the causeway that links the airport to the main island. Along the way, there were a few signs admonishing people against drinking and driving, but interestingly there are no DUI laws in Pohnpei.

      Arrived at the terminal at 1100. Check-in was already open. CO is the only carrier operating into PNI (and KSA, for that matter), and both desks were theirs. I was surprised to see that they used computers to check-in. I somehow expected CO to use manual check-in given the telecommunications structure at PNI and the fact that they only process relatively small numbers of passengers. I asked for an aisle seat (American Express Travel couldn’t get me an assigned seat) and he gave me 12C on the exit. I was then advised to wait for the airport tax collector to arrive, and the check-in agent advised that he would hold my boarding pass until she arrived.

      While waiting for the airport tax collector, I browsed through the souvenir stands. It housed the usual collections of knick-knacks, but there was a random collection of about ten used CDs selling for $5 each. They included Jane’s Addiction’s Ritual De Lo Habitual (alas, not with the classic cover artwork but the version with the white album cover and Perry Ferrell’s diatribe about “intellectual mosquitoes” on the inside) and a Steppenwolf CD (can’t remember which album). While waiting for the airport tax collector, one of the hotel staff came to say goodbye, and the Assistant to the Director of the Economic Development Authority came and gave us cooked mangrove crabs to take back with us!

      The airport tax collector finally came at 1210. I was sweating buckets by then because the airport check-in lounge is not air-conditioned. I paid my $10 and got my boarding pass. I then went to the restroom, only to find red betel nut spit all over the urinals. Ewwww. Back in the check-in area, a tourism board employee asked me to fill in a survey form, and I gladly did so.

      Walking into the air-conditioned security screening area at 1245 was a relief. There were no x-ray machines there (same as KSA and MAJ) and all hand luggage was hand searched. I was asked to turn on my laptop. Fortunately, I did not set off the metal detector, so I avoided getting wanded.

      The departure hall was a small room. On one wall were clocks displaying the time in various cities, but almost all of them were not working. There were also two Air Nauru posters (are they still flying?). There were about 40 passengers in the departure hall.

      Boarding began at about 1300, and the airport security staff starting doing random hand searches as people boarded, which didn't make sense as the security screening area was only 50 feet away and nobody could go anywhere else from there. I got selected for the random search and I had to turn on and shutdown my laptop all over again. This time I had to take off my shoes too.

      Walking through the bright sunshine to board N14249, I walked on to see the US ambassador to the FSM in BusinessFirst. A man was in my seat – 12C – and he asked if I could take 12D because that was his assigned seat and his wife was in 12B. I said ok. Behind us on 14BCD were three Mormon missionaries, and a very large man was in 14F. At the exit, I noticed that some of the exit door instructions were in Spanish. (Bear in mind my earlier comments about the inconsistent use of different languages in the signage on the outbound aircraft). As I got myself settled in, a flight attendant walked by with entry forms for KSA.

      Aircraft door was closed by 1330, and we started taxiing at 1335. The aircraft taxied to the western end of the runway 09 and we took off in an easterly direction. 11D was marked “For Flight Attendant Use Only” and one of the flight attendants sat there for takeoff. There was also a mechanic on board and he had a seat in the forward section of coach. The load on the sector was about 60% – there was at least one empty seat per row. Flying time to KSA was about 1 hour.

      Drinks were served while we were still climbing. I got a pack of mini pretzels and a whole can of diet coke. The napkins this time had a floral design – on the outbound flights we had some advertising online check-in and some advertising the fact that CO’s flight attendants spoke over 30 languages.

      During the flight, the ambassador walked through the cabin talking to the Americans on board. He only went back to his seat as we were descending into KOS, and he disembarked there. The large man in 14F snored loudly throughout the flight. We descended through cloud cover and landed smoothly, and the snoring man did not wake up! After landing, we turned around on the runway – that was when I saw that we stopped just before the “piano keys” at the end of the runway – and taxied to the terminal.
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    • Giorno 2

      Kosrae to Pohnpei

      19 luglio 2003, Micronesia ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Continental Micronesia CS957 | KSA/PNI
      Economy Class
      N14250 | Boeing 737-800
      ATD/1315 | ATA/1417

      Transit passengers were allowed to disembark at the airport. There were no other aircraft on the tarmac.

