Israel 2015

maj - juni 2015
En 34-dags äventyr från Paul Läs mer
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  • Dag 27

    Caesarea Philippi

    2 juni 2015, Palestina ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Pagan worship: Pan, Ashera, etc. Several temples in this area. This is also the area where Jesus asked his disciples "Who do you say that I am?" When you're standing right here, you understand that saying you're the Messiah has significance in a place like this.

    That large cave in the photos was also believed to be the gate to the underworld. Near this place Jesus said to Peter, "On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it."
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  • Dag 27

    Golan Ridge (Bental Cone)

    2 juni 2015, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Signs of the modern war that raged in these parts. We could hear evidence of Syria's infighting from this spot (mortar and tank fire). From this vantage, we could see burned out towns on the border of Syria and Israel. To this day, U.N. observers sit there, documenting gun-shots and bombs. They were very interesting to talk to.Läs mer

  • Dag 27

    Morning in Nazareth

    2 juni 2015, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I have a quick moment and a hint of wifi, so I thought I would try to post. Just a quick update on our travels yesterday that landed us here in Nazareth. This is as much for me to remember as for you to read.

    We started the day heading to the coast and Caesarea Maritima, yet another monument to the incredible genis and diaboloical nature of Herod the Great. Unlike an architect like Frank Lloyd Wright who tried to work with the landscape, Herod's goal was to subdue it. The seaport he built at Caesarea Martitima was a momumental achievement to this end. He used a relatively unknown medium (concrete the hardens underwater) to build his seaport. He brought in something like 400 ships, each loaded with 44 tons of the stuff needed to make the concrete. He had people working for him who would dredge the harbor there by hand. Yes, swim down with containers and and bring up sand to be hauled away. Herod's way of thinking was just so grand. Nothing was out of the realm of possibility. Caesarea is also the place where Peter came to share the gospel with the Gentiles for the first time and where Paul was imprisoned for two years.

    We headed back east along Mt. Carmel to a place to overlook the Jezreel Valley, then on to Meggido. Meggido was such an important town in ancient history and although Biblical events are limited on that very spot it was in close proximity to some good ones. Wish I had a bit more time to post, but people are starting to file in for breakfast. :)

    Anyway, we ended the day in modern Nazareth (literally thousands of times larger than tiny ancient Nazareth). It's hard to get a feel for ancient Nazareth amid the car horns and blaring techno music, but if you try hard enough, as always, you can get a sense of the place. Small town. VERY small town. A town where one would not want to suddenly be "pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit." Joy was shared by families and from family to family. So was shame.

    Mary was a lot braver than I am.

    Sorry for the limited post. I'll get you next time when we get to Galilee tonight.
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  • Dag 28

    Sea of Galilee

    3 juni 2015, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Almost no time this morning except a quick run-down of where we went yesterday. Reflections will have to come later. Hazor, Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Golan Ridge (OT Bashan) and then on to Azeka (I think... or is it Aphek? The names start to blend a little bit..) where I write from. By far, this is the most luxurious site we've been to. We're right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, complete with a beautiful man-made, white sand beach (reminiscent of Herod?). We were all swimming and having fun last evening, then went back down for a night swim around 10:30. Swimming at night on the Sea of Galilee? It's more like a Hawaiian vacation!

    Which is why I'm glad we get another night here. :)

    More later. I've got a boat to catch.
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  • Dag 29

    Lower Galilee

    4 juni 2015, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    We had some extra time to sleep in this morning, so I set my alarm for 6:30, thinking I'd get caught up on some sleep. It's 5:45 and I'm wide awake. I hate it when that happens.

    Yesterday we spent some time exploring lower Galilee. This doesn't mean the southern side of the Lake of Galilee, but rather a place that's lower in elevation from upper Galilee, a mountain range to our north. It's mainly around the north side of the lake even though it's called "Lower." That might be hard to visualize, but there it is. We started the day with a boat ride across the Sea (Lake) of Galilee (I guess this is a must do for tourists). There was actually a pretty cool moment when the boat guy stopped in the middle of the lake and played super old, super cheesy worship songs and our whole group lifted voices and eyes to heaven in praise. It was another one of those moments, you know? Being a part of the "the church" on the Sea of Galilee, singing praise to the Creator in the middle of the lake. Even though our voices echoed off of nothing, we were heard.

    We disembarked on the north side of the lake and made our way up to Capernaum. This is the town that, on a few occasions in the gospels, is called "Jesus own town" and his "home." It is likely the home of Peter and his family. It was here that Jesus healed the man lowered by his faithful friends through a broken ceiling. The conversation of the day was a converasation about authority. "By whose authority" angry men ask. Jesus taught by an authority that certainly wasn't given to him by the Jewish leaders of the day, so they want to know. We know who gave Jesus the authority to speak, but that's because we witnessed the transfiguration along wih Peter and John. They hadn't, so it was a legtimate question. Jesus answered the question by doing what only God could do: forgive and heal a lame man and send him walking back through the thick crowds.

    Mt. Arbel is a high and very rocky mountain that juts up into the skyline on the west shore of the lake, near the town of Tiberias. I'll post pictures when I have my computer back. You can see it from the north and east shores. It doesn't necessarily dominate the skyline, but it stands out in sharp relief because of its craggy and imposing appearance. When our professor said, "We're going up there!" I got pretty excited. Mt. Arbel is an important site to modern Israelis because it was the site of another Jewish revolt where Roman soldiers had to work long and hard to oust a group of rebels holde up in mountain caves and on sides of cliffs.

    For Christians, the site doesn't hold specific Biblical reference, but our professor made a strong case that two important, geographically undetermined events happened here. He believes that both the sermon on the mount and the Great Commission happened on this spot. As we sat on top of the 1200 foot cliff, it was not hard to picture Jesus looking across the lake to Hippus, a Roman city that appealed in its worldliness, set high on a hill and saying, "No, YOU, oh, Israel, are the city on the hill." It's not hard to picture him looking down at the village of Magda (home of Mary Magdalene on the west shore of the lake) and telling people, "You are the salt of the earth." (Magda was a town that specialized in the preservation of fish). It's not hard to picture him looking down at the International highway from these heights and using it to tell his disciples that they were to take the gospel to all corners of the earth. I have loved watching as Jesus took the things that surrounded Him and taught theology to his friends.

    That's what I have loved so much about this experience. There isn't much out here in Lower Galilee that is "high church," with airs and pretentions. Jesus became more of a man to me out here. Like a real flesh and muscle man. I think back home, I have a better grip on the God-side of Jesus. I can picture him floating above the water and healing people. But Jesus didn't float everywhere. He walked on caloused and dirty feet. It's no easy hike to the top of Mt. Arbel. You don't get to the top without sweating and panting.

    You don't walk these hills and swim these seas without getting the scent of human all over you.
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