Laguna de Jiloá

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    • Jour 262

      Our Last Day 'Behind Bars'

      20 avril 2016, Nicaragua ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Back in Belize Karl was offered a Tombstone Park Ranger job. He's been hoping to work in parks in the Yukon since moving to the territory, but the timing never worked out with all the summer trips he's been on over the last few years. So it seemed like this time it was appropriate to prioritize work (for a change!) and accept the position, even though it required an April 25th start date and would result in us not reaching our intended destination of Panama. Holly hummed and hawed about continuing the trip alone, but finally decided that it wouldn't be as fun to push on without her trusty travel companion, just to make it to an arbitrary destination. So with flights out of Managua to end this trip, and hopes to continue south to Patagonia at some point in the future, we plan to start the next leg of the journey back in Nicaragua when we are finally ready to continue onward south.

      We started our last day of biking with a sunrise ride in good company. However, after 20 km of pedaling with Matt and Michelle, our routes diverged and we wished them well in their final two weeks of biking to San Jose, Costa Rica. We followed the road along Lago Managua with Volcan Momotombo and Volcan Momotombito in view. We spent mid-day at Lago de Xiloa, enjoying the cool water during the heat of the day, before making our final push to Managua.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Laguna de Jiloá, Laguna de Jiloa


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