      In the check-in hall, there were several vendors. Most of them sold tangerines (I later found out that they were widely regarded as the best around), chili lime sauce, and various trinkets. One also had a mangrove crab on sale for $8, and another sold jars of local shellfish preserved in a lime juice-based brine. Even the Captain and First Officer disembarked to buy tangerines. I took the chance to chat with them, and they said that they flew all six sectors through to Guam. The Captain said that this wasn’t too tiring because the skies and airports were uncongested and there weren’t too many hassles to deal with. As with Majuro, the hall was filled with people. Over the PA system, a CO staff was asking for volunteers to offload themselves because the flight was oversold.

      I made my way back to the departure hall (which had only two check-in counters), past security and back onto the aircraft where I lined up to use the lavatory. Inside the galley, Evelyn was cutting slices off a quarter of a watermelon, and she offered me some, which I gratefully accepted. As soon as I got back to my seats, I warned the large guy at the window that the plane was likely to be full. To my surprise, no one claimed the seat between us, and I could count about ten empty seats when the door was closed. I wondered why they were making announcements in the terminal asking people to volunteer to fly another day, and I guessed it was because of weight restrictions. This was confirmed later – a day after my arrival in PNI I learned that quite a number of passengers were denied boarding at KSA, including one of my client’s staff who was boarding there.

      The aircraft taxied to the other end of the runway, turned around, and the pilots revved up the engines while the brakes were still on. This caused the aircraft to shake quite a bit. They then disengaged the brakes, and the engines roared as we began the takeoff roll. Takeoff was very powerful and we were up in no time. I later found out that because the runway at KSA is short, even the smallest amount of rain would cause some CO pilots to overfly KSA. There was a slight drizzle that day, and the pilots must have been concerned. This probably also explains the denied boarding at KSA. I also learned from someone at PNI that CO recently told KSA that they must improve the runway, otherwise they may consider withdrawing service. Apparently, Chuuk was given this same ultimatum a few years ago and they now have a much better runway.

      Flying time to PNI was about 56 minutes. The flight attendants came round with snacks. Ron distributed the mini pretzels and he gave a chuckle about my “slumming it” comment when he handed me my pack. Evelyn took my drink order, and she laughed heartily when I asked for watermelon juice. In the end I settled for yet another diet coke, and I didn’t get the whole can this time.

      We descended through significant cloud cover, and it was a little bumpy. Like KSA, Pohnpei was very mountainous and lush. It was beautiful. We made a hard-ish landing, and when Ron made his welcome announcement he admonished us to be careful when opening the overhead compartments because our hand carry bags “would definitely have shifted after that landing”.

      I disembarked from the aircraft onto a wet tarmac and walked to the terminal. There were several dozen people on the roof of the terminal looking at us. Because a large number disembarked here, immigration was slow to process all of us. The immigration officer was very polite and he took the time to ask me how to pronounce my name. He even asked for my permission to stamp my passport (erm… of course you can, after all how many people have FSM immigration stamps in their passports?) I don’t think he had encountered a Singapore passport before, so he took a bit longer with mine. Despite the short delay in getting past immigration, this was a refreshing change from the usual surly and sometimes downright rude immigration officers one often meets in the US. After that, I went into the baggage claim area. As with the other airports, the baggage claim consisted of a metal counter about six feet long. Only a limited number of bags could be loaded on, and many people crowded round it. I learned later that some bags were not delivered, but the owners of those bags were not able to report it before the aircraft took off again. They did get their bags the next day, though. As I did not check-in any bags, I went through customs and into the arrival hall. There was a cheery chaos there because so many were arriving for the conference. There were people greeting the delegates, and instead of leis (as is the practice in Hawaii) they presented them with a headband of flowers. Even though I wasn’t a delegate, I still got one. I waited for my client’s staff to come out into the arrival hall, and once we were all accounted for, we packed into a van to get to our hotel.

