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    Szgiet Festival

    11 augusti 2015, Ungern ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

    The day had finally come Sziget festival 2015 - the island of freedom! And boy was it worth it. Listed as the Glastonbury of Europe and crowned Europe's best festival in 2014 Sziget had a lot going for it when I discovered that Florence + machine would be playing there.

    I'd wanted to visit Budapest again as is only seen the Pest side in January, so this seemed like the perfect trip.

    Sziget goes for 7 days, but for some weird government reason (or so my hostel tells me) they aren't allowed to consider the first 2 days as part of the festival. So they are referred to as day -1 and day 0 and not everything is open on these 2 days.

    Unfortunately I was attending on day 0 so the blues / jazz tent and dance / drama tents were not open for performances. But everything else was great!

    Also Sziget is held on an island in the Danbue, hence island of freedom. But let me return to the start.

    I attended on Tuesday the 11th of August - mum's birthday. I was going to see Florence * Machine and as they were the headline act for the night, taking the stage at 9:30pm, giving me plenty of time to explore the island.

    I headed out at about 6pm to avoid the heat. Most festivals don't kick off till about 4-5 and roll in through till 3am.

    First up was getting the PayPass card. It was the only way to pay for everything on the island. And at the end of the night you got everything you didn't spend back - brilliant!! I almost think for this reason solely makes Sziget the best. I hate being forced to hand over money because festivals are chasing the £€$!!!

    It was like this amazing village with music stages, entertainment, art work & exhibitions, drinks and good areas and camping all mixing together.

    Ps I was glad I wasn't camping. It was so hot and the camping wasn't sectioned off it mixed in with everything. Not interested, plus the gear and apparently you only get 2 hours of no music all day.

    Anyway below are done of the awesome things around to do:

    I walked around to see everything, had some gins, took pictures, got stamps in my Sziget passport, has the must aewsomest sausage snd bread cone concept ever for dinner and then waited for Florence.

    The toilets were interesting. They all had lights and there was a cleaner in hand giving each one a quick clean ever few minutes - yeah!! But there was no toilet paper. I think you had to buy it. I don't know because I just walked in and used my tissues. Oh the hide of them if that's what they were doing. Talk about encouraging people to use the garden.

    When Flo came on the crowd just compacted. And after seeing aerial shuts I can see why, it was crazy! Ps they had a drone flying overhead. It was the best hour and a hand! She is an amazing performer. I must've been yelling so hard because I lost my voice for 2 days afterwards.

    The highlight was when she asked everyone to get high with them and get in people's shoulders (nice pun Flo). That's when I spotted my NZ friends! They were only about 5 people away, but I just couldn't reach them. At the end of the set, I squeezed pass the dispersing crowd and found them. It was a great reunion!

    I went with them and their gathering group of friends to sit in the UN area. We rested, are and drank. As it reached 1am they were headed off to the colosseum and I for home.

    For my final festival for the summer Sziget was great. Be prepared for the people because there are so many!!

    Until next time!

    Sziget Festival

    Official photos from the week - the birds eye view one is from Florence…
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