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  • Day 166–168

    Cycling days 3-4: Ozu -> Tokawa

    April 26 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    81km and 910m ascent. A big day so we were glad to have planned a rest for the day after.

    Lots of hills and some incredibly beautiful views of paddy fields and then lush valleys, particularly as got down into the Shimanto valley. Some of the roads were very steep and we were on a bit of a deadline trying to get to Tokawa for a check-in deadline. Oh dear when we reached a traffic block and had to wait 15 minutes. Never fear - the daily "radio taiso" came over the radio and the traffic warden showed Elli all the moves. Good for both of our flexibility and then he waved us on our way.

    Tokawa is a small and very friendly little town by the river where they had the first carp streaming festival, where they string hand made colourful streamers over the river to celebrate Children's Day. We are here in Golden Week and just before Children's Day so they were pretty impressive. We stayed in a great little backpackers house next to the railway line that was very cosy and had a much needed rest, having not really stopped at all since we were in Goa...! Phew...
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