      While in PNI, I found out that one of my client’s staff used to be a GUM-based flight attendant some time ago. She told me stories about her time with CO when they flew 727s on the island hopper, including how Micronesian passengers sometimes chewed betelnut on board and spat them out into the airsick bags, hairy landings in heavy rain, and pilots having to abort landings because of wild pigs on the runway.
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    • Giorno 26
    • Giorno 63

      Chuuk Atoll

      23 febbraio, Micronesia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Um 8 Uhr im Atoll Chuuk
      Sollten tendern, jedoch keine
      Geeignete Pier gefunden, sehr traurig
      2 stunden vergeblich gewartet

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    Federated States of Micronesia, Mikronesien, Micronesia, Federasi Mikronesia, Mikronesië, Maekronehyia, Föderierte Staaten von Mikronesien, ሚክሮኔዢያ, Estatos Federatos de Micronesia, ميكرونيزيا, مايكرونيزيا, Estaos Federaos de Micronesia, Mikronesiya, Микронезия Федератив Штаттары, Maykronisya, Мікранезія, Микронезия, Обединени Щати, Mikironesi, মাইক্রোনেশিয়া, མའི་ཀོ་རོ་ནེ་ཤི་ཡ།, মাইক্রোনেশিয়া তিলপারাষ্ট্র, Mikronezia, Mikronezija, Микронези, Micronèsia, Микронезин Федеративни штаташ, Pederadong Estados sa Micronesia, ویلایەتە فیدراڵییەکانی مایکرۆنیزیا, Mikroneziya, Mikronézie, Микронезин Федеративлă Штачĕсем, Mikronesiens Forenede Stater, Dewletê Mikronezyayê Federali, މައިކްރޮނޭޝިއާ, Mikronesia nutome, Μικρονησία, Mikronezio, Microneesia, Mikronesia, Estaus Federaus de Micronésia, میکرونزی, Mikoronesii, Micronésie, Micronèsie, Mikroneezje, An Mhicrinéis, Na Meanbh Eileanan, માઇક્રોનેશિયા, Steatyn Conastit y Vynneeys, Mikuronesiya, Federalne Države Mikronezije, מיקרונזיה, माइक्रोनेशिया, Mikwonezi, Mikronézia, Szövetségi Államok, Միկրոնեզիա, Pederado nga Es-estado ti Mikronesia, Federata Stati di Mikronezia, Mikrónesía, ミクロネシア連邦, მიკრონეზია, Микронезия Федерациялық Штаттары, មិក្រូនេស៊ី, ಮೈಕ್ರೋನೇಶಿಯಾ, 미크로네시아, مایکرۆنیزیا, Statys Kesunys Mikronesi, Foederatae Micronesiae Civitates, Mikuronezya, Federaol Staote vaan Micronesië, Mikronezi, ໄມໂຄນິເຊຍ, Mikronēzija, Mikrônezia, Микронезија, മൈക്രോനേഷ്യ, Микронезийн Холбооны Улс, मायक्रोनेशिया, Persekutuan Mikronesia, Mikronesja, မိုက်ခရိုနီးရှားနိုင်ငံ, ایالات فدرال میکرونزی, Eben Oning, Micronesia Liân-pang-kok, Mikronesiaføderasjonen, माइक्रोनेसिया, Micronesië, Eʼeʼaahjí Tónteel bikáaʼgi Kéyah Yázhí dah Ndaaʼeełgo Ałhidadiidzooígíí, ମାଇକ୍ରୋନେସିଆ, Микронезийы Федеративон Штаттæ, ਮਾਈਕ੍ਰੋਨੇਸ਼ੀਆ ਦੇ ਸੰਘੀ ਰਾਜ, Fedaraeted Staits o Mikronesya, Federalne Stany Mikronezji, مائکرونیشیا, Micronésia, Mikrunisya, Mikoroniziya, Micronezia, Mikoronesiya, Микронезия Федератив Штаттара, Stati Fidirati di Micronesia, Federatit States o Micronesie, Mikronezïi, Mikronezėjė, Feterisitete o Micronisia, Féderasi Mikronésia, மைக்ரோனேஷியா, మైక్రోనేశియ, ไมโครนีเซีย, Mga Estadong Pederado ng Mikronesya, Mikolonisia, Mikronezya Federal Eyaletleri, Микронезия Федератив Штатлары, مىكرونېزىيە فېدېراتسىيىسى, Мікронезія, Mikroneziya Federativ Shtatlari, Mi-crô-nê-xi-a, Smala-Seanuäns, Réew yu Bennoo yu Mikronesi, Микронезин Ниицәтә Орн Нутгуд, Orílẹ́ède Makoronesia, 密克羅尼西亞聯邦, 密克罗尼西亚, i-Micronesia

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