Een 10-daags avontuur van Norah Meer informatie
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  • Day 8 - Morning Ride with jumps

    19 juli 2019, Botswana ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    Another beautiful day in Botswana! Back on the horse at 7am after our lovely breakfast, time for new adventure. Today we'd have a longer morning ride, as we would have a walking safari in the afternoon. off we go now!

    For our morning ride, Mpho took us to an “eventing” area with natural obstacles such as trees and bushes. All riders who wanted to take some jumps could follow Mpho, those who didn't want to stay with Mmushi. Lara took some of the jumps, myself I stayed with non-jumpers to take some lovely shots. Jasmine her white horse used to be a show jumper, so the horse was very excited to jump. Lovely to see!

    We ended the ride by passing along a human-made dam. This dam is made to prevent the full area to flood with water and limit it to certain areas, creating basins. We even saw a huge snail shell proving the presence of continuous water in this area. It was the size of my hand, so big! I asked Mpho if I could keep the shell, but in Botswana the saying says: "your footprints in the sand will be the only leftovers". So, I put back the shell and enjoyed good picture afterwards. Back to the camp for lunch now, mmm!
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  • Last evening - Mashatu Tree Camp

    19 juli 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    At 3pm, we all gathered around the jeeps with Mpho and Mmushi. They would take us to the Mashatu Tree Camp for the final sunset in Botswana all together. The drive would take 1 hour, but it didn't feel that long because we were driving through the jungle spotting some more animals. In a strange way, this proofs that time itself can also be relatively.

    And so we arrived at the camp after a bumpy ride, noticing this amazing new constructed tree house. The roof and walls were not yet finished, but we could already climb inside to observe it. It was beautiful! Built just next to the river bank, this is the perfect spot to see many animals and admire them with a sunset and drinks.

    But time for our walking safari first. Mpho took his gun and walked ahead of the group. We bumped into interesting observations, such as mud on the trees from the elephant. They usually take a mud bath in the river and then scrub it off by using the trees, so that only a thin layer remains on their skin. Mpho explained it's a natural sun protector.

    We also saw the Morula tree, the National tree of Botswana. About everything of this tree can be used: (1) the fruit is used for wine, (2) the tree for fencing and (3) the leaves as medicine but also to harvest the edible caterpillars and larvae from it. These caterpillars are canned and sold in food market across Botswana. This tree means a lot to the people from Botswana, therefore is was named as the National tree.

    We continued to walk to search the crocodile of this area. Mpho knew for sure he would be around, so he walked in front with his gun in case of. We arrived at a small pond with just few water left, and there we spotted the crocodile! Mpho asked us to be really silent so we could approach the animal from closer by. A smallest misstep by someone on a branch could scare the animal away back in the water. It felt very unnatural to walk step by step closer to a crocodile, but we trusted Mpho to protect us. Finally, we were able to come so closely the crocodile and get some beautiful shots. Mpho even told us to sit down next to it, because the animal was sleeping. We just had to keep low profile, or it would run away. Such an amazing feeling!

    We walked back to the tree house to enjoy the sunset with some drinks and talks. It was an amazing moment looking out over that river, scouting animals. Back home now for our final dinner! The group enjoyed our last meal with amazing stories to share. Time for bed now and new dreams about this amazing journey. Goodnight Botswana!
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  • Day 9 - Final morning ride

    20 juli 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    There it was: The last time getting up in this beautiful lodge and environment in Botswana. Mpho woke us up again at 6am with fresh tea, but it was truly hard to get out of our beds. Can't we stay here forever and enjoy this moment non-stop? We had to pack our bags quickly, getting dressed for horse riding and lovely breakfast.

    Today we only had to be back in the horizon camp of Botswana around 10.30am, giving us a good ride when we'd start at 7am. You'd think: What can you see for that morning ride, probably some antelopes and that's it? Nothing less was true: we saw our friends the giraffes again and experienced crazy stories with elephants and galloping zebras!

    The story with a young boy elephant started quite soon after we took of with the horses from the camp. The young elephant wanted to charge at us, and unlike last time, Mpho seemed to struggle to scare him away. He seemed to always come back at us, ignoring his hand clapping and whistling. We saw the adults’ approach from the other side of the hill, so Mpho knew it wasn't the safest place anymore for the group. However, as explained you can never let the young boy elephant win from you by charging. They simply cannot learn that as good behaviour towards humans. So Mpho finally succeed in scaring him away by going really close forward to the animal himself, so that the group could be led to a safer place. What an amazing moment to experience on our last ride!

    When we were almost arriving back at the camp, we had another amazing moment. All of the sudden a group of zebras was scared by our gallop, so they all ran away in this amazing group formation with their beautiful stripes. They came across our path, cantering along with us, almost so perfectly synchronised. For a moment I felt residing in some sort of dream, with stripes, horses and beautiful sunlight. It was the perfect closure of our last ride. Thank you Botswana, thank you Hitachi my horse, thank you Mpho and Mmushi!!
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  • Time to go home now

    20 juli 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    We arrived back at Horizon Botswana camp to hand over our horses. It was a painful moment, because now we knew it was real: time to go back home. Lindy, the Stable Manager, gave a warm welcome back at the camp and invited us for lunch. First, we had the possibility to shower and put on some more comfortable traveling cloths. It felt so weird to be back in my jogging for the airplane. Later during lunch Richard was reading us a beautiful poem about Africa from one of the reading books from Horizon, the perfect closure of the whole week.

    Finally, Abraham was waiting for us with the van. Time to see goodbye to everyone and head back home. One of the volunteers Jasmine was coming with us after her 2,5-month internship at the stables. It was emotional to see how Lindy had organized a goodbye moment with all of the staff her, with songs and hugs. Laura was there as well to say goodbye!

    The drive was 5 hours from Botswana Pont drift to South-Africa Johannesburg, but the time passed by really quickly. We were exchanging pictures, making these amazing jokes and stories and we passed along our contact details. Then it was time to say goodbye to the group in the airport of Johannesburg and go our separate ways. Lara and I bought some gifts for our parents and sister, and then it was time to go back to Belgium (stop in Cairo). Bye bye!

    Ps: On the airplane from Cairo to Brussel (12h), Lara had to jump in as a doctor. One of the flight attendants got sick, so they requested a doctor on board. As Lara graduated as doctor 1,5 years ago, she was apparently the only one with experience. All went well, the lady just a had a low blood pressure and needed to lay down and got some sugar. Well done Lara! Ending the trip with a positive note.

    Thank you, Horizon South-Africa: Owen, Bianca (guides), Bryan (Chef) and Abraham.
    Thank you, Horizon Botswana: Mpho, Mmushi (guides), Lindy and Laura (Stable Managers) and the whole team of kitchen staff and helping hands.

    Thank you everyone, we will cherish this forever.